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How to Satisfy the Demands of Meepits

by togepwi


Meepits are fearsome creatures. They may seem like your average cute and cuddly Petpets, but looks can be deceiving. You don’t want to find out what they’re capable of, so it’s best to just give them what they want: fresh Juppie Juice! Keeping Meepits satisfied isn’t an easy task, so here’s a full Meepit Juice Break guide with a level breakdown on how to feed these Meepits efficiently by a gold trophy holder.

      Basic Gameplay

     In Meepit Juice Break, your objective is to feed as many Meepits as you can by connecting pipes from the Juice-O-Matic to 1-3 waiting Meepits. You click on one pipe at a time to rotate it clockwise, and you will earn more points with each pipe that is connected.

     Additionally, these Meepits have juice preferences! They will drink any colour juice, but you will earn more points if the juice colour matches the Meepit. The Juice-O-Matic only has red, yellow, and blue juice, but you can connect them to produce other colours:

     Red + Yellow = Orange

     Yellow + Blue = Green

     Blue + Red = Purple

     Red + Yellow + Blue = Pink

     Here’s the catch: the Meepits do not like waiting for long so they get more demanding as the game progresses! With each level, the difficulty increases as you have to feed more Meepits with shorter time limits. You start with three lives and you will lose one for every Meepit you fail to feed in time.


     The game starts with one Meepit to feed at a time, though as you progress, you will have two Meepits, and then three. You can feed multiple Meepits simultaneously by connecting their pipes together before any juice is connected. Once a full path of juice is connected to a Meepit, the pipes will shift and the fed Meepit is replaced with another hungry Meepit.

     Each connected pipe is worth 1pt per Meepit fed. If the colour matches the Meepit, you will get an additional point per pipe. For example, if you have a Red Meepit, you will get 2pts for every pipe that’s connected if you feed it red juice while any other colour juice is 1pt per pipe. These points add up per Meepit fed. This means that if you feed 2 Red Meepits red juice at once, you will get a total of 4pts per pipe!

     Please note that Meepits have simple juice preferences, so these points are based only on the final juice colour. Say you are feeding a Red and Blue Meepit together. You might think to feed them purple juice since red + blue = purple right? Don’t fall for this! Feeding them purple juice will only give you a total of 2pts for pipe and not 4pts because Meepits only prefer their respective colours. You’ll be better off matching just one Meepit’s preferred juice instead of none.

     You may also notice an occasional fruit or a rotten apple on your pipes. These will change the value of the pipe as follows:

     +10pts for the Rahketmelon

     +25pts for the Blue Rambus

     -10pts for the Rotten Apple Core

     In the grand scheme of things, these are not significant, so don’t bother going out of your way for them. It’s best to disregard them and treat them as regular pipes since these small points aren’t worth risking a life.

     Finally, if you clear the entire board by connecting every pipe for a feed, you will earn a “super bonus” of 50pts! We’ll explore the importance of this full clear bonus in later sections too.

      Best Practices

     1. Familiarise yourself with how the pipes rotate! Pipes will always rotate clockwise when you click on them.

     2. Have a safety path. Create a full feeding path, but leave the last pipe unconnected so you can spend the rest of the time connecting more pipes for more points. If you notice you’re running out of time, all you have to do is connect that one pipe and you’re good to go!

     3. Always make an attempt for a full clear bonus. Every pipe counts, but the 50pt full clear bonus can really add up and possibly be the make or break factor if you’re going for the avatar score!

     4. If you feel overwhelmed, consider turning off the music and sound effects. The soundtrack is catchy, but you can always listen to it another time!

     5. Don’t worry too much about perfection. There are times when you get an impossible board where you can’t feed all the Meepits at once or you can’t match the juice colour to Meepit colour and that’s okay! Don’t spend all your time trying to make it work - just quickly feed a Meepit or two so the board can shift and you can continue feeding. It’s not worth losing the game over!

      Level 1

     The game starts with 1 Meepit at a time with a 60 second timer, so it’s the perfect stage for full clear bonuses. Get into the habit of forming a safety path first, and spend the rest of the time aiming to connect the entire board. Since we only have one Meepit to feed, go from juice to Meepit when you form your path. All pipes connected to a juice will match that juice’s colour, so going juice to Meepit will allow you to visually see which pipes you already have.

     Just for this level, prioritise getting the full clear bonuses even if the juice colour doesn’t match. The ideal scenario is matching colour + full clear, but if you’re not able to match colours, a full clear with a different colour will be worth more than being off by one.

     To better illustrate this, here’s a comparison of possibilities that’s been personally tested (disregarding any fruits/rotten apples):

     Full clear + matching juice colour = 130pts

     Full clear + non-matching juice colour = 90pts

     Matching juice colour, but missing just one pipe = 78pts

     You need to feed 5 Meepits to pass the first level. Try to aim for a score of 400+ if you are attempting to get the avatar, which is getting the full clear bonus at least twice. Consider restarting and trying again until you’re near that benchmark because the game will not get easier. In later levels, you have to manage multiple Meepits, so making the most out of this first level with only one Meepit at a time will be key to getting a higher score.

      Level 2-4

     You now have to manage 2 Meepits at a time! At the start of Level 2, you will have 60 seconds per Meepit and you will need 5 Meepits to pass the level. Your timer will reduce by 10 seconds each level and the required number of fed Meepits will increase, so level 3 will require 6 Meepits that only give you 50 seconds, and so on.

     Aim to get a few full clear bonuses throughout these next levels, especially in Level 2 when you have the most time. You can feed multiple Meepits now, so start matching the juice colour to at least one of the Meepits that you’re feeding to get more points.

     Let’s also maximise points by feeding our Meepits strategically! For example, if you see that you only need to feed 1 more Meepit to pass a level, don’t just feed 1 - connect another Meepit and feed them both! Meanwhile, if you see you have 2 Meepits left to feed and you have a lot of time, quickly feed 1 Meepit. Then you’ll end up in the previous scenario with only 1 more Meepit, and you can feed 2 at the same time for more points! However, do not sacrifice any lives just to complete this method. You will need all your lives intact for later levels!

     As a benchmark, aim to get an average of 500-600 points per level during these stages. Remember, the majority of your points should be from these earlier levels because it’ll be difficult to get full clears and earn a lot of points at once when the game picks up. At the end of level 4, having a score of 1900+ will mean you’re over halfway to the avatar!

      Level 5-6

     This is the start of managing 3 Meepits, and Level 5 and 6 are grouped together since they’re like the calm before the storm. While 3 Meepits is more to handle, you start with a fair amount of time (50 and 40 seconds respectively), so there’s still opportunities to connect more pipes for points.

     Try your best to feed all 3 Meepits at once with at least one matching juice colour. Build your safety path, and if time permits, go and connect as many extra pipes as you can. If you are more comfortable with the game, you can do the technique mentioned in the previous section where you feed an extra Meepit at the end for some more points. You might feel the pressure during these two levels, so don’t worry if you end up not having much time to get extra pipes or if you can’t feed all 3 Meepits at once - just make sure you pass these two levels without losing any lives.

     Similar to the previous level, aim for around 500 points per level, so at the end of level 6, you should have around 2900 points if not more. If you are aiming for the avatar, it is fine if you’re a bit under - there’s still a good chance that you’ll get a high score with the remaining levels, so keep moving forward!

      Level 7+

     The tips for Level 7 and onward are pretty simple: feed Meepits as fast as you can! This is where the game gets really chaotic - 3 Meepits at once, very little time, and you’ll need to feed more Meepits with each level to pass. Feeding multiple Meepits at once would be ideal, but the truth is that there’s not much time for any planning. Disregard juice colours and just do your best to not lose any lives so you can proceed in the game and continue to earn points.

     For the avatar score, you should hopefully get it after Level 7 or be very close to it! If you’re a bit under, just keep playing and click fast! This is why we saved all our lives in the previous levels, so don’t get distracted when you lose a life here!

      Zen Mode

     Playing Meepit Juice Break on Zen Mode is a rather arduous task. While you are not timed, you only get 1pt for each feed and nothing else. This means that even if you clear the entire board by feeding 3 Meepits of the same colour their preferred juice, you will only get a single point.

     Technically, it is possible to get a high score just by feeding one Meepit at time in Zen Mode, but that will most definitely take many hours! This guide aims to help you get a high score in Regular Mode so Zen Mode will not be necessary unless it’s used as brief practice for familiarising yourself with the gameplay without feeling pressured by time.

      Final Words

     By now, hopefully you feel well equipped to take on the responsibility of feeding Meepits during their juice break. Let’s keep those Meepits happy together!

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