Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 193,335,756 Issue: 684 | 5th day of Relaxing, Y17
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"It's not like the difference between Brightvale and Meridell. It is closer to the difference between Maraquans and Sakhmetians. We are physically different, and have been for generations. Magma is more than a mere colour, Mr. Yardly, it is an identity."

Book Reviews

My name is Brynettia, I'm a Baby Gelert, and my goal is to read all of the books in Neopia! Today, I'm going to tell you about some of the most recent books I've read and give you my review of them, so you know if they're worth your time or not...

Garden Hype!

Ah, spring is in the air and there's a lot of work to be done now that the temperatures are rising outside! So, what's the big buzz about this year in Neopia? Gardening! Near and far, everyone in Neopia is already planning...

Neohome Buyer's Guide: Tyrannia

Looking for a perfect home and still have no idea where you want to purchase one? Look no further! Here's a guide to help you pick the perfect place for your perfect neohome in the wonderful prehistoric land of Tyrannia!!

Other Stories
"Days of Daydreams Past" by aifricr
When I was younger I lived in the vast expanse of land between Brightvale and Faerieland, somewhere between those many fields of potatoes and turnips and marshes and ponds and snorkle farms...

"Lorelei's Adventure" by ran0ma
Lorelei spent much of her time alone, but she was not a lonely Lupe. Rather, she preferred to spend her days running through fields, imagining herself as Rohane. She would poke at large tumbleweeds, pretending...

"The Door Closes" by ellbot1998
I have an unexpected visitor. He hums his way down the slope, to the tune of a song I faintly remember. Though his voice has been absent from my life for many years, it still sounds unforgettable...

While You're In Altador

This week's issue is brought to you by: Mop 'n' Bop
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Fair Weather
What's a real baby Neopet anyway?

by willowraynelake


What Even #1
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It was probably dug by a Symol...

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Bilge Dice- A Piratey Problem
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Desert Sojourn: Part Two
Dragao, Henry, and Atroye entered the archives. They were in a long hall with closed doors on either side.

"How far does it go back?" Henry asked, in awe.

by 77thbigby

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