Meow Circulation: 197,818,570 Issue: 1006 | 19th day of Eating, Y26
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Reading Suggestions for Grey and Gloomy Weather

Hello my dearies, cheers to you for joining me again for Granny Grumbles’ Hoppin’ Hobbies. I do not know if you have all noticed, but the sky has been gloomy with more and more storms daily.

by spukl1
Network Transcript: What Has Everyone Smiling Today?

TRANSCRIPT. Aired the 14th day of Eating.

Clair: Good morning, viewers. It’s the 14th Day of Eating and I am your host Clair at the Neopian Times Network.

by lyzzy170

Celebrate Grey Day with these Melancholy Items

The gloomiest, greyest, most melancholy day is upon us. *sigh* Yes, you’ve heard correctly, we’re celebrating Grey Day over here at the Neopian Times. Collab with nick_weaver1337

by tamimarieb
The Gloomiest Grey Petpets

Grey Day is upon us and while this day is meant to be dreary and sad, we can still have a little bit of fun by looking at some of the best Grey Petpets that are available for our Pet to love and cuddle. Collab with littlebitdancer

by marinarasaucy
Grey & Smiling; The Other Grey Paint Brush Colours

SO let’s face it; the colour Grey is the newest HUGE-hitting trend in the Neopian world this season.

by alistair_returns
Grey Day Celebrations

It’s that day again, a day that Neopians have come to know as Grey Day; the one day of the year when all of the most miserable, unfortunate and Grey Neopets look to each other to celebrate their existence.

by werelupe_king23
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"Baelia's Favourite Day" by maddie_bangz
Boom! Crash! Thunder exploded overhead and lightning jumped through the clouds on a cold gloomy morning. Baelia’s eyes fluttered open with the booming in the sky echoing in her head. What a gross morning, she thought, staring out her window from the safety of her bed as dark and ominous clouds enveloped the grey sky. Grey… Baelia quickly sat up. She couldn’t believe that she’d nearly forgotten. It was Grey Day! Better than any other day in the year because Grey Day was her day. The one day of the year where everyone in Neopia can empathize and understand Baelia. Where she’s not the different, sullen, and depressing faerie. This is the day where everyone feels just like her. She quickly hopped out of bed and got dressed, smoothing down the wrinkles in her patched-together dress. She ran her Faerie Hair Brush through the tangles in her hair and checked her reflection in the mirror. She frowned. Everyday she knew she was missing something, but today she felt the absence of her wings more strongly than usual.

Other Stories


When I Turned Grey
When I got home in the evening, my parents were already sitting at the beautifully set dining table. They were looking at me with expectant eyes.

by tatyanne


Baelia's Favourite Day
Boom! Crash!

Thunder exploded overhead and lightning jumped through the clouds on a cold gloomy morning.

by maddie_bangz


Salem of the Sway
Those miscreants that failed to keep your apprentice in line will be dealt with accordingly. That’s for sure.

by skittleskit09


The Timeless Tale
The night draped Neopia in an inky darkness, and the gentle radiance of Kreludor cast a soft glow on the summer landscape.

by chlo26


The Negg Hunt!
What's so funny?...

by twinkle_jazz


A Greyt Smile
When the skies are grey, there's no need to feel blue!

by ophiopogon

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