Meow Circulation: 197,890,901 Issue: 1015 | 23rd day of Hiding, Y26
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Welcome back to another round of Quick Questions! In this week's edition, we only had time for one interview, so we made sure to make it a hot one! Here is our talk with the Captain of Team Moltara, Aldric Beign!

Interviewer:“Hello, thank you for joining us. It’s very nice to meet you!”

Aldric: “The pleasure is all mine!”

Interviewer: “We heard the news about your goalkeeper, Harlis Neyhbol, getting engaged! Of course, we are happy for him, but is there any worry about his partner, Wila Benne, being on a competing team?”

Aldric: “None whatsoever. Harlis came to us from Team Tyrannia so he’s always had connections with them. In fact, to show there’s no tension, my husband and I threw them an engagement party in our garden!”

Interviewer: “That sounds lovely! May I ask, with so many of your team being, well on fire, how were you able to throw a party in a garden?”

Aldric: “Haha, that’s a fair question. It’s something my husband, Neeraj, knows how to deal with very well. You see he’s a Water Zafara, so he’s been finding creative ways to help the team and me our whole relationship!”

Interviewer: “Wow made of water and a passion for plants. It sounds like there must be many hurdles in your relationship!”

Aldric: “I wouldn’t call them hurdles! We each love finding ways to help the other with our abilities. I prep weekly meals with my own two hands as the heat source, so he can be full of energy to go out and grow the most beautiful of plants! He’s actually perfected the growth of fire-resistant plants! That’s his business! He works with wildlife experts and parks to help dampen the threat of wildfires!"

Interviewer: “Wow, you two sound like a real power couple!”

Aldric:: “Ha, I wouldn’t disagree!”

Interviewer: “I’m so sorry, that seems to be the end of our time. I apologise that we weren’t able to discuss more about your team and the coming Cup!”

Aldric:: “No need to apologise! I could talk about Neeraj all day! Here, you want to see a doodle he made of us?”

Thank you for joining us for this year’s Quick Questions! If you haven’t yet check out our interviews with players from the last few years!

You can read about Team Altador’s Captain, Foltaggio and Team Kreludor’s Right Forward, Motor Dahy in Edition 962.

Team Kiko Lake’s right defender, Lili Lever and Team Shenkuu’s Captain, Mirsha Grenlinek in Edition 963.

Team Darigan Citadel’s right forward, Tandrak Shaye and Team Faerieland’s left forward, Whimsi Dia in Edition 985.

And Team Meridell’s left forward, Ethel Boortz and Team Shenkuu’s left defender, Antola Maeir in Edition 986.

Hi TNT! Can you look for "Roadside Bandit Ixi Shirt & Pants" item that was released some week ago, I Think they not showing up at store. ~ctp02
Hello! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! After a thorough search, we discovered where the Roadside Bandit hid this item… after a stern talking to, he begrudgingly handed it back over and it should be in the shop now! ~~ Snail

Hey!! I was wondering, how competitive do the TnT staff get with each other during Altador Cup??? Is it peaceful or does it get a bit crazy over there?! ~scared
Hello! That’s a great question! I’d say it’s a friendly competitiveness. The main issue is the Yooyu Balls really make a mess of the office! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hello! I was wondering, are there any future prospects of bringing back the weekly NT schedule? I saw on the New Features page a blurb advertising the NT that says it updates every Friday, so I wanted to see if this might ever be a possibility again! Thank you~ ~twillieblossom
Hi! While we would love to bring more issues of the Neopian Times to the site every week, we are a small team of editors here at the NT Offices and we want to make sure we’re focused on delivering the most quality issues we can, so we don’t have plans currently to move to weekly issues in the near future. Keeping issues bi-weekly allows us to ensure each issue has a wide variety of submissions to share and helps us make the issues the best quality we can produce! We’re working on teaching the Weewoos how to type quicker so they can help us out, but they’re still working on it… ~~ Snail

Hi! I tried to help my Aisha celebrate the Altador cup with her Altador Referee Whistle, and the item adds some extra lines and states it's a DEMO on the custom itself. Can we have that fixed so she can sport it confidently? Thanks! ~ilovemykitties12
Hello! Thanks for bringing this wearable issue to our attention! We have made the proper fixes so your Aisha should now be able to celebrate Altador Cup and rock the Altador Referee Whistle! Happy Customizing! ~~Goldfish in Bowl


Dear Tnt ♥ I have been asking for more naturalistic wearables for what feels like actual years now and then this morning you DELIVERED. Kelp Forest Trinket?! Absolutely perfect~ It's exactly what I have been dreaming of. Thank you to the artist responsible for this masterpiece. I hope they get to work on more projects like this! No petpets or whimsical, just organic. Also thank you for all the wonderful prizes you've showered upon us via prize pools. Much gratitude. ~nook

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