Meow Circulation: 177,384,914 Issue: 313 | 12th day of Collecting, Y9
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Fish - Not For Dinner Anymore!

While many of the underwater fishing fish are tasty treats, they also make wonderful, loyal pets.

by dmmetler
Mystery of the Coconut Shy

There amongst the ragged trees and broken stalls stood a Coconut Shy, the owner beckoning mysteriously...

by deathwing1983
Don't Lose Your Temper!

Follow these tips and your rage will eventually subside. Remember, I am just using Hannah and the Ice Caves as an example...

by kittykatluver4ever
Your Handy Guide to Taking Care of a JubJub

You may think that feeding a JubJub is no different from any other pet, right? Just put the plate on the table and let them eat it? It's actually much harder than that.

by wildhorsejordan
Foods To Celebrate The Fall Season

Whatever makes you enjoy your autumn, I'm sure that what makes lots of Neopians jump for joy when summer ends – is the wide variety of foods perfect to celebrate the fall season!

by harrypotterfan9001
Lost Desert or a Lost Paradise?

Ickmire made his shocking discovery on a day much like any other in the Lost Desert...

by sunlight_phoenix
A Closer Look at the Negg

Do you know where neggs come from?

by mikecc11
Customisation Spotlight: Can You Be a Star?

There's a hot new contest in Neopia. The Customisation Spotlight, where all Neopians have a chance to vote for your pet, depending on how it has been customised.

by alana_currie
Going Grey

With the new craze of grey also comes a complete personality change from happy-go-lucky pet to one with a dejected, abandoned aura...

by juliannickcraig
Owning a Shop with Interests

Make a chart of what you purchase and how much it cost. Obtain a shop that is big enough for you to handle.

by animecrazy14800
Ultra Fashionable Potato Sack

Have you any idea just how much that will cost?

by kerrals
All Mopped Out!

A surfeit of pesky, filthy Petpets have invaded the illustrious Hall of Heroes. You play the janitor...

by llewopnedyaj
The Official Guide to Potatoes

Potatoes are a big part of life.

by fairie_wings
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"Usul Tales: The Rubber Ducky Of Doom" by iris220_ll
Sally picked up Gabby's rubber ducky and dropped it into the bath tub. Awed, Gabby squeezed the ducky and an annoying squeaking noise filled the room. Sally let out one more "Uggh!" and then, angry, she stomped out...

Other Stories


who are you my friend of many influences
It is inevitable to miss someone who goes away for a short while as much as, if not more than, someone who leaves forever...

by blackcairn


Finding the Music
There is a single tribe that exists on the island. A group of faerie Lenny called the Maedryth...

by reveirie


Shad and Saura: That Other City - Part Nine
When the sky was getting orange and the sound of people chatting was already to be heard on the streets, Saura shoot a glance at the golden clock on a bedside table and said, "It's time."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl


The Fine Art of Battle: Part One
"Kentari!" Master Blepheros shouted at me as I entered. I bowed, but even my most careful bow was not nearly as good as even the youngest...

by sweetie_butterfly


That Comic With No Name

by crystalthehedgehog


Look -- NO HANDS!!!!
Mallow Adventures!

Also by plutoplus1

by richnangela005

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