Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 0 Issue: 1011 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y26
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To the Tune: Jelly World

by xstarfrost

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Great stories!


The Other Side
There once were two Plushie Poogles, Zalyin and Zulyin. They were twins and when they were young, they spent a lot of time exploring the world around them.

by surging


The Timeless Tale
The Skeith's words made Rhea shudder, but he couldn't help but listen. Kera watched the three beings in front of him with greed in his eyes. Rhea realised that he hadn't blinked since their arrival in the dungeons.

by chlo26


Birds of a Feather
”Dad, please don't tell us we're going to move to a different city in the desert", exclaimed Alamar grumpily to the Royal Boy Acara as they traversed the sandy dunes through a desert caravan.

by nick_and_nickette


The Adventures of Pondy and Friends: The Dare
Dares are easy!

by m0onface

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