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Totally Real!: Guide to Neopi-UH?

by rawbeee


Heading down the Symol Hole, but it's your first visit, and you're looking to fill out that itinerary? The Totally Real!: Guide to Neopi-UH? has your back. We've got you covered with a list of things to do, places to see, and even a couple to avoid at all costs. Let's hop in!



The Good:


Dessert Mountain



Though you might expect to find the Lost Desert here, you would be wrong. Instead of a scorching hot desert, you'll find a freezing cold dessert! There is ice cream just about EVERYWHERE here! Mountains and mountains of it, and every flavour you could imagine too! Dress warm and bring a spoon!


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: There is so much ice cream here that the locals build their homes, and even pyramids, out of the frosty stuff!


VirtRoopets Island



On this quaint island, just off of the coast, Blumaroobots and Blumaroos live in perfect harmony, doing the one thing that they both absolutely love: playing games! On Virtrupets Island you'll find everything from a simple game of Dice-a-Roo to virtual reality games. The Blumaroobots have used their massive computing power to craft such incredibly detailed virtual realities that you might never want to leave (and if you did, would you even know for sure?)! Some suspect the island itself is just a virtual reality...


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: The lack of Daily Dares and Games Master Challenges in recent years might be on account of AAA having found this place!





There was a Faerieland in Neopi-UH? some time ago, before a wicked sorcerer named Ardnax saw it fit to send the whole thing crashing towards the ocean. It might have been lost completely, if not for the quick action that their version of Lord Darigan took. On that terrifying day, he quickly mobilized the Darigan Citadel and was able to scoop up Faerieland before it crashed, allowing it to land safely on the citadel's empty, infertile fields. The two groups united, becoming the floating land of Faerigan. With Faerie Foods and Darigan Toys all in one place, what's not to love?


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: There is a festival held every year to commemorate the day that the two civilizations united. No omelettes, though.


Mystery Acres Farm



You never know what will sprout on Mystery Acres Farms. One day it could be potatoes, and the next pineapples! Every fruit and vegetable that can grow in Neopia has been recorded sprouting up here, even those that are retired. If you've got a hankering for a healthy snack, head on down to Mystery Acres Farms. Careful, though, as the crops will sometimes soar through the air unpredictably. Why? It's a mystery!


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: The citizens here love counting, just like those of Meri Acres Farm. Why? That's a mystery too!


Quiggle Lake



There never was a Kiko Lake in Neopi-UH?, but there is a Quiggle Lake! Nestled in the Apple Apple Chia Mountains, this lakebed kingdom rivals that of our Maraqua. While entrance to the kingdom is by invitation only, you can always do a glass-bottom tour to get a look at what you're missing out on! There are plenty of things to do lakeside, though, like visiting the one and only Quigukiland!


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: There are no Kikos in Neopi-UH?. Whether they went extinct or even existed at all is hotly debated.


The Bad:


The Magma Caves



Climate change in Neopi-UH? lead to the eventual flooding of Moltara, and so the residents have had to evacuate. The monsters too! At some point, the Lava Monsters made their home in what used to be The Ice Caves. What once was dangerous and cold is now dangerous and HOT! The Snowager doesn't even sleep anymore, and if it sees you it will be sent into a ferocious rage!


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: The heat from within the caves has been continuously melting the surrounding snow and glaciers, causing sea levels to rise even more!





Due to rising sea levels, Krawk Island disappeared. Again. In search of a new home, the scurvy pirates didn't take long to launch an attack on Maraqua. Again. The attack was successful, and then they dropped a massive dome on what was left of Maraqua and pumped all of the water out! If you want to have all of your valuables stolen, then this is the place to go. So don't!


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: The pirates patrol the sea above Krawkaqua, protecting the large pipe that provides the city with air.


New Moltara



With their home overrun by pirates, Maraquans had to make do with what was available. Luckily for them, the flooded caves of Moltara were up for grabs. Though the Maraquans have quickly adapted to their new home, it isn't particularly welcoming to others! The waters are boiling hot in some areas, and hot steam fills the few air pockets scattered through the cave systems. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of New Moltara!


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: The Maraquans utilize the steam from the air pockets to power their new city!


Haunted Shenkuu



The rising sea levels even have the dead spooked! Many spirits have made their way from the Haunted Woods and up into the mountains of Shenkuu. The leadership of Shenkuu says there is no reason to fear visiting Shenkuu, as the ghouls only come out at night, but the curfew has nearly put an end to the celebrations of the moon which were key parts of Shenkuu culture and tourism.


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: Some nights the spirits can be seen donning the Shenkuu Draik costumes and parading through the streets!


The Lost Moon



The moon of Neopi-UH? is a barren wasteland, mostly. In recent years, entrepreneurs have taken to exploiting the sands to extract Space Dust and Space Spice, which are luxuries on Neopi-UH?. In doing so, they've discovered a native population of Grundos and ravenous Sandagers, which fiercely protect the sands. You don't want to get stuck up here.


Totally Real! Neopi-UH? Fact: The first time that the denizens of Neopi-UH? first looked up and noticed their moon was during a full moon. The population was sent into hysterics as the moon slowly "disappeared", dubbing it lost during a new moon. They felt really silly a couple of days later, but the name stuck.


Travel Advisories:


Expect the Unexpected



The symols are always digging, and so the network of tunnels changes quite often. You never really know where in Neopi-UH? you might come out, even the most experienced travellers have difficulty predicting where one will lead! Be prepared for harsh weather, battles, and anything else you can think of. Most importantly, remember that there is no shame in turning back (as long as you can remember the way home...)!


2. Be Mindful of the Locals



Neopi-UH? is quite a bit different from Neopia, and you might find yourself meeting unfamiliar Neopets. Their cultures also differ wildly from ours. Some preemptive sensitivity training can go a long way toward making friends in Neopi-UH?! At the very least, try not to stare!


Safe Travels!



Special thanks to our Neopi-UH? expert, Nick Neopia, for sharing all this info with us! We here at Totally Real! wish you all the best on your next trip down the Symol Hole. Remember to book through our travel agency to make doing these things and seeing these places even easier!


Disclaimer: The information above may or may not be up-to-date or Totally Real!


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