There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 175,300,946 Issue: 363 | 10th day of Collecting, Y10
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Short Stories

Amy's Big Pyjama Problem

"These are so comfy, I'll forget I'm wearing them!" Amy joked.

by 12345marissa
Paint On the Walls

"While you were sleeping until noon, we were out on a picnic. And somehow our sandwiches were switched around."

by silver_mirage
My Dream Vacation

"I know," I sighed, "but I really, really, really want to go."

by nonexist
The Misadventures of the Sky Pirate

It was a peaceful morning in Faerieland; the sun was slowly rising over a deserted corner of the city in the clouds, and the streets were empty save for a certain Tonu...

by dreamgate
The Perfect Negg

After chucking their slushies in a nearby bin, Aimee and Crystal arrived at the Neggery. They smiled and said hello to the Negg Faerie...

by userplay6088
Chezzanne Goes To Tyrannia

Chezzanne grinned. "That would be uber-great!" she said, using her favorite adjective, which she had made up herself.

by pixie_29

"Mr. Shaye, team Darigan is in eighth. You were the favorite to take it all. Now this?"

by dianacat777
Friendship in an Igloo

Mika had totally forgotten. How could she forget Half Price Day? She was always all over the place too! "Oh yeah!" Mika cried. "It's Half Price Day!"

by rocknrollpup95
A Shocking Surprise

"So are you sure you want to do this?" Shelby asked Hermione seriously.

by princesshjb
Accepting Zeke

"The longest known case of a Xweetok egg remaining un-hatched is one week."

by corygirl200
A Moving Experience

There was nothing left. All the furniture had been taken and the rugs removed from the floor. Even the pictures had been taken off the walls...

by dipper70
BeautyRagdoll's Dilemma: The Decision

Which is worse? The curse or the cure?

by patjade
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"Shaye" by dianacat777
We'd beaten a few more of the easier teams. And then Roo Island came. They crushed us. In both game... and spirit. I don't exactly know what happened after that. It wasn't just me; it was all of us on team Darigan. There was no longer a spring to my step, a roguish grin on my face on the field. We faltered. We slowed down...

Other Stories


Bogshot: The (Somewhat) Forgotten Swamp
Bogshot IS a swamp, but it also has a village by the same name. It's a nice place, I swear! The locals are quite friendly.

by jubub33


What To Collect
It seems like you're the only one who cannot show off with a large collection, not because you don't want to start one but because you simply do not know what to collect.

by iloenchen


Some Kind of Superstar: Part Four
"Okay..." croaks the Techo, writing something down on a sheet of paper. "Did you study the script?"

by icegirl_sara


A House, A Home: Part Four
That was when a large door opened across the room, revealing Commander Garoo. And yes, he had giant robots.

by saphira_27


Commendably Creepy!
Note to self- Don't roar at ghosts!

by snuggles_n_huggles


Crumbeard's Ship Log
The adventures of a Yurble that's biscuit by color, pirate by profession.

#2: Food Club Folly

by rarehunter41

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