Meow Circulation: 197,477,540 Issue: 984 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y25
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"Fyora, Queen of… Rubbish?" by surging
Meri Acres Farm is a quaint little farm on the outskirts of Meridell. Many travelers and natives frequent this spot in Neopia for its charming aspects. There is a typical carnival game where you guess the weight of a marrow for a prize. There are two different versions of counting potatoes, regular and extreme (and yes, one does need to be radically extreme to do it successfully). There is a fun game where you protect the crops by fighting off some slorgs. There is the ever popular pick your own, where as the name implies you pick your own berries and other items you want to take home as a souvenir of your time at Meri Acres. But there is one place that is popular for all the wrong reasons: the rubbish dump. When Sam took the job of overseeing the rubbish dump he thought he would be educating on waste, recycling, and composting. He thought he would be making a difference and showing visitors to this humble farm how important handling rubbish was. At first Sam’s dreams...

Other Stories


Fyora, Queen of… Rubbish?
"Meri Acres Farm is a quaint little farm on the outskirts of Meridell. Many travellers and natives frequent this spot in Neopia for its charming aspects."

by surging


What Has Fyora Ever Done For Us?
"Large purple and gold banners adorned the ornate black gates at the entrance, and the tree branches sagged beneath miles upon miles of purple bunting, each little triangle embroidered neatly with the Faerie Queen’s name."

by spaghetti_bear


Insider Scoop: Queen Fyora's Daily Morning Routine
"Howdy, my name is Chaeldar and I run the Neopian Times Tabloids around here. I know what you're thinking, tabloids are always honest and entertaining! And that's all very true. Everything we put in our tabloids is only the truth."

by chaeldar


Reign in Style: Fyora’s Best Tips on How to Rule
"Who runs the world? Girls, obviously. But have you ever wondered what it takes to be a real queen?"

by iwonder


N1GHTM4R3: Strength of a Guardian p1
Unbeknownst to many, Xac had a super dark side...

by shellshocks


Fyora's Dress: Who Wore It Best?
Dress to Impress

by roxanna203

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