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"The Negg Hunt That Nearly Wasn’t " by hakolinsky
Zoe stood in line at the Neggery awaiting her turn. When did Kari start filling orders alphabetically? Zoe was the most impatient of Ixis and being last was more than she could stand. She reviewed her list again. She needed so many Neggs for the Negg hunt and the donations the last few weeks were pretty low. Hopefully there were enough Negg tokens banked so she could get a few of the highly sought after Neggs as well. Cool Neggs were out of the question, along with Super Neggs and Spiked Neggs. But, perhaps a SNegg or Silver Knight Negg along with some of the more common Neggs would be a good option. Letting out a sigh, she began thinking of how she became chairpet of the Negg Hunt Committee. It was Angela’s fault. Zoe’s mother always warned her about sneaky Xweetoks. Building up the pleasure of the hunt, talking about the prestige and glory of being in charge and the clincher, all the lovely Neggs that collectors would be clamoring over for their galleries. Only the collectors didn’t want the Neggs from the Neggery. They had those. No, she had to go to the marketplace and haggle, push, shove, and even fight for Jelly Neggs and Easter Neggs. But she didn’t get any! So here she was at the Neggery, desperate for dozens of Neggs.

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