Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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Pebble, You Rock!!

by jackie247


There is nothing Neopians love more than the surprises that arise from the Advent Calendar each year during the Month of Celebrating. On December 7th, the Advent Calendar really said, “Season of giving!!” and gifted us with our newest beloved Petpetpet - the Pebble! Paired with a Christmas Rock and 951 Neopoints, this adorable baby boulder quickly stole the hearts of every Neopian in the land. Pebble is grey in colour, has an oval shape, and the friendliest little smile. Now what do we do with this little one, aside from talking about how cute they are!? Well, I have a few ideas!

     Give the Pebble to your Petpet. This might seem like an obvious choice! It’s hard to resist giving your Petpet its newest pocket-sized companion. Unlike the Cooty and Breebly, the Pebble isn’t going to cause any rashes or itching to your Petpet. Pebble is just happy to be here as a new friend! To attach a Petpetpet, be sure to have the correct pet active and then go to your inventory and keep refreshing the page. You will notice that the Petpetpet will disappear from your inventory once it attaches. Pro tip! Keep a nearly-full inventory or invest in a bunch of Pant Devil Attractors to deter any devious deeds. You don’t want this little guy to get stolen while trying to attach it. Keep in mind that once attached, a Petpetpet cannot be taken off. If you remove the Petpet that it is attached to, the Petpetpet will be gone for good. This is important to know in case you have a Lab Ray Petpet that you enjoy zapping, because a single Lab Ray mishap can make both of them vanish into thin air. If you want to get fancy with it, paint your Petpet Tyrannian for a cool new look that will match your new Pebble pal. You can’t go wrong with a Tyrannian Rock!

     Display Pebble in your gallery. This item is perfect for many different gallery themes. A Petpetpet gallery would probably be the most obvious. While the Pebble doesn’t look like a creepy crawly critter, surely they will fit right in, between the Squippits and Skidgets! Last year, the Advent Calendar gave us a Beelzebug to kick start many Petpetpet galleries. Now we can add Pebble too! The Pebble would make a wonderful addition to any Advent Calendar themed gallery as well. Do you collect Advent Calendar prizes throughout the years? Or maybe you are looking to start? You can easily find past Advent Calendar prizes using the Shop Wizard and they are usually quite affordable. If you are looking for a more expensive gallery theme for your new Pebble, you could always do a Rock gallery! Some of my absolute favourite Petpet designs are for Rock Petpets. Rocks can be a bit on the pricey side, however since we were gifted a Christmas Rock, (and this Petpet is paintable at the Petpet Pool), you would just need to purchase a Petpet Paintbrush to transform it into another colour. Rock Petpets aren’t the only thing that you can use in your Rock gallery. Don’t forget other lovely items such as the Rock Christmas Cookie (this one was given out in the “hidden pool” possible prizes during 2019’s Advent Calendar). Comfort Rock Companion also makes a cute addition! If you want to think outside the box, you can include Minty Rock Ice Cream, Perfectly Flat Rock Stamp, and Rock Baby Cabbages - just to name a few.

     Customise your Pet to match their new buddy! I’ve seen creative Neopians use the Museum Grarrl outfit - so perfectly prehistoric! A Grey Kiko would also be totally cute, with the same colour and shape! Any Tyrannian Pet would also make a trendy match. Many clothing combinations work well with the Pebble, especially since they are a neutral colour.

     In the words of Nigel the Chia, “Sell! Sell! Sell!” Think about it - you received the Pebble for FREE, and now you can resell it for hundreds of thousands of Neopoints (and climbing)! The popularity of the Pebble will not go down any time soon, so this would be a perfect time to capitalize on its value. For a quick sale, just put it into your shop. If you want to let it linger and see what kind of offers come in, use the trading post. If you want to take your time, you may use the action house and set up a 24 hour auction where you name your starting price.

     Donate Pebble to the Money Tree. Every year in December, if you go to the Money Tree, you will be sure to find Advent Calendar prizes that have been given away to those less fortunate. Donating your Pebble means that the little dude will be scooped up into a new home within mere milliseconds. It feels SO good to give back to the community, especially during December. I’m sure the Neopians who may have missed collecting their prize on December 7th would appreciate this.

     Keep the Pebble in your Safety Deposit Box for now. You don’t have to decide what to do with this little cutie right away. You can always deposit it and come back later when you’ve reached a decision. Besides, it’s nice to go back in and look at Pebble anytime you need a sweet little smile! Items will remain in your Safety Deposit a box until you take action.

     I think the Pebble will go down in history as one of the most memorable and iconic Advent Calendar prizes - right up there with stamps, the Snow Kadoatie, the Snow Candychan, and the Christmas Meowclops! Pebble has quickly become a fan-favourite and a much beloved item. I can’t wait to see what other goodies we have in store this year. I also want to express my gratitude to The Neopets Team for making our holiday a little brighter this year. May everyone have a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year. To the Pebble - you rock!!

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