White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 177,384,914 Issue: 313 | 12th day of Collecting, Y9
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New Series

The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Exported Eustabees - Part One

A blue Krawk walked briskly along the sloping sidewalk as fast as his feet could carry him. "Quick and quiet"; that was his motto...

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Fine Art of Battle: Part One

"Kentari!" Master Blepheros shouted at me as I entered. I bowed, but even my most careful bow was not nearly as good as even the youngest...

by sweetie_butterfly
Marketplace of Memories: Part One

The air was crisp with cold, the atmosphere heavy with excitement. Halloween was here at last...

by yatomiyuka
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"With Joy" by werewolfloverrox
Her owner had become obsessed with Ogrins. Instead of dumping Kitty in the adoption centre she had taken her to the lab ray. And Kitty had been turned into a mutant Lupe. Her owner hated mutants so she was being packed off...

Other Stories


The Path of the Dagger
The Silver Sai dagger of Shenkuu is perfect for rogues. Such daggers are light, versatile...

by sparkie399


The Brush He Thought He Never Wanted
What have I done to deserve a punishment like this?

by quenosh


Don't Lose Your Temper!
Follow these tips and your rage will eventually subside. Remember, I am just using Hannah and the Ice Caves as an example...

by kittykatluver4ever


Mystery of the Coconut Shy
There amongst the ragged trees and broken stalls stood a Coconut Shy, the owner beckoning mysteriously...

by deathwing1983


Ultra Fashionable Potato Sack
Ewww, what are you wearing?!

by sea_monster2


A Moon Comb?
What's so special about a moon comb?

by pencil_cases

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