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Celebrate Grey Day with these Melancholy Items

by tamimarieb


The gloomiest, greyest, most melancholy day is upon us. *sigh* Yes, you’ve heard correctly, we’re celebrating Grey Day over here at the Neopian Times. *throws confetti halfheartedly* It’s the best time to converge with others to share our most depressing, sad, sorrow filled items with each other to ensure we have an okay Grey Day. I guess we can compile a list of the bleakest items around Neopia to help celebrate this day together. *sulks* Nobody even wants to celebrate Grey Day anyways.

     Grey Weewoo

     We always need our signature, friendly, always down for an adventure buddy, our Weewoo to help us celebrate any day! Oh, but what’s this? Our little Weewoo friend looks a bit sad. Seems our Weewoo turned grey in order to celebrate Grey Day to its fullest potential. Hm, now it doesn’t seem like it wants to celebrate or go on any fun adventures. Instead it just keeps sitting there saying wee….woo…wee…woo. Oh dear.

     Grey Cupcake

     This dreary and mediocre looking cupcake is sure to make your Grey Day a little more…grey. The drooping wings and sad antennas help add to the bleak look of the cupcake, which honestly, is how we all feel when trying to celebrate Grey Day, right? I bet this cupcake is empty on the inside, just like me. *sigh*

      Grey Eggs and Bacon

     You need to start Grey Day off with a hearty and filling breakfast, and I think these Grey Eggs and Bacon will probably be alright to get you day going. *shrugs* The breakfast doesn’t look very appetizing, it doesn’t even look happy to be here. The longer you look at it, the sadder it is. Maybe we will skip breakfast today.

      Grey Flotsam Plushie

     We need a little buddy to carry around with us on Grey Day, kind of like an emotional support plush. This Grey Flotsam Plushie is gloomy enough to make it the perfect friend to be grey with. Its sad eyes and crippling sad frown really drives home the point of how depressed this little Plushie is. If this Plushie wasn’t enough, I guess we can add some friends to accompany him like a Grey Wocky Plushie, Grey Usul Plushie, or a Grey Tuskaninny Plushie. The more Grey the gloomier.

     Grey Juice Box

     It’s crumpled, the letters are fading, and it's just a sad little box of juice. It looks exactly how I feel on the inside. The broken heart on the front of the juice box makes it an even more depressing drink. I’ll take 10 for my Grey Day celebration.

     Grey Lance

     I hope you weren’t planning on doing any fencing on Grey Day because while this Grey Lance matches the theme perfectly, I am not entirely sure you will win any battles with it. It seems like this lance needs a day or so before it’s back in tip-top shape for battling because you certainly won’t knock any Pets down with this floppy thing.

     Grey Pizza Slice

     *sigh* This Grey Pizza Slice is even more depressing than I am. Look at that thing with a gloomy little rain cloud sitting over it, following the poor pizza slice around. No wonder it’s so sad and depressing looking. The pizza slice can’t even catch a break.

     Grey Tear Cake

     I guess we need a cake to help celebrate a special day right. This Grey Tear Cake might do the trick. It looks like a teardrop, which is appropriate and covered in a licorice frosting, making this cake the saddest thing that has graced this article. I mean, come on, licorice frosting, you can’t get more depressing than that when it comes to a cake flavor. Who would want to eat a licorice flavoured cake?!

     Single Grey Flower

     Giving flowers out on special holidays is always the right thing to do right? Sending a Single Grey Flower on Grey Day is totally appropriate, I think ... .This flower isn’t very cheerful or colorful or even happy looking. The droopy flower will most likely bring a frown to the receiver's face and they probably don't want the flower anyways so you can keep it for yourself. *frowns*

     Unwanted Grey

     Maybe we should all stay inside on Grey Day and read a good book? May I recommend Unwanted Grey, a very grey book supporting why grey is a supreme colour and feeling. If you’re not in a gloomy, forlorn mood you certainly will be once you read this book. Even the cover invokes a very dreary feeling.

     A Grey Day Background

     A background that shows a grey, rainy, not fun day is perfect to help celebrate Grey Day. Your pet will get the ultimate feeling of Grey Day with this background that shows how we truly feel on the inside. Pair it with some grey clothes and a deep frown to complete the look.

      UC Grey Mynci CD of Sad Songs

     *a violin plays in the background* Do you hear that? It’s the songs of your soul…or maybe it’s just the UC Grey Mynci CD of Sad Songs. Either way it’s a great soundtrack to listen to when you need to be in that perfect melancholy mood. Turn the volume up for this, lay on the floor, and contemplate all those gloomy feelings.

     Grey Ice Cream Cone

     Grey Day is already rough as it is and a Grey Ice Cream Cone is only going to add to the misery. Look at it, hunched over with ice cream running down the side with no care in the world. It’s impossible to not get grey ice cream on you when attempting to snack on this treat. Just one more thing to add to the list to be pessimistic about.

     I guess our Grey Day celebration can be completed with these items, that is if anyone decides they actually want to celebrate Grey Day with us….which they probably don’t….I’ll just grab my Grey Weewoo and eat all the Grey Pizza and Grey Cake by myself. *sigh* I didn’t want to celebrate this day with anyone anyways.


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