Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,723,333 Issue: 999 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Knight & Squire: Preface

by terpsichorean_writer


Part Four: The War and the Stars

     The next day

     Rowan scratched his bandaged arms as he watched Sir Percival practice grappling techniques with a young Kougra. Why was he so itchy? He huffed. At the very least, it was distracting him from the pain he was reliving.

     But he needed more.

          He ambled over to a rack of wooden weapons. If only I could get some training in.

     “Don’t even think about it,” Jeran warned.

     “Bah!” Rowan jumped. He glared at the azure-furred Lupe, “I wasn’t going to touch them, Mr. Perfect.”

     “Then, why were you staring at them?” he asked.

      The little Green Ogrin sighed and tried to cross his arms, “I’m trying to distract myself, okay?”

     “Oh…,” Despite himself, Jeran winced. “I don’t blame you.” He rubbed the bridge of his snout, “Do you want to take a break for a few days?”

     Rowan’s face darkened as he stared at him with a hooded gaze, “No…” He clenched his fists. “I’m in too deep now. The sooner I get through this, the better.”

     Jeran grimaced; he didn’t like this at all. He sighed, “I’ll get Lisha and Kayla.”



     “Drink up,” Kayla handed Rowan his dose of counter potion. She smiled, “I made it less bubbly this time.”

     Rowan’s eyebrows shot up as he stared at the vial of pink liquid. Huh, no bubbles, he thought. He knocked it back in one gulp. He sighed again, “Thanks, Fizzy. Oof.” He sat down heavily on the wooden bench. The Green Ogrin stared at them, “Ready for more?”

     Lisha frowned while Kayla stayed silent. “Rowan, I’m not sure—,” the former began. The yellow-gold Aisha felt a squeeze on her right shoulder. She swiveled her head and saw the cautionary look on Jeran’s face.

     “Go ahead, Rowan,” Kayla spoke up.

     The Green Ogrin clenched his fists. “This happened shortly after Tristan left.” He stared at them momentarily, “Things should start sounding familiar.”



     Three months later...

     9-year old Rowan stared at his father, face creased with worry, “You’re going away? He threw himself into his father’s arms, “Don’t go…”

     Sir Hugo held his youngest son tightly, “Believe me, Son, I don’t want to go. But I must. Meridell needs my help fighting bad guys.”

     “But I want you here,” Rowan begged. He sniffled, “Tristan left, and now you’re leaving, too!”

     Sir Hugo fought back tears, “I know, Son. I know.” The red Blumaroo put on a fake smile, “I’ll be back soon.”

     Rowan wiped his eyes, “You promise?”

     Unbidden tears rolled down Sir Hugo’s face at the hurt in his youngest son’s voice, “I…I can’t promise that, Son.” He cupped the right side of Rowan’s face with his hand, “But I canpromise to try my very best.”

     Rowan cocked his head, “I don’t get it. You’re the best knight ever. Why can’t you promise?”

     Sir Hugo sniffed, “I just can’t. I’m sorry, Son.”

     Rowan hugged his father’s neck, “It’s okay, Daddy.”

     Sir Hugo rubbed his son’s back, “I’ll be leaving early tomorrow morning. Make sure you’re good for Uncle Desmond and Aunt Elaine.”

     Rowan nodded as he stared at his father through blurry eyes, “Will you wake me up?”

     Sir Hugo nodded, “I’ll ask Desmond to wake you up.”

     Knock, knock.

     Sir Hugo swallowed. He knew who was on the other side of the door, but he hated that sound. It reminded him of war drums. He hugged his son tighter, desperately wishing he could freeze time.

     Knock, knock.

     “I’m coming,” Sir Hugo answered in a strangled voice.


     “I’m okay, Son.” Sir Hugo inhaled deeply, “I’m okay.” He released Rowan and opened the door, hastily wiping the tears from his eyes.

     Sir Hugo was suddenly engulfed by two burly arms that began squeezing the life out of him.

     “Dear, I know he’s your brother, but I think you’re hurting him,” came a feminine voice.

     “I have to,” the owner of the arms, a yellow Kougra, replied. “Who knows when I’ll see him again? If I see him again.”

     The first speaker, a Green Zafara with sapphire eyes, slapped his arm lightly, “Desmond! I won’t hear such talk from you! Your nephew is probably nearby.”

     Desmond finally released Sir Hugo, who began gasping for air. He rubbed his arms as he tried not to cry, “I’m sorry, Elaine. I’m just… I’m just worried.”

     “I’ll…be fine, Brother,” Sir Hugo reassured. He returned his brother’s hug, “I promise to do my best to come back to you. And most importantly, to Rowan.”

     Desmond clenched his jaw. His green eyes shimmered with determination, “I wish… I wish I could go with you. You know what a great spearman I was. I could pick it back up in a heartbeat.”

     “I have no doubt you could, but your place is with Elaine,” the red Blumaroo replied. At his words, Elaine laid her head on Desmond’s scarred arms. “And the occupation you chose is just as noble as any knight, perhaps more noble. You’ve chosen to help rather than hurt. Where would Meridell be without her physicians?”

     The yellow Kougra swallowed hard, “I know, Hugo. I know. I promise to look after Rowan as if he were my own son. And I promise to do House Albion proud.”

     The red Blumaroo embraced his younger brother again, “You already have, Desmond.” He felt Desmond quiver. Sir Hugo released his younger brother and wiped his eyes, “Come. You two must be exhausted from the long journey. I’ve already asked the head chef to prepare a hardy meal for us. Let us spend these last hours together in happiness.”

     Desmond nodded. “Yes, let’s,” Elaine spoke up. “I’m excited to hear how much my two nephews have grown.”

     Sir Hugo screwed his eyes shut. Her timing couldn’t have been worse, even though it wasn’t her fault.

     “Hugo? Did I say something wrong?” Elaine asked softly.

     Sir Hugo smiled robotically at his sister-in-law, “No, you did nothing wrong, Elaine. It’s just… I haven’t told you and Desmond about Tristan yet. It’s…” His smile faded and his voice became monotone, “My wounds are still fresh.”

     Desmond eyes widened in alarm, “Wounds?! Who hurt you?!”

     Sir Hugo shook his head, “No, not physically. But I can’t say the same for my heart.”

     Elaine touched her brother-in-law’s arm, “What happened? Please, tell us. I promise to do everything in my power to help.”

     “Yes, so will I,” Desmond affirmed.

     Sir Hugo willed his tears back, “What would I do without you?” He inhaled shakily, “I… I made a mistake, but it’s too late now. I should’ve never called Tristan into my study…”

     12:00 a.m. NST

     “Rowan, wake up.” Desmond nudged his nephew’s arm. “Your father is leaving now.”

     The 9-year-old Ogrin pulled the blankets tighter around himself, “No… Just a few…more minutes.”

     The yellow Kougra gently removed the covers. “Rowan, your father is leaving. It’s time to say goodbye,” he repeated.

     His uncle’s words were like a jolt of electricity. He bolted upright, “What?! Did I miss him?! Is he gone?!”

     Desmond shook his head, “No, he’s outside. He’s been waiting for you.”

     Rowan dashed outside, his uncle close behind.



     Sir Hugo stared at the sky, speckled with innumerable stars. “Sentinels of order and light,” he said to himself. “Shine on Meridell. On her knights.” He paused, “And on Rowan.”


     Sir Hugo was nearly knocked over as his youngest son ran into him at full speed. “Rowan, be careful!” Desmond warned.

     Sir Hugo gripped his youngest son with his left arm and held up his right hand, “Peace, brother. It’s alright.” He wrapped his right arm over his left and held on with all his might.

     Elaine stared at the two with tears in her eyes. She looked towards a dark Pink Uni, who had been standing silently nearby the whole time. “Please, sir knight, can you give us a moment?”

     The Uni inclined his head, “Of course, milady.” He backed away.

     Desmond approached the father and son, Elaine by his side, “Brother…”

     Sir Hugo looked up, “Please come closer. I want all my family here with me.” Desmond and Elaine wordlessly wrapped their arms around Sir Hugo.

     Sir Hugo began to cry. He watched through blurry eyes as they landed on Rowan’s long, Green ears, “This isn’t… This isn’t goodbye, my son. I will always be with you, even when I’m not here physically.”

     Rowan sniffed loudly and wiped his eyes. He stared at his father, trying to memorize every detail of his face. “Daddy, promise you’ll come back. Promise.”

     Sir Hugo felt Desmond and Elaine’s grip tighten in response to their nephew’s words, “I can’t, Rowan.” His tears dotted his son’s cheek, mingling with the Ogrin’s own. Drip, drip . “But I promise to do my best.” He laughed forcefully, “After I kick Lord Kass’s tailfeathers.”

     Rowan scratched behind his left ear, “Who?”

     The knight shook his head. He’d put his foot in his mouth, “No one, Rowan. Just a bad guy.” He let his son go and motioned for the dark Pink Uni to come back, “The time has grown short; I have to go.”

     The Uni trotted over. He inclined his head respectfully, “Are you ready, Viscount Sir Hugo?”

     He inhaled deeply, “Yes, let us be off.” He mounted the dark Pink Uni and glanced at Desmond and Elaine.

          “Goodbye, dear brother and sister. Words cannot express the depth of my feelings for you.” He stared at Rowan lovingly, the figures of his brother and sister-in-law fading away as he concentrated on his son, “Rowan, you are my flesh. My blood. I fight for you, for your future.” His vision blurred as he continued to speak, “You are so much like your mother, headstrong and clever. She may live through you, but I implore you to carve your own path.

     Remember, I will always be your father. His heart broke in two as he saw Rowan try to dash towards him. Desmond and Elaine quickly put their hands on either shoulder, holding him fast. The 9-year-old Ogrin began to sob.

     Sir Hugo could take no more, “Go,” he commanded hoarsely. The Uni whipped his head and galloped away. Sir Hugo gazed at the stars, trying to distract himself from the ice in his veins. “I will never rest until Meridell is safe from Kass. This, I swear.” he vowed.



     Rowan sighed, “I didn’t get what Father was trying to say then, and I still have trouble understanding now.” He shook his head and grimaced, “All I know is that Father never came back.”

     Lisha sobbed quietly, taking off her glasses to wipe her eyes. Kayla went over to the wooden bench and sat beside Rowan. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

     Jeran swallowed. The words from his letter to Lisha echoed in his mind, “Words are inadequate to describe the horrors of war. To the gravity on a knight’s shoulders. I won’t try to interpret your father’s words; it’s not my place. But I will say this: it’s obvious how much he loved you.”

     Rowan grit his teeth, “He didn’t love me enough to come back. I guess being a knight was more important.” He shot up from the bench, “I’m going back to my room. Don’t bother me.”

     Jeran ran a hand between his ears while Kayla shook her head. Lisha continued to sob. He was finally beginning to understand his squire, but why did it hurt so much?

          To be continued…


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