There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 98,096,637 Issue: 194 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y7
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Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara

by rufusrockskp

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Exclusive: Captain Threelegs Unveiled
The TRUE story about the notorious Captain Threelegs, in an exclusive interview!

by cold_wolf_hockeygrl


Harmless Wishes: Part One
The inside of the tent was just like its exterior. The same beautiful material covered the tent’s walls, ceiling, and floor. On each wall was a row of wooden shelves carrying various bottles of sand and nothing else...

by ladyariel32


Changes for the Worse
"How about, Mother dearest," Celia mocked through gritted teeth, "you go get some clothes, get groomed, and buy some Usukis for yourself, and I'll go do what I want, okay?"

Also by springsteen0991

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A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part Four
Though others slept, one little form was already about, a tiny red Kougra with the biggest amber eyes around. He rested on the hill, lying under the tree that was planted several yards from his family's cottage, grinning as the sun protruded from the horizon...

by rabbitofkittyhawk

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