White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 195,714,467 Issue: 871 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y21
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New Series

Chronicles of the Darkside: Keys to Fantasia

"Any excuse to flee this pathetic village"

by fire_earth_aqua__77
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"One Scary Night - retold by Oira " by bubbles150
Rain poured down heavily onto the grounds, leaving puddles everywhere in the Haunted Woods as a Baby Kougra named Oira stood in front of The Haunted Cave with his Meepit, Iora and Breebly, Rai. Oira held a Rainbow Umbrella in his left paw and a Battle Torch in his right. On his back, was a Kaia Backpack full of the items he needed for the night. Oira heard crash of thunder and saw a flash of lightening, and a cold gust of wind swept through the air, making the three of them cold.

Other Stories


Dream Like I Do
When I was younger, I had always wanted to travel around Neopia. Even as a Baby Neopet, I knew that there was more to the world than the little life I led in Neopia Central.

by ptolemis


Meridell's Grace
“What is she doing up there?”

by flyinglulu


Godori, easier than you think?
Godori is a deceptively easy game. No, I’m not pulling your leg! People look at the collection of cards and pictures, the fast pace, and confusing directions and feel defeated.

by hansy900


What do stars have to say?
Have you ever wondered who you are? What’s your purpose? How can you descrive yourself?

by norrossa97


A Series of Unfortunate Neopian Events - Part 1

collaboration: wuackty

by _kathy_2004_



by korbat2_5

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