There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,390,322 Issue: 849 | 30th day of Storing, Y20
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Style Guide for Xweetoks

Look, we all know how hard it can be to put together the perfect outfit. Sometimes you spend hours going over seemingly endless options, only to put the entire ensemble on and discover that it’s entirely too much pink, and not in a cute Usuki way either. In celebration of Xweetok Day, I have decided to take a look at some of the complete Xweetok outfits available for those of us who want our pets to look put-together without the hassle of picking each individual piece separately. For those who don’t have the time or energy to start from scratch, this one is for you!

by alissiee
8 Books For An Autumn Evening

I love taking this time of year to sit outside with a blanket on, a hot cup of tea, and read my favorite books. I'm sure your Neopets would enjoy the same! Books are always incredible, they transport you to another world and let you live a whole life of adventure without having to get up off your chair.

by parshew
Being Devoted to One Species: It's a Good Thing!

So, is it a good thing to just be devoted to one species? I personally say yes and I will list the ways that it is a good thing.

by princessdiva7737
Celebrate Your Way Around Neopia

Ahh, the holiday season in Neopia… Holly branches, hot borovan, icicles glimmering in the low winter sun, asparag- I mean, mistletoe - hanging from the doorframes to catch you by surprise… Who can resist the joy found in the cold snow and the warm fireplace? Or cuddling with the fuzziest Vandagyre you know? We build life-size snowmen and dominate a friendly neighborhood snowball fight, we go shopping for scarves and coats and hats to find a whole new winter wonderland wardrobe… it’s inevitable. It’s the norm

by invalid
Ice Cream Machine flavors ranked worst to best

I have very strong opinions on how good ice cream flavors are. And I couldn’t help while playing Ice Cream Machine to think about the taste of each individual levels flavor. I’ve taken the time to rank them from my least favorite up to my favorite. You may have your own opinions, but my rankings are sound. So here we go.

by imbitter
The History of the Games Master Challenges

Hello again, my fellow Neopians! Over this past week, we have been reintroduced to one of Neopia’s greatest and mostly anticipated events: the Games Masters Challenge! As it has been happening in every November over the past few years, in order to be a part of the challenge, you have to choose between two teams and, for this year, it is Knights vs. Raiders! Today, I’m not here to argue about which team is up for the win, but to tell the history of past Games Masters Challenges, ever since the first edition.

by rafa_potter
4 Borovan Day Recipe Ideas That Are Not JUST Borovan

Never show up empty-handed to a Borovan Day party again. Go ahead and get your borovan on!

by _espy_
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Style Guide for Xweetoks

Style Guide for Xweetoks Look, we all know how hard it can be to put together the perfect outfit. Sometimes you spend hours going over seemingly endless options, only to put the entire ensemble on and discover that it’s entirely too much pink, and not in a cute Usuki way either. In celebration of Xweetok Day, I have decided to take a look at some of the complete Xweetok outfits available for those of us who want our pets to look put-together without the hassle of picking each individual piece separately. For those who don’t have the time or energy to start from scratch, this one is for you! The Xweetok Popstar (consisting of Xweetok Popstar Hat, Xweetok Popstar Microphone, Xweetok Popstar Earrings, and Xweetok Popstar Dress)

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