For an easier life Circulation: 196,248,827 Issue: 901 | 15th day of Hunting, Y22
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Neopian PSA: Snots the time

Neopian Public Service Announcement! Also by fallingsarcophagus

by kaddisti
Burning Love

When a Grey Lupe receives any form of affection...

by innosently
Blumaroo Baking, part 1

You know what they say...

by molzypoo
Champion Vigilante

I always forget that Vandagyres can do that...

by emmilou123
Just Cake #18

A wrong time and place.

by flameshard
Real remedies at the Neohospital III

Neggnappers and breakers will do anything for a negg......

by andypopo
Neopoint Goals

Goals vs reality...

by kayona4
Fountain of Youth - Part 1

A new comic series about a Shoyru who's dream is to complete his Feldon "Dinksy" Collibridge gallery

by dekucorey
Full Moon

Different take on an old saying...

by psyko_doogie
The Great Turmaculus

Wake up sleepyhead...

by kieselcamper
Grumpy Gnorbu

I need a potion fast! Also by: lyrinks

by roxanna203
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Money, Money, Money: A Guide to Earning Neopoints

If you’re anything like me, you may have returned recently after years away from Neopia, all grown-up and raring to accomplish your goals since childhood: a completed lab map! Fully-customised Neopets! A comprehensive collection of every plushie ever made in Neopia! There is just one problem: your bank account. Maybe you weren’t the best at making Neopoints, or maybe you returned to a side account that has little in material assets. You see other users on the Neoboards flaunting lab-exclusive pets, expensive avatars, and stamp collections that number in the hundreds. How will you ever get close to that?

Other Stories


Spring Clear-Out
After an incident when it took me five hours to find a particular codestone in my Safety Deposit Box, I came to the conclusion that it was definitely time for a clear out.

by absdafabs


Faerie Fables - Naia the Fountain Faerie
A story about a young faerie who became known far and wide for her colorful talents. also by tarons

by devotedly


Bashing Kass Basher
The Blumaroo who invented the Kass Basher game shares his personal rants about his own creation!

by musicpops


The Best Ways to Celebrate the Month of Hunting!
The month of Hunting is finally here! After weeks of running and then weeks of eating, Neopians are now ready for one of the most exciting months of the year!

by aaron212


The River that Flows Eternal

by movie138music


Harker's Story
“Harker?” Jiselle asked, peering into the cabin. “Harker, what are you doing?”

by tanikagillam

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