White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,890,901 Issue: 1015 | 23rd day of Hiding, Y26
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Short Stories

A Hero's Journey: Worthy

The White Blumaroo groaned as he slowly got back onto his feet after being knocked down onto the floor of the tavern at White River.

by precious_katuch14
The Jelly Chia's New Home

The three young Neopians stood paw in paw at the center of the old, abandoned Chocolate Factory. The Jelly Chia watched from a distance at the strange ritual.

by ningkov1

In this prequel to Wandering Stars, Zenor Kevix's new Yooyuballing Academy was in need of some serious landscaping - Team Kreludor-style!

by pikapi20
Yooyuball Shenanigans

“Come on team, we have to FOCUS!” Prytariel roared as she slung the Yooyu towards the net as hard as she could. Her heart pounded and sweat dripped down her face from the effort.

by maddie_bangz
Usukicon Madness

The Brown Usul was planning on meeting with her friend Onica for the heavily anticipated event – Usukicon. They were going to camp outside the doors this year to ensure early entry and first access for all the Usuki-packed fun.

by endisnigh
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"Nebula" by pikapi20
Far beyond the cratered northern pole of Kreludor and the population of Orange Grundos who resided in its Orange Central Moon Base, the rocky plains of the southern hemisphere were littered with lava tubes that dated from the moon's original formation. Generations ago, a small population of Purple Grundos fled to this cave network to escape the clutches of a certain tyrant and now their descendants remained there under the leadership of Zorlix. Life hadn't always been easy for these subterranean residents - their plight having been made worse by the long-since ended Kreludan Civil War - but in recent years exciting, large-scale developments were under way. Not least the newly announced Kreludan Yooyuballing Academy, which had created quite the Buzz. Taking in a large inhalation of breath, a tracksuit-clad Zenor Kevix exhaled it with unabashed glee. The Academy was very much the newly-retired Team Kreludor right forward's baby.

Other Stories


The Hungry Skeith

by snoopydog152


First Time at Usukicon: A Guide
Your go-to guide for Usukicon! Collab with novalaika

by mango_


Not the Best Family Reunion
In the wilderness outside of Faerieland's bounds, guarded closely behind an army of trees, there was a lake. Wisps of half-realized elemental spells darted in and out of sight, reflecting on the ripples.

by kayixu


The Kronborg Chronicles: A Sister’s Mission
Princess Annabelle Kronborg-Sopher sat at her vanity, putting the finishing touches on her makeup while her maid styled her long brown hair into an elaborate updo between her horns.

by joyfulcabbage


Life Improvised: Balance
In it for the long haul.

by keng200


3 Royals Plus 1
This is UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by white_tiger0226

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