Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,335,756 Issue: 684 | 5th day of Relaxing, Y17
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Continued Series

The Scientist's Apprentice: Part Ten

"No." Parlan tried to shake his head, but the movement made stars dance before his eyes. "No. There has to be a mistake..."

by vanessa1357924680
The Fire Within: Part Two

The smell of acrid smoke filled Moltara City, lying there, stagnant and choking. Yardley had experienced the pollution of cities like Neopia Central, but Moltara was something else.

by herdygerdy
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Museum at Midnight - Part Five

Jane and I began to walk around the barren museum in an attempt to find Barry. What was he planning for us?

by chasing_stars44
The Prophetess's Tale: Part Seven

Whoever he was, he was used to walking in shadows.

by encroached
Scarab Queen: Part Six

Lady Isadre drew herself up even taller. "Milady, some of us have spent our entire lives in Qasala..."

by saphira_27
Rumored Legacy: Part Three

By the time they reached Moltara, Purrow was feeling rather elated. He was making a difference in the thieving world; this would be his legacy...

by _abiz_
The Adventures of Trina: The Two Islands - Part Three

The four friends stood in front of the storage room and shared dismayed glances. From the surface of the ship, they could see the interior was covered in blankets of dirt.

by ummagine3284
Desert Sojourn: Part Two

Dragao, Henry, and Atroye entered the archives. They were in a long hall with closed doors on either side.

"How far does it go back?" Henry asked, in awe.

by 77thbigby

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"Lorelei's Adventure" by ran0ma
Lorelei spent much of her time alone, but she was not a lonely Lupe. Rather, she preferred to spend her days running through fields, imagining herself as Rohane. She would poke at large tumbleweeds, pretending...

Other Stories


Lorelei's Adventure
Lorelei spent much of her time alone, but she was not a lonely Lupe. Rather, she preferred to spend her days running through fields, imagining herself as Rohane.

by ran0ma


StitchedKougra and Mistik
There is a little shop in a dark and secluded corner of Neopia Central that carries the most unusual sort of fabric. It is managed by an old Plushie Chia...

Also by pinkpanther33

by nycflowergirl


Bilge Dice- A Piratey Problem
Trying to get the elusive Bilge Dice - Lucky Streak avatar? Well, it's simple! Actually, in theory it is very simple but...

Also by hummerthug

by blue_eyed_tiger_j


Does the Pound Chat Judge You By Your Active Pet?
If you have tried to trade your pets in Neopia, you are well aware that advertising your pets on the PC often consists of bumping your board for pages with nought but tumbleweeds and the chirp of moaches for company.

by blueskies020


Aisha Soup: Loopy Lupe
Wow. Much spooky. Very ghost.

by the_shii


It was probably dug by a Symol...

Idea by vanessazoo

by chylaira

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