Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,477,540 Issue: 984 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y25
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Fyora's Dress: Who Wore It Best?

by roxanna203

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A Royal Blunder
Hubris, thy name is Ralvy.

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"A blaze of pink and lilac light emanated from the Southwest Tower of Faerie Palace, and for a moment, all fighting around the palace ground to a halt as Aethia looked up at the rose-colored beacon. Then she spoke the words she couldn’t believe she was finally speaking, words she had waited to speak for quite a while."

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Dressing up like Faerie Royalty
"Customising pets is one of the more popular activities you can do on the site, and is in fact, one of my favourite things to do. From Neopoint to Neocash, there is an endless list of wearables you can use to dress up your pets and make them uniquely yours."

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