There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,651,278 Issue: 995 | 3rd day of Storing, Y25
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A pound pet’s POV of daily quests

by oterwing

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Beginner Battledome Opponents to Earn Neopoints
You may have recently found yourself in possession of Illusen’s Staff after the blessings of the Faerie Festival Y25 and thought to yourself, ‘Hey, I should sell this’ – However I’m here to propose the utilisation of this weapon.

by desaday


A Light in White River
"'The wind was strong today.' Miranda Moore thought to herself as she alighted right off of Main Street. The White Pteri was used to the coastal winds that came off the sea and buffetted the coastal town of White River, Meridell..."

by hzoo_26


A Missing Piece
"Skip awoke with a start. For a moment, he lay there, wondering what had woken him. Then he heard it: a hoarse cough. He rolled out of bed, casting his Doglefox, Wes a curious look..."

by 77thbigby


Care to take a dip?

by katu_fushigi

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