The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 0 Issue: 1010 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y26
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Puzzle Hunters Club: Petpets

by serebii251

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Life Improvised: Distractions
Sometimes you just need to focus...

by keng200


In the Arms of the Angelpuss...
This message has been brought to you by the PPL. Collab with idcjazmin

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Resolution of a Faerietale
"'Late that afternoon, the Dark Faerie gave Raitorn the order to surrender. Finally, the ferocious Kougra had tasted defeat.''But Mama, what happened to him after that?' The young Faerie Kougra asked. His mother, a Yellow Kougress, smiled fondly at him..."

by orisasda


TNI #3: Bring Your Petpet To Work Day
They say petpets resemble their owners.

by elshastara

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