A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 197,818,570 Issue: 1006 | 19th day of Eating, Y26
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Zealous Zafaras: Young Old Baby

Things aren't always as they seem...

by crymetothemoon
Sutek Muffin

Consider a different point of view...

by thegreenmooseofdoom
Grey Day...

This day is so grey... Collab with kikepv

by romina_r
Grey Thumb

Being Grey isn't all bad... Collab with shin0bi_

by therainbowsheep
The Floating Islanders - Shades of Life

Sekrat's next prank will be to paint him disco while he's not looking!

by yankeesrule244444456
A Greyt Smile

When the skies are grey, there's no need to feel blue!

by ophiopogon
Blossoms~ Digging Deep Part 10

Gotta find Zathandria and hope she's not too mad at me.

by twillieblossom
The Negg Hunt!

What's so funny?...

by twinkle_jazz
Royal Pain: Grey Day

You bring colour into my life.

by winner19955
Grey Lonely Baelia

Poor Baelia is feeling lonely. Perhaps some Petpets could help. Collab with lyndsey4657

by aquaantoni
A Grey Day at the Grooming Parlour

Everyone's feeling gloomy...

by pikcel
A Little Less Grey

Misery loves company...

by logical_loophole
Random Oddness

What if Morphing Potions worked on other things?

by mistyqee
The Greytest Day

A story about a Fountain Fae and a Pet gone grey... Collab with tylerhuyser

by virtualgf
Weather in April

Weather can be unpredictable...Collab with silly_mistake

by emaciate
A Break in the Grey

Do it for the plot! Collab with i_lovee_icecream

by truebrony
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Reading Suggestions for Grey and Gloomy Weather

Hello my dearies, cheers to you for joining me again for Granny Grumbles’ Hoppin’ Hobbies. I do not know if you have all noticed, but the sky has been gloomy with more and more storms daily. The Drenched have been out to play, making every day a little more grey. While it may not be the best weather for practicing your Yooyuball, there are so many ways to enjoy the gloomy weather. So, for today’s Hoppin’ Hobbies, I wanted to share with you my go-to rainy- and grey-day activity: reading. I grab a warm blanket, brew a cup of Jasmine Tea and settle in with a good book. With all the rain as of late, I have been making quite a dent in my to-be-read shelf and you may even see my name on the high score table for Booktastic Books *haha*! This means I have quite a few recommendations for each and every kind of Neopian. Seasonal Readers: If you are a seasonal reader, you like to pick your books based on the time of year, the land you're traveling to or by the weather. You love holiday classics in the winter, you read spooky scary stories when you visit the Haunted Woods and of course, pick up a moody book when the sky is cloudy! To honor Grey Day and the rainy days ahead, I have a few recommendations to align with a seasonal reader’s wishes. 1. Maraquan Faerie Tales . This is a quiet and cozy book that will keep you company as you watch the raindrops slide down your window. With stories of Maraquan’s great queens and kings, as well as evil do-ers such as the ever present Drenched, the atmosphere will certainly match the page. 2. Nomi the Grey Faerie . Whereas we all know and love our Grey Faerie Baelia, many Neopians forget that she is not the only one. Nomi the Grey Faerie is a historical fantasy book that details the story of Nomi the Grey Faerie… from her days as a young faerie, to her curse and life without magic. It was captivating and emotional; the perfect choice to pick up around Grey Day to appreciate the holiday even more. 3. Zafaras Rainy Day . While there are quite a few good choices in the ‘Rainy Day’ series, my personal favourite is Zafaras Rainy Day , it has a nice balance of humor and adventure. It is the story of one yellow Zafara’s encounter with the Brain Tree on a very rainy day. It is funny and sentimental yet moody with omniscient rain showers. A great choice for any rainy or grey day.

Other Stories


Baelia's Favourite Day
Boom! Crash!

Thunder exploded overhead and lightning jumped through the clouds on a cold gloomy morning.

by maddie_bangz


When I Turned Grey
When I got home in the evening, my parents were already sitting at the beautifully set dining table. They were looking at me with expectant eyes.

by tatyanne


Grey Day Celebrations
It’s that day again, a day that Neopians have come to know as Grey Day; the one day of the year when all of the most miserable, unfortunate and Grey Neopets look to each other to celebrate their existence.

by werelupe_king23


Reading Suggestions for Grey and Gloomy Weather
Hello my dearies, cheers to you for joining me again for Granny Grumbles’ Hoppin’ Hobbies. I do not know if you have all noticed, but the sky has been gloomy with more and more storms daily.

by spukl1


A Hero's Journey: Squire
“Cavall? I thought you had another half hour with old Sir Auxentius on the grounds!”

by precious_katuch14


Salem of the Sway
Those miscreants that failed to keep your apprentice in line will be dealt with accordingly. That’s for sure.

by skittleskit09

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