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First Time at Usukicon: A Guide

by mango_


Usukicon is back for another year! If you’re a fan of Usuki dolls, sets, books, sweets, apparel, or accessories, Usukicon will have it all. The energy at Usukicon is always absolutely electric as you make your way through the convention hall among fellow Usuki fans. It is truly an experience like no other, and the memories that you create during the event are those that you will treasure for a lifetime!

     Attending Usukicon is always a memorable experience, but if you are attending for the first time, then this guide was created just for you so that you can make the most out of this exciting annual event and attend with confidence. In this guide, you’ll find advice on planning your day, items to pack, and ways to help ensure that you stay comfortable throughout your experience!

     It may seem at first as though a guide for attending a convention might be unnecessary, but from the two authors of this article (who have both attended their fair share of cons!), these are some crucial tips, tricks and recommendations that we have discovered that have made our events truly comfortable and helped to maximize our fun!

     Although conventions can sometimes be overwhelming, following these tips will help make your first Usukicon one to remember forever!

     1. Preparation and Research

     This one may seem obvious, but saving up your Neopoints before the convention is one of the biggest tips that we can provide: there is a LOT of Usuki merch that is convention exclusive and you can’t get anywhere else! Prices can range from reasonable to rather expensive depending on what you’re looking to purchase, so keeping an eye on the yearly Usukicon schedule and planning your funds ahead is a great way to make sure you’re able to bring home all the goodies and merch that you’ve had your eye on.

     At least one week before you attend the event, visit the Usukicon Y26 website to familiarize yourself with the schedule and venue. Make sure to download or print out both the schedule and venue map. Make note of all panels, autographing sessions, activities, and events you are most interested in and list them by priority. By having everything prioritized, this will help you adapt in the event there are any cancellations or long lineups and you need to opt for going to one event over another. Conventions like Usukicon are all apt to have quick changes in schedules, or panels moving halls without notice, for example, so being flexible is an important mindset to keep. Usukicon is a perfect example of “go with the flow”, because things can change in an instant!

     Once you have a priority list, you can create a rough schedule for yourself and figure out the most efficient routes to take to get from one event to another. Make sure to leave in time for you to walk to each activity, keeping in mind your walking pace may be a bit slower due to crowds. As well, make note of restrooms and areas where you can buy food. Creating a plan before going will help you to swiftly navigate the convention, ensure you are able to visit as many items as possible on your priority list, and help you navigate to restrooms and food when you need a break. Notedly, you’ll want to take advantage of rest breaks when you’re able to get them: taking a quick breather and re-grouping can be helpful and lessen some of the anxiety that walking through a large hall with many people can bring.

     In addition to creating a plan for what you’ll do at the convention, it’s equally as important to create a plan for how you will get to and from the venue. Whether you’ll be driving, taking public transit, riding your bicycle, walking, or arriving in style in your Usuki Roller Skates, make sure to give yourself some extra time in case there is traffic and long lines to enter the venue. If you are bringing your own mode of transportation, such as a bicycle or scooter, be sure to research that there is a safe place to store it at or near the venue while you are enjoying the convention.

     2. Snacks and Clothes

     There is so much to do at Usukicon and the venue is typically quite large, so you will be doing a lot of walking! As a result, it will be important that you bring some snacks and a water bottle and wear something comfortable. Comfortable and supportive shoes here will be a must! Though you may be tempted to wear those super cute, newly released Usuki sandals, it’s important to make sure your feet don’t get tired or sore due to all of the walking. If you have to take frequent breaks to rest your feet due to your shoes, you may miss out on time-sensitive events during the con, so be sure to plan your footwear wisely!

     For snacks, it is recommended (and important!) that you bring food items that are allowed by the venue: sealed, small snacks, such as Cherry Granola Bars or Goldy Crackers are the perfect items to carry with you as they’re very lightweight and great for a quick snack when the lines are long and you start to get hungry!

     It is critical that, when you are in the midst of so much fun and excitement, you keep in mind that staying hydrated and well nourished are crucial to ensuring that you are in the perfect condition to withstand long lines and extensive walks throughout the venue. The excitement can be overwhelming, and you don’t want to give yourself a headache or feel unwell with the rest of the day ahead of you!

     As well, it will be a good idea to check the weather forecast the night before and morning of Usukicon to ensure you are dressed appropriately. You don’t want to spend the entire day trying to dry off or trying to carry home all your Usukicon goodies in the pouring rain! On the other hand, overdressing and carrying around your flannel sweater and scarves on a hot day will make for a very uncomfortable experience, so pre-planning as much as possible is very wise!

     3. Pack the Essentials

     You will surely be coming home with lots of Usukicon merch, so pack only the essentials! Be sure to pack the following in a small bag (also ensuring that it is a size approved by the venue):

     - Usukicon tickets - you can’t forget this important item!

     - Snacks and water bottle - to ensure you are well fed and hydrated.

     - Neopoints - there is going to be so much merch to buy!

     - Notepad and Usuki pen - for autographs and notes.

     4. Have Fun!

     Usukicon was created to embrace the fandom and bring together the collective community that all have love for the same thing: USUKI! Usukicon can bring not only exclusive merch, autographs and panels, but it can also bring about lifetime friendships with others who love Usuki as much as you do! There are so many people to meet, friends to make, and memories to create. Following this guide will ensure that you make the most of your very first Usukicon experience!

     Last but not least, remember to grab your Goodie Bag!


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