Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,723,333 Issue: 999 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Continued Series

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir

Swirling rivers of green and golden light cut through the blackness, dancing like wind across the depths. Miphie awoke sputtering and coughing.

by josephinefarine
The Box from 10,000 Years Ago

The question remains in the air. Both Neopets, monsters and the Darkest Faerie are watching, awaiting any sign of movement from the impact.

by chantili_doce
Moonrise: The Origins of Team Kreludor

After a disappointingly short inaugural campaign, how would Team Kreludor respond?

by pikapi20
The Price of Ambition

Annie and Izzrin’s trip to the Haunted Woods involved renting two bikes from someone in Neopia Central, since it otherwise would’ve taken at least half the day to get down there by foot.

by golden1188
Knight & Squire: Preface

Rowan scratched his bandaged arms as he watched Sir Percival practice grappling techniques with a young Kougra.

by terpsichorean_writer
The Twelve Days of Giving

The next nine days were a whirlwind of activity, as Lexora shuffled her family from one Giving Day tradition to the next.

by cosmicfire918
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"Off-Season's Greetings" by azurryn
Kep asks the question right after their last practice, just as Layton's getting ready to dismiss the team. "So… what's everyone planning to do over the Winter Starlight break?" Unusual silence falls over the Darigan Yooyuball team in the wake of the question, a stark contrast from their usual rowdiness. Reshar frowns thoughtfully; Tormo huffs and sighs; Layton occupies himself by looking around at his team. Eventually, it's Tandrak who breaks it with a laugh, shrug and swish of his tail as he gets to his feet. "Practise, of course," he answers. "Gotta keep sharp, right? The Yooyuball's not gonna — " "You're still banned until your wrist recovers," Layton cuts in, glaring at Tandrak. He may be notoriously bad at following instructions, but even he doesn't go as far as to defy a direct order from the captain… usually. Tandrak fixes him with a defiant stare that Layton meets with easy impassivity, long used to his most stubborn team member's obstinacy. After another long minute of unbroken silence, Tandrak huffs in annoyance and looks back at the rest of the team instead. "Fine. I guess I have no plans then, since Vicky's just banned me from practising." "That's Vickles to you," Layton says, more for show than anything else since the nickname has long since taken root.

Other Stories


A Walk in Each Other’s Step Out Shoes
Do I look pretty?"

The Gelert twirled happily in her new dress. Its bright fuchsia material clashed with the Green of her fur, but the shopkeeper, a beautiful Blue Uni wearing a lustrous blonde wig, clapped her hooves boisterously for her.

by hybatsu


The Missing Wheel: A Mystery Whodunnit
"My fellow Neopians, authorities have asked that this be published in the Neopian Times, insisting that crucial help is needed to swiftly retrieve a lost artefact. One of the beloved daily activities all Neopians enjoy, the..."

by rachu816


Advanced Guide to Grundo Snowthrow
This is a guide to Snow Wars II.

by vanillastar12


10 Budget-Friendly Petpets to Avoid and 10 Alternatives
The low price tag on some Petpets makes them a tempting option but cheap does not mean easy!

by missbeasty


The Borovan Dilemma
Who knew there would be so many choices?

by cardboardfish


A Hungry Skeith
Sometimes a hungry skeith needs a festive snack...

by happydoodle09

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