Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 196,248,827 Issue: 901 | 15th day of Hunting, Y22
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Continued Series

The River that Flows Eternal


by movie138music
Harker's Story

“Harker?” Jiselle asked, peering into the cabin. “Harker, what are you doing?”

by tanikagillam
Avatar Goldmine

The conclusion to Avatar Goldmine! Edited by rabbits_forever

by wizzkid_
The Move

-Ann- I was happy to be picked to go to Mystery Island. Not only are my favourite cousins there, but the sand between my toes and the tropical drinks always make me happy...

by hannahcreep
The Krawk Island Adventure

Hiding the treasure chest had been the first order of business... Also written by ceara52

by therainbowsheep
~The Golden Quill~

Amy, a Lupe from Terror Mountain, had always dreamed of seeing every corner of Neopia...

by mystify
Search the Neopian Times


"Kookie the Dancer" by rkbear
Kookie winced as her elbow hit the wall, again. Aviator rushed over and squawked dutifully at the wall telling the wall off for hurting her owner. She smiled and scooped up the petpet and cuddled the airax. He seldom left her side. Wherever she went he was sure to be right behind. Her siblings told her that he was dark blue with light blue lightning bolt stripes, whatever that meant. She liked the feel of his soft feathers and leathery legs. “Thank you, Avie,” She laughed as she put him down, and listened to him skitter around on the hardwood floor. She hoped he wasn’t scratching them, but there was no way for her to tell. Kookie had been born blind.

Other Stories


The Mysterious Venuquin
They said it wouldn't last. In a way, they were right. But the love between Venuquin and Halcyon would be legendary for centuries...

by indulgences


Spring Clear-Out
After an incident when it took me five hours to find a particular codestone in my Safety Deposit Box, I came to the conclusion that it was definitely time for a clear out.

by absdafabs


Neopian Nibbles: Tasty Tyrannian Foods!
Ugga ooga uggh oogh!! That’s Tyrannian for “Welcome to the latest edition of Neopian Nibbles!”collaboration with ciarza

by riss_chan


Money, Money, Money: A Guide to Earning Neopoints
There are plenty of ways to get from rags to riches in Neopia! This article introduces users to just a few of these methods, and hopefully you’ll soon be on the road towards achieving your Neopets dreams.

by asheiruki


Neopian PSA: Snots the time
Neopian Public Service Announcement! Also by fallingsarcophagus

by kaddisti


Burning Love
When a Grey Lupe receives any form of affection...

by innosently

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