teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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Sweet Treats!

by truebrony

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Great stories!


The Box from 10,000 Years Ago
"Everyone fighting in Faerieland under the blizzard gets an unexpected pause as they witness the strong glow that pierces the clouds, accompanied by..."

by chantili_doce


The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
"The trees grew so densely together that all signs of Saint Garfir had long vanished behind them. The ginger plant was a compass in Miphie’s hand. Roots entwined with..."

by josephinefarine


The Fright Side: Holiday Dinner
So that's what ghosts eat!

by halloween_luck


Is This Enough?
A little bit of seasonal fun!

by betti666

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