Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,049,732 Issue: 675 | 9th day of Sleeping, Y17
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

A whirl of emotions went through Amelie's heart while she was falling. Those seconds seemed like an eternity, and they were enough to have filled her eyes with tears. "I do not understand..."

"Wigless" Wigs: Ladies

While different databases have helped to aid in the search for the perfect tresses, there are times when these beauties get omitted: Simply because they aren't referred to as 'wigs', as they've been searched for. Indeed, some of them are more than just about hair - from daring looks for the brave adventurer types to delightfully girlish forms for the feminine at heart, this list is counting down from oldest to newest to come to the NC Mall, with hope to...

New Years In Neopia

Happy New Years, fellow Neopians! How did you ring in Year 17? Did you brave the chilly temperatures and celebrate with fireworks? Did you get together with family and friends and spend the evening reminiscing about the past year? Or perhaps you feel celebrating the passage of time is silly and went to bed early. However you spent the night, I hope you had a great time. If you did not, we have some suggestions as to how to have a better time next time...

Welcoming the Vandagyre

Vandagyres are a new species in Neopia. As part of this new species in Neopia, I still noticed that some of us still feel rather uncomfortable or shy. Some Vandagyre are still hesitant to come down from the mountains. Many Neopians have claimed not to like how we look or criticize us for other reasons. I find this unfair and I am here to discuss some of these reasons and to tell you how you can help us Vandagyres feel welcome...

Other Stories
"The Air Faerie Makes Emerson At Home" by lizzy_beth_750551
One day in a beautiful park, a young Green Poogle walked along sadly. She sniffled, for she had just moved from Mystery Island, and the weather was all wrong in this new place. It might not sound so bad to a grown Neopet, but Emerson was young yet, and she was incredibly frustrated. She missed her home and she missed the sun...

"Cupcakes" by themaybird
If there's one person Lily the yellow Ogrin can't stand, it's Jasmine. Jasmine is a faerie Uni of the worst kind. Sure she's pretty, but is it really worth it when you spend all your time brushing your mane again and again, reapplying makeup, and checking your appearance in a compact mirror? Seriously, she doesn't go anywhere without it. Last time Jasmine came over...

"The End of the Habitariums" by goodsigns
Ray sighed and picked the Zytch back up, placing it in its own separate Habitarium. It was a learning Habitarium, like the one Professor Clodbottle had used to train the original species of Habitarium petpetpets. Ray, who was his assistant, was in charge of finding a new petpetpet to introduce to the Habitariums. Finding a new petpetpet would...

And The Forecast Is....

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Weather
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Great stories!


A Queen's Ascension: Part Five
Tomos stood very still. He had to think on his feet. He was alone in Frezon's room with the Lupe himself and could see how dangerous he was...

by dudeiloled


Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
I just think Mutant Quiggles are adorable and under appreciated! I can't wait to have one of my own some day!

by urawolff


The Necromancer: Part Eleven
"What can I help you with, Miss Ward?" he said briskly as she entered, not pausing in what he was doing. He appeared to be reading correspondence and giving it his signature.

by jokerhahaazzz


I'll Take Your Word For It
Are you sure that's not what you meant?

by globetrekker


How Bones Got His Wings Back
What's an Eyrie without wings supposed to do?

by mecha_fang

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