Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,390,322 Issue: 849 | 30th day of Storing, Y20
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Continued Series

Petpetpet Wars:Part Seven

The Mootix battalion set up the Petpetpet-be-gone bomb as night fell on Spiky Ridge. Perks and his squadron watched as the can of poisonous liquid was stood up on its end, and the complicated masonry of the Veespa was erected around it.

by Petpetpet Wars:Part
The Becoming of the Royal Thief:Part Six

All actions have consequences.

by k3l26
The Heart of Spring:Part Four

“Go! Everybody out!”

by ketchup547
Zur’s Zombie Roomate:Part Three

Noon eventually turned to evening, and the time for Ex’s dinner party had arrived.

by skittleskit09
I'm a Faerie in a Bottle:Part Two

When we last left our travellers they had just heard a mysterious noise coming from within the jungle. They had discovered they were in a video game and were given 3 wisdoms to decipher in order to escape the island.

co-written with ___popo___

by grimmbones7

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"The Brave Little Coconut" by unfogging
Hi! My name’s Jekkoh, but you can call me Jekk for short. I know what you might be thinking. Did that coconut just talk to me? Yup, I did! You see, I’m not just a regular coconut. I’m a coconut JubJub! I can do all the things a regular JubJub can do, despite my edible appearance. (Please don’t try to eat me, by the way.) Like most JubJubs, I enjoy singing, dancing, rolling around, and just being adorable in general. I’ve earned the nickname “The Chatty Coconut” on Mystery Island due to the fact that I will talk to anybody about anything. But being a coconut isn’t the only thing that makes me special. I’m also special because I am brave. Want to know why? I have a story for you. It was evening time, and the sun was setting over the ocean. My best friend, Kai, and I had just finished a game of beach volleyball. As usual, I had won, and was bragging to Kai just a bit. He was pulling a sour but still good-natured face and mumbling about how he would “get me next time.” Kai, a red Mynci, had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Suddenly, our friend Lily ran up to us. Lily is an island Xweetok who always has flowers tied into her fur and a smile on her face. “Kai, Jekk, we have a problem!” she said, panting. Her face was red and sweaty, as if she had been running for a while.

Other Stories


“Have you no shame?”

by goldmoon_


The Brave Little Coconut
Hi! My name’s Jekkoh, but you can call me Jekk for short.

by unfogging


Style Guide for Xweetoks
Look, we all know how hard it can be to put together the perfect outfit. Sometimes you spend hours going over seemingly endless options, only to put the entire ensemble on and discover that it’s entirely too much pink, and not in a cute Usuki way either. In celebration of Xweetok Day, I have decided to take a look at some of the complete Xweetok outfits available for those of us who want our pets to look put-together without the hassle of picking each individual piece separately. For those who don’t have the time or energy to start from scratch, this one is for you!

by alissiee


The History of the Games Master Challenges
Hello again, my fellow Neopians! Over this past week, we have been reintroduced to one of Neopia’s greatest and mostly anticipated events: the Games Masters Challenge! As it has been happening in every November over the past few years, in order to be a part of the challenge, you have to choose between two teams and, for this year, it is Knights vs. Raiders! Today, I’m not here to argue about which team is up for the win, but to tell the history of past Games Masters Challenges, ever since the first edition.

by rafa_potter


Confusion With Avatars
hold on...

by loumina28


everyone has a soft side...

by hamster_z

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