Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,723,333 Issue: 999 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Comedy Isn't My Strong Suit

by serein

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The Borovan Dilemma
Who knew there would be so many choices?

by cardboardfish


A Walk in Each Other’s Step Out Shoes
Do I look pretty?"

The Gelert twirled happily in her new dress. Its bright fuchsia material clashed with the Green of her fur, but the shopkeeper, a beautiful Blue Uni wearing a lustrous blonde wig, clapped her hooves boisterously for her.

by hybatsu


Your Guide to Terror Mountain
Is this thing on? Oh hello! Welcome to your tour of Terror Mountain. Bundle up with your jackets and gloves because this tour might get a little chilly! Collab with 4everhardys1fan

by tamimarieb


Adventures of Hannah and Kanrik
The joke might be getting a little old. It was only one time, Hannah!

by katiekazoo

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