For an easier life Circulation: 193,335,756 Issue: 684 | 5th day of Relaxing, Y17
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Kleptomaniacs Anonymous- Part 6

In which Brynn is at her wit's end, and so is this comic. GOODNIGHT.

by caylista
Lame Pun: Curtains

Silver's curtain call

by blackaavar
Under the Weather

Mr. Quiggle asked the Doctor to make a house call today...

by toffeedatepudding
Aisha Soup: Loopy Lupe

Wow. Much spooky. Very ghost.

by the_shii
Expectations vs Reality I

Being a petpet is not always easy.

by neocool_1_1_1
The Hungry Aisha (Part 2)

Will our hero find food?

Also by pixeljoy

by sugarycupcakes

What Even #1

What to do when you have a slorg.

by dysinthi
Detective Alisha: Sparky is Missing! Part 2

Something sure is fishy around here...

by roxanna203
Qasala Quest - Part 3

The adventure gets mysterious.

by taynacious
An odd display of affection...

...but I'll take it!

by portseton
Fair Weather

What's a real baby Neopet anyway?

by willowraynelake
The Usual - Sandwich

Don't steal from a Darigan...

by i_rawr_wafflez
Altador Cup IX - Memorable Moments Part I

Part 1 of 2

by caileanmalfoy
About Faerie Quests

Sometimes receiving quests is a bit of an annoyance...

by amarettoball

It was probably dug by a Symol...

Idea by vanessazoo

by chylaira

Make Some Noise: A Fire Hazard


by vampire_x_queen
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"Days of Daydreams Past" by aifricr
When I was younger I lived in the vast expanse of land between Brightvale and Faerieland, somewhere between those many fields of potatoes and turnips and marshes and ponds and snorkle farms...

Other Stories


At the end of the day, all I wanted was happiness.

by l0000000l


A New Trip for Plumpy
Did you know that there could somehow be a day when a nice, jolly plumpy like me became uninterested in bacon?

Also by button04_nice

by pandacat838


Brynettia's Book Reviews, Part One
My name is Brynettia, I'm a Baby Gelert, and my goal is to read all of the books in Neopia!

by golden1188


Bilge Dice- A Piratey Problem
Trying to get the elusive Bilge Dice - Lucky Streak avatar? Well, it's simple! Actually, in theory it is very simple but...

Also by hummerthug

by blue_eyed_tiger_j


The Adventures of Trina: The Two Islands - Part Three
The four friends stood in front of the storage room and shared dismayed glances. From the surface of the ship, they could see the interior was covered in blankets of dirt.

by ummagine3284


The Prophetess's Tale: Part Seven
Whoever he was, he was used to walking in shadows.

by encroached

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