teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 196,545,206 Issue: 821 | 30th day of Running, Y20
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Continued Series

The Whispering Wail Sword:Part Eight

I never thought it was real!

by purplehopper
Change Needs Growth:Part Six

“My name is Leprechaun.” Patrick repeated.

“You are remembering the truth!” Nash was excited.

“Why are you doing this to me?!”

by jehtredmonkey

Before the Fall: An Air Faerie Story:Part Two

Dreams were worse than memories. Memories could be repressed, but dreams liked to take those haunting memories I ignored during the day and throw them in my face.

It was the first day of Advanced Weather Control. The buzzer rang loudly and Professor Avaray started with roll call.

by darigankat

The Aisha Twins:Part Four

After all this, we've finally complteted the Secret Laboratory Map...

Also by beanlein and hawkydreamerz

by imcatcrazy11

TWELVE Tips to Help You Succeed in Life:Part Four


by downrightdude
Reunions and Petpets: Another Pirate Adventure:Part Three

Lady Oakridge and Meadowbuck made a mad dash across the deck to the longboat on the starboard side of the pirate ship. They could hear yelling and shouting somewhere behind them as the pirates scrambled to put out a crackling fire.

by newenglandquizzer
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So You Want To Beat Daily Dare…

With a new year comes a new season of Daily Dare! Whether its AAA, Chadley or Abigail, if you're anxious about beating any of their scores, fear not! We have handpicked a list of games, all of which were featured in past Daily Dare challenges, to develop your gaming skills. No matter how high their scores are this year, after a few practice sessions you will be ready to take on whichever opponent comes your way! Well, what are you waiting for??? get your Gaming Wigs on and practice!!!

Other Stories


The Fisherman’s Tale
There is some truth in every story...

by k3l26


The Negg Hunt That Nearly Wasn’t
This was a collaborative effort by the people listed at the end of this story and submitted with their permission.

by hakolinsky


The 9 Kinds of Kad Feeders You Will Meet!
As someone who has been feeding Kadoaties for over seven years now, I have met my fair share of interesting people in the Kadoatie chat on Games board.

by ayakae


So You Want To Beat Daily Dare…
With a new year comes a new season of Daily Dare! Whether its AAA, Chadley or Abigail, if you're anxious about beating any of their scores, fear not!

Also by prada_prince

by mel_liew_ming_li


Non-Easter Egg
Rough Day?

Idea by darkobsession

by sana_took


A lack of Interest
What could possibly be so uninteresting?

by gnorbu_yarn

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