Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,714,467 Issue: 871 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y21
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Continued Series

The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Five

Earlier, Dimitri wished that he had gone with his housemates to Pillar Grove when Jacenty presented the offer to him.

by blueys45
Varanna:Part Three

Varanna Helps Stump King Hagan

by karlynne1964
The Pound Garden:Part Two

Never forget that anywhere can become a place of joy if you simply bloom where you are planted.

by carrieantonia
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"Dream Like I Do" by ptolemis
When I was younger, I had always wanted to travel around Neopia. Even as a Baby Neopet, I knew that there was more to the world than the little life I led in Neopia Central. My early years were hallmarked by this constant yearning for something more, and I could never really pin down just what it was. Was it a sense of friendship that I never had with other Neopets? True, authentic experiences? Peace of mind with enough Neopoints in the bank? Whatever it was, I was only sure of one thing - I was never going to get it here.

Other Stories


Dream Like I Do
When I was younger, I had always wanted to travel around Neopia. Even as a Baby Neopet, I knew that there was more to the world than the little life I led in Neopia Central.

by ptolemis


One Scary Night - retold by Oira
Rain poured down heavily onto the grounds, leaving puddles everywhere in the Haunted Woods as a Baby Kougra named Oira stood in front of The Haunted Cave with his Meepit, Iora and Breebly, Rai.

by bubbles150


A New Champion's Guide to Never Ending Boss Battle
This is one of my first submissions to The Neopian Times, and is a guide to the game I won my first champion trophy on.

by pokemonbook


What do stars have to say?
Have you ever wondered who you are? What’s your purpose? How can you descrive yourself?

by norrossa97


A day at the cockroach hotel
It's time for a great time!

Collaboration with _kougra_rules_ and tifnkittygrundler

by coldecember



by korbat2_5

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