Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 175,300,946 Issue: 363 | 10th day of Collecting, Y10
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New Series

The Kacheek Club: Gretta's Revenge - Part One

Suddenly it clicked in her mind. "Oh... uhhh... You see, I think there's been a sort of misunderstanding..." She gulped nervously.

by jenlin_25
Molly's Story: Part One

A few meowclops were sitting in a box, somewhere in a cupboard. They were discussing what they wanted to do with their lives.

by orlando_bloom_bigfan
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A Satirical Guide to Key Quest

When you or someone else activates a mini game, read the instructions quickly. Read the screen with suggestions of what to do while waiting for the other players, and realize you haven't actually twiddled your thumbs in a long time. Twiddle them until the mini game starts. When it does, try to remember what the instructions said, but mostly just click around. Realize that you lost the mini game, and make an attempt to thoroughly read the instructions next time...

Other Stories


A Moving Experience
There was nothing left. All the furniture had been taken and the rugs removed from the floor. Even the pictures had been taken off the walls...

by dipper70


Chezzanne Goes To Tyrannia
Chezzanne grinned. "That would be uber-great!" she said, using her favorite adjective, which she had made up herself.

by pixie_29


What To Collect
It seems like you're the only one who cannot show off with a large collection, not because you don't want to start one but because you simply do not know what to collect.

by iloenchen


Bogshot: The (Somewhat) Forgotten Swamp
Bogshot IS a swamp, but it also has a village by the same name. It's a nice place, I swear! The locals are quite friendly.

by jubub33


Light House Life
Scarab citrus soda: It's the exotic taste of the desert, without the dehydration.

by louishooper


I Dream of Neopets
nom nom nom

by koitlumm

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