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Moonrise: The Origins of Team Kreludor

by pikapi20


Chapter Two: First Contact

     Unrest consumed the surface of Kreludor. Disagreements (later revealed to be the result of a certain Doctor's machinations) between the ruler of the Orange Grundos, Xarthab, and the leader of the Purple Grundos, Zorlix, had spiralled out of control. With the Orange Grundos based in the crater fields of the northern hemisphere and the Purple Grundos dug in amongst the lava tubes of the southern hemisphere, the two sides found themselves fighting for control of the mineral-rich mines of the central plains. He who took the mines would control the Moon's economy. With the turmoil ongoing, now was not the best time to form a national Yooyuball team.

     With an invitation from the city of Altador awaiting a response from either of the two brothers it was unlikely to ever get, the council that ran the northern Orange Central Moon Base decided to take matters into their own hands. Formerly the head of marketing, Rigel was appointed the President of the newly (and unilaterally) founded Kreludan Yooyuball Federation and tasked with putting together a team for the inaugural Altador Cup in a matter of weeks. Not wanting to leave any space rock unturned, he and a small group of assistants scoured the entire Neopian planetary system for the best players they could find. And when that failed... he stopped mentioning the fighting. Which caused its own problems.

     "We're under attack!!" screamed Derlyn Fonnet as she fell out of bed.

     The Purple Gnorbu had taken to sleeping in a spacesuit for just this eventuality.

     Sirens blaring around her, she ran full speed out of the Spaced Inn.

     Only to crash into President Rigel in one of the Moon Base's many corridors.

     Sitting up somewhat woozily, the Orange Grundo frowned at his newly appointed Captain. "Oh, please just relax Fonnet," he chastised before slowly getting back to his feet, "that was just an alert for a Meteor Shower. They happen all the time." The Purple Gnorbu remained seated on the ground. Her left ear twitched in annoyance. "Look, for the last time," he tried to reassure her, "Zorlix's forces have no interest in attacking Orange Central. They're only interested in the Mines down south. We're perfectly safe here." Having failed to move her or her scowl, President Rigel spoke pointedly, "I expect you to report for Team Orientation at Grundo's Gym. I'm heading there now."

     The defender sighed heavily as she watched the administrator disappear down the corridor. This was not what Derlyn had signed up for. Having been briefed on the unrest on her arrival, she couldn't help but feel somewhat on edge. The general atmosphere in the Moon Base didn't exactly help either. It was understandably tense. Sighing again, the Purple Gnorbu spotted somepet else sat on the ground. The orange-coloured corridor was lined on one side with roof-to-floor windows that looked out onto the starless void of space. Sat gazing out over this expanse was a Green Lutari.

     Standing back up, Derlyn approached the seated pet before catching sight of what they were staring at. The crescent of Neopia. Fluffy tails wrapped around their body in order to keep them warm, the Green Lutari was lost in thought and not dressed for the cool temperatures of Orange Central. The Moon Base had a centralised heating system that kept the temperature at a constant level but it was... a bit on the temperate side. Grundos weren't fans of the heat. Which meant if you came from the warmer climes of Neopia, a shirt and shorts combo wasn't really going to keep you warm. "Hey..." the defender spoke softly, trying to garner her counterpart's attention.

     Vignacio blinked twice before turning her head. "Hm?"

     "You alright?" Derlyn queried, crouching down.

     "Yeah..." she responded before turning back to the window, "it's just..."

     "First time away from home?"

     The Green Lutari let out a weak laugh. "That obvious, huh?" Vignacio pulled her knees up to her chin before resting her head atop them as she continued to look out onto the crescent of Neopia in the distance. It was indeed the first time she had left Lutari Island. Her friends. Her family. Everything. And now looking out, her whole island was a tiny speck on a small blue sliver of light that glistened amongst the infinite darkness. She'd been so excited to embark on this new adventure. She loved adventure. Exploring the rivers, waterfalls and forests of her island home. That now felt very far away. It all did. She shivered, holding her tail even tighter.

     "Give me a second," Derlyn mumbled before heading back to her quarters at the Spaced Inn. The Orange Central Moon Base was a maze of orange-coloured corridors that led to many blue spherical pods, all of which contained a different business. Her temporary residence had hosted all manner of galactic travellers over the years but was currently exclusively catering to the newly formed Federation. Returning after a few moments, the Purple Gnorbu handed her counterpart a thick woollen jacket her parents had insisted she take with her to Kreludor just in case. The mountaintops of Shenkuu weren't exactly the warmest place in Neopia so she was thankfully used to these cooler temperatures. "Space is surprisingly cold."

     "Thanks," Vignacio responded with a grateful smile before freeing her tail and putting on the jacket. Squeezing it close, she could quickly feel herself warming up. Expanding on what her new friend had just said, she couldn't help but ask, "I guess that means you're not from around here either, then?"

     "Nope," the defender spoke with a wry smile, "I got here a few days ago." She wasn't the best at introductions. Nor having to explain the intricacies of a sport she'd only heard of fairly recently. But the Purple Gnorbu was about to have to do it yet again. "I'm Derlyn Fonnet," she said as awkwardly as ever, "the Captain of the newly formed Kreludan National Yooyuball Team." She stumbled. "Though, uh, I've heard the Altador Cup Organising Committee is planning on using shorthand for Team Names. I... just don't know what that shorthand is at the minute." And again. "But yeah, if you have any questions about Yooyuball... I can answer them?"

     "Hm." Jumping to her feet, the Green Lutari's demeanour quickly shifted. "So you're my new boss!" A broad grin appeared on her face as she introduced herself, "I'm Vignacio! Lutari Island Youth Beach Volleyball Champion, three years in a row." A wave of relief swept over Derlyn. A Beach Volleyball Champion? That sort of athleticism was just what she needed in a goalkeeper now that they were playing a sport that used a Petpet as a ball! The relief... was short-lived. "President Rigel told me we're going to be playing in defence together," she beamed to her confused teammate, "this is going to be great!"

     The Purple Gnorbu nodded politely.


     Located in one of the Orange Central Moon Base's many blue pods, the Grundo's Gym was something of a throwback to the earlier days of both the species' history on Neopia and sports fitness in general. Originally founded on the Virtupets Space Station, franchises had since sprung up all across the galaxy and beyond. The facilities on Kreludor however were somewhat dated. Amongst the motivational posters and treadmills, locals were more than happy to lift weights as they waited for the occasional Meteor Shower to pass. But when it came to preparing for an elite, multi-land sporting competition? An Orange Grundo who was loitering at the back had seen better technology in his father's bunker.

     Walking through the entrance to the newly commandeered gym with an old friend, a Blue Grundo stopped abruptly upon spotting his Orange counterpart in the distance. Quickly realising that he was bound to be one of his new teammates, the youngster panicked ever so slightly. Sensing his discomfort, the Pink Grundo he was with quickly turned on her heel to see what the matter was. Xila Kitae knew how flighty her childhood companion could be.

     "Listen..." he spoke softly before trailing off, eyes fixed to the ground.

     "Yes, Zenor Kevix?" she responded, formally as ever.

     "Maybe... just..." the Blue Grundo wasn't the most eloquent, "...don't be weird?"

     Kitae wrinkled her brow. "I don't believe I quite follow."

     Kevix sighed. The two Grundos had grown up together on the Virtupets Space Station. A simple enough statement he could repeat to others that didn't even scratch the surface of everything he and his species had gone through. Born into Dr Sloth's captivity with parents in the Resistance, the duo had done a lot of growing up before the Space Faerie rescued them and the rest of Neopia. The Blue Grundo was not cut out for the underground life though. He enjoyed tinkering with technology and playing any type of game he came across. Kitae had taken a far different path. "You know." It suited her. "Try not to sound like an undercover member of the Resistance or something...?"

     The Pink Grundo was hurt. "How dare you," she retorted, crossing her arms in disapproval, "I will have you know I finished top of my class in 'Advanced Civilian Interactions'!"

     He sighed again. Why the Resistance had insisted on submitting both of their - heavily redacted - resumes to the Kreludan Yooyuball Federation was frankly beyond him. It probably had something to do with how their obstacle course was the only part of basic training he had been able to pass but his record lap-time wasn't something he was particularly proud of. As much as his parents may have wanted him to work with their old friend Commander Valka, Kevix had been quite happy fixing the broken arcade machines on the Space Station's Amusement Level part-time. It could make a kid's day. Real-life games had more complicated problems.

     "You can't be serious," complained the Orange Grundo loudly as he approached his two counterparts at the entrance of Grundo's Gym, "THIS is the best Rigel could scrape together last minute?" Qlydae Wegg was not best pleased. The Kreludan Civil War had taken a toll on his nerves. He was the only child of General Dwaqsa, Xarthab's top Commander. As his father led the fight against the forces of Zorlix, he was left alone in Orange Central with only his thoughts for company. He'd flunked out of the Cadets as a child. There was nothing he could do to protect his home. President Rigel had told him if he joined the team he could make Kreludor proud in another way. "We don't stand a chance." Now he wasn't so sure.

     "Er, rude," mumbled Kevix with a scowl.

     "Er, no," his teammate snapped back before scowling himself. "The name is Wegg, actually." His counterparts were even more disappointing up close. Though it was the Blue Grundo he was least impressed with. "And who are you supposed to be? Virtupets' reigning Frumball Champion?"

     The Blue Grundo's eyes sank to the floor once more. His old friend was having none of it. "No, actually," Kitae corrected him, bluntly, "but he did come very close in the Final last year." To the Pink Grundo's surprise, her Orange counterpart let out a mighty laugh. She couldn't understand why that was so funny. It had been one of the closest matches in Virtupets' history. And it had been quite an achievement to get to the final in the first place! She snorted. It was then she decided her training hadn't quite covered the nuances of Kreludan culture.

     "Kitty..." Kevix winced, burying his head in his hands.

     It was going to be a long Cup.


     "This HAS to be a mistake!" Wegg protested in vain, his day going from bad to worse.

     The Orange Grundo couldn't believe it. He refused to believe it. But it had been decided.

     Which was why, upon arriving at the Grundo's Gym a few moments before the final two members of the Kreludan National Yooyuball Team, President Rigel had decided to pull Qlydae Wegg to one side to discuss the matter privately. The administrator knew the youngster wasn't likely to take the news particularly well. A reaction not helped by his original recruitment pitch. "What do you mean I'm not the Captain?!" the prospective left forward yelled, pointing at the Purple Gnorbu as she entered the pod alongside Vignacio. He was livid. He had been told he was going to lead Kreludor to victory. Lead. As in be the leader. Not as somepet's minion.

     "Sorry my boy," the elder Orange Grundo responded conciliatorily, "but the Board has made its final decision." The youngster scowled. The Kreludan Yooyuball Federation had yet to finalise its Board. "Now," President Rigel continued, ignoring the increasingly fraught atmosphere, "I know your family has an impeccable lineage when it comes to grand military leaders. You can count some of the finest warriors this Moon has produced amongst your illustrious ancestors!" Wegg was unmoved by the flattery. "However, Captain Fonnet has experience when it comes to leading sports teams to great victories. I hope you can understand."

     He didn't. Wegg really, really didn't. Victories? In what? 'Football'? He wasn't entirely sure what that was. From what he'd heard, it was like Yooyuball except you played it with your feet instead of a racket. Neither game was well-suited to Kreludor's naturally low gravity. Not that it mattered. Even if this new Captain of his did come up with a way to practise gameplay outside of the Moon Base and its artificial gravity, they couldn't. Not with the ongoing fighting. Shaking his head, the younger Orange Grundo followed his superior over to his new teammates. It was official. This was going to be a disaster.

     "Ah, good," President Rigel greeted his new recruits, "we're all here." The administrator couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved. The council had told him to put together a team and he had just about managed it. "I would like to officially welcome you all to the very first Kreludan National Yooyuball Team Meeting!" he grinned with delight, "As you all know, I am President Rigel of the Kreludan Yooyuball Federation. You have all been handpicked by me and my expert team to represent our glorious moon of Kreludor in the inaugural Altador Cup and - with any luck - leading us to a triumphant victory later this summer!" Now the elder Orange Grundo could relax. "Now, then," he spoke as he quickly made his way to the exit, "I will leave you in the quite capable hands of your new Captain, Derlyn Fonnet."

     "Wait," spluttered the Purple Gnorbu, "what?"

     Before Derlyn knew it, he was gone.

     Slightly confused, her new teammates all turned to her.


     Wegg suppressed a laugh. "Nedler got your tongue, Captain?"

     "No, I..." The defender gulped. President Rigel hadn't been kidding when he said that she would be in charge. Of everything. At least the couple of preseasons she had under her belt with The Coin Shop Collectors back in the Neopian Central Football Leagues gave her a vague idea of what she needed to do. "First up," Derlyn declared, her voice breaking ever so slightly, "is some basic training drills so I can assess everypet's general fitness." Heading over to the nearest treadmill, the Purple Gnorbu switched it on before admitting, "I need to know what I'm working with."


     The golden sun shone high overhead in the cloudless skies above the city of Altador as Day Three of the inaugural Altador Cup got underway. To the Organising Committee's collective relief, the tournament had already been a tremendous success with both the Colosseum and wider Arena District filled with excited crowds for every game so far. Having already witnessed highlights like Krawk Island's upset over Altador on Day One and the Darigan Citadel's defeat of Meridell yesterday, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation as the fans waited for the next match to begin. Cheering, shouting and ever-loudening foot stamping echoed throughout the stone stands and down into the Tunnel where the players from Team Kreludor had just lined up ready to go out onto the sandy pitch beyond.

     Captain Derlyn Fonnet closed her eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling softly. It had been a hectic couple of weeks. Getting her team up to the same level of fitness in Grundo's Gym had been... challenging. The lack of outdoor facilities on Kreludor meant basic Yooyuball principles such as passing the ball had to be practised in the corridors of the Orange Central Moon Base. Only encountering a Yooyu on arriving in Altador a week prior wasn't ideal. And getting a team full of pets who hadn't really left home before to acclimatise to such a different environment was also something else. But... they were here. And the Purple Gnorbu had faith. "Alright team, I-"

     "Fonnet," Wegg grinned, full of confidence, "we've got this..."

     The Orange Grundo trailed off as their opponents arrived.

     Opening her eyes, Derlyn spotted a familiar shadow cast on the ground.

     "Hey, Red."

     "Krell?" Turning around, the Purple Gnorbu was surprised to see an old friend. Krell Vitor. Former Captain of The Battle Magic Warriors. One of the fiercest defenders in the Neopian Central Football Leagues. A legendary footballer. "You're Captain of Team Haunted Woods?" Who was now leading his homeland in a somewhat different sport. Looking behind the Werekyrii, she could see that he had assembled a team full of monsters and magic. And that by the look on her teammates' faces, she was the only one who was excited by the prospect of pitting her wits against a Vampire and a Mummy. Each to their own.

     The Werekyrii raised an eyebrow. "I thought you liked being prepared."

     Derlyn wrinkled her freckled nose. Scouting the opposition had been near the top of her to-do list when Team Kreludor had arrived in Altador originally but she'd prioritised time on the practice pitches instead. She hoped it would pay off. "Oh, we're prepared," the defender lied whilst crossing her arms, "don't you worry about that."

     Krell smiled.

     They both knew that was her job.

To be continued…

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