There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,747,911 Issue: 1001 | 9th day of Awakening, Y26
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Glory Days: A Lovely Gift

by darkpassage

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Wearing Your (Broken) Heart on Your Sleeve This Year
I’m just going to say it - not all of us enjoy Valentine’s Day. As Neopians, we are far too familiar with heartbreak.

by jackie247


T3H Praedius
Should Gelerts even eat chocolate??

by arttimo


Everybody likes gifts!
Show your friends some love!

by chocokelle


Top Ten Valentine's Day Wearables (NC & NP)
Is your Neopet a true sweetheart? Do they constantly shower you in love? Are they competing with Cupid for World’s Cutest Cherub?

by littleprincessmaid

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