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How to Host a Neoquest Session

by hutaride


Hello and welcome to my guide on how to host a NeoQuest night! Below I’ll list a few tips and tricks on how to be the perfect host (if you’re hosting this in your Neohome) as well as a few helpful suggestions on how to prepare and run a NeoQuest session as a Quest-master (or QM as I call it!).

     For those fledgling adventurers that don’t know, NeoQuest follows a single character as they travel through ancient Neopia, battling monsters and saving it from the Circle of Twelve. It was so successful that it spawned a sequel, NeoQuest II, where you get to play as Rohane and his crew as you travel through different lands and defeat a computer virus. NeoQuest II is the more popular version to play since you can create a party with other people so this guide will be focusing more on this!

     1. Friends - First things first, you’re going to need some friends or family to play the game! The great thing about NeoQuest II is that it’s a game for all ages, so Neopets young and old can jump in and play without knowing too much of the lore. But if you’re looking for a new group, or that one last party member to fill up the slot you can always head over to the NeoQuest Neoboard! Now I’m sure you’ve heard tales of NeoQuest horror stories of problem players that like to cause trouble during sessions, but a majority of the people on there are very passionate about the franchise and will often share advice on running a session or even provide you with their own item/spell/monster creations to use in your own game. Finding a party that ‘clicks’ with you shouldn’t be hard, and more often than not you’ll find people eager to join a new game — after all it’s dangerous to quest alone!

     2. NeoQuest II Board Game - A bit of an obvious tip, but you should try and purchase the NQ II Board Game, which is perfect for beginner QM’s! It comes with item/weapon cards, player and monster figurines, and dice so you can jump in without having to plan ahead of time. This is a great way to introduce NeoQuest to new players as well, and can be good for a single-game night. If you want a more customized game, you can also create your own world, items, and monsters, but it takes a lot of planning and is usually saved for long-term sessions.

     3. Table - Now don’t laugh at this tip, but you’re going to need a good table to hold all of your game items! Of course you can play NeoQuest on any table, but I have a few suggestions if you have the budget! A table shouldn’t be too small (where you’re all squished) or too long (where you have to reach across the board), but should be just right for you and your players (and all your snacks!). You can always go with the Classic Dining Table, or the Pirate Compass Table — a beautiful wooden table with a compass in the middle where you can position your board on top so your players will always know where North is. I would just stay away from tables like the Furry Table (a bit itchy), the Mutant Table (a bit slimy), The Esophagor Table (will eat all your snacks), and the Dung Table (for obvious reasons).

     4. Chairs - Chairs are also a big thing to consider when playing NeoQuest. You don’t want to spend hours sitting on an uncomfortable chair, you’ll need something sturdy and with good cushioning. My top picks for chairs are the Functional Grey or Purple Chair (with padding on the seat and the back), The Green Antique Chair (with ample cushioning and arm rests), and the Speckled Chair (colorful and functional). Try and stay away from artsy chairs as well, no player wants to sit on a Twig Chair, Snowager Chair, or Cheese Chair for an extended period of time!

     5. Music - Background music can be a great way to provide an immersive experience for you and your players, just be sure to pick the right tunes! Making plans at a tavern? Try the 2 Gallon Hatz CD for a rustic feel. One of your party members make an unfortunate move and die tragically? The UC Grey Mynci CD of Sad Songs is filled with tracks to mourn the loss of your healer! Or if you’re perusing the shops or in a bustling city, the Neopian Philharmonic CD has some great songs to use.

     6. Dice - The NeoQuest II Board Game comes with dice already, but if you want something else the Neopian Toy Shop has a variety of different dice types. My personal favorite is the Darigan Dice Set since it comes with different dice faces and can be used for any gaming scenario. In addition to dice I would also advise to get the NeoQuest II Map Notebook and the NeoQuest II Sword Pen, which can be a handy way for your players to jot down notes, dungeon maps, or even quests.

     7. Reference Books - A big part of NeoQuest is your imagination! You can have just about anything in your session, but for those that need a little help, reference books are a great tool to help craft your plot and world. I suggest Quest Spells, which is filled with 1001 spells that your players can learn when they level up. Monsters of the Deep is also a great guide for those wanting to play an aquatic game and is filled with underwater baddies. While Evil Plots for Beginners is a good starting point on creating a story with a bad guy for your heroes to fight. And if you’re a bit shy, why not pick up a copy of Learn Social Skills - which can help you with talking to other Neopets both in game and in real life.

     8. Figures - It’s always nice to have physical figurines on your board! For players you can always use the NeoQuest II Marbles with the faces of Rohane and his party. I’ve even used my sister’s Usuki’s (much to her anger) as placeholders for other characters! You can also use action figures or plushies for the monsters as well, there’s a Snowbeast Action Figure and a Plains Lupe Plushie just to name a few!

     9. TCG Cards - Now this is optional, but I like my players to have physical weapons and item cards to have on hand. It’s a great way for them to remember what’s in their inventory and also what treasure they’ve found along the way. Did your party defeat a Snowbeast? Have it drop an Ice Scimitar (TCG) as a reward. A swampy witch give you a magic potion? Well the Spyder Juice Elixir (TCG) is great item for that!

     10. Snacks - It’s not a game night without some yummy snacks to munch on! For snacks I would avoid things that would leave a lot of mess or greasy fingerprints. So nothing like slimy Evil Popcorn or Oil and Grease Jelly - yuck! Think practical snacks like a Box of Trifle Mix, Paint Chips and Salsa, and White Chocolate Cookies!

     11. Drinks - For drinks I find that any slushies are a good beverage of choice for gaming sessions. There are so many flavors to choose from, but I like the Coffee Slushie since it helps keep me awake on long game nights. Other drinks like Iced Tea, Bubble Tea, or Neocola are good choices as well. Just make sure you serve drinks in the official NeoQuest II Mug!

     12. Costumes - A bit of added immersion, why not buy some costumes and dress up as your favorite character? You can wear the NeoQuest Cloak or Rohane Helmet and immerse yourself into a character. Or If you don’t want to wear a costume, why not show your love for the game with the NeoQuest II T-shirt or hang up a NeoQuest poster on your wall?

     13. And the last bit of advice I have for you, in order to run a successful NeoQuest session is….to have fun! The game shouldn’t be stressful for you as a QM or for your party. Remember this is just a game where all of you can play as heroes trying to save the world and defeat the evil Terask. Hurry up and let's go on an adventure!

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