Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,835,986 Issue: 798 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

She took a deep breath and whispered to herself, "Thank Fyora it’s Friday."

The Faerie Festival Potluck

There are many traditions the Faeries follow for the Faerie Festival, one being the potluck. While there are some years where Faerieland Castle handles all the catering, what more often happens is certain Faeries are assigned to bring food (paid for by Faerieland Castle).

Spook-Worthy Wearables

Who said September was too early to start planning for the fright-fest we all adore? Any NC-Addict worth their salt knows that if you want that perfect customization to happen by the time Halloween rolls around, you need that early start!

Festive Items to Put You in the Fall Spirit

The month of Gathering is one of my favorites for multiple reasons. For starters, we Neopians get quite the array of events to celebrate! Within this month, Neopians join together to celebrate Draiks, Techos, Poogles, and Skeiths – a combination of some of the most adored and least appreciated pets, all which deserve their special days.

Other Stories
"Faerie Origins: The Dung Faerie" by butterflybandage
"Meilara! What are you doing? I thought we agreed to meet closer to Illusen’s Glade! I’ve spent the last fifteen minutes looking like a doofus, gawking around, trying to find you!” The tall, lanky faerie had her arms akimbo, hands furiously gripping at her hips as she glared at her friend. “Do you not understand what ‘right outside where’ means? Do I need to be more specific next time, like … ‘right on Illusen’s doorstep’? Hello, Neopia to Meilara?” The faerie she was speaking to was gazing out in the opposite direction, facing the many acres that stretched out before her bewildered eyes. She brushed her dark, wavy hair out of her hazel eyes and murmured, “How much land do you think is here, Vynessa? A thousand, maybe even a few thousand acres?” “A few thousand acres? More like a few thousand feet.” She shrugged when Meilara shot her a nasty look. “Meilara, I’m just saying that this place isn’t that impressive, you know? Why are you always so, I don’t know … enthralled by it?” Meilara shrugged. She stuck her tongue out at the blonde. “Ready to bug our most favorite faerie ever?” “Always!” They rushed off towards Illusen’s Glade, the thought of all those beautiful acres—however many there be—forever in the back of Meilara’s mind. Illusen smiled warmly as the two faeries entered. “Hello Vynessa, Meilara. What may I do for you girls today?” They both giggled, hands by their mouths. “Hi, Illusen!” they sang, never tiring of hearing their names in Illusen’s beautiful, seemingly all-knowing voice. They had been coming to visit Illusen for a few months now; it started off innocently, with the two girls curious to meet the renowned faerie in person, but after chatting for a while Illusen decided to take them under her metaphorical wing to mentor them in all areas of their lives. She always encouraged them to speak their minds, ask all questions, and—most importantly—never fear to be themselves. Meilara spoke up, asking almost without thinking. “How did you know what kind of faerie you wanted to be?” Illusen tilted her head, green and red hair falling off her shoulders and encasing her body. “What do you mean, Meilara?”

"Moonshot" by goldmoon_
"I'm going to fly to Kreludor on my own two wings," Tresapeake said, and there didn't exist a word or phrase in the Neopedia that could dissuade her. There was the small issue of not having natural wings, as a Mutant Lutari, but the shops and their keepers had invented attachable wings and so she figured she might start there. “Yes, we have plenty of wings," the first shopkeeper, a dainty Ixi, gushed while parading Tres down a stuffed aisle. “Chocolate Wings and Cherry Blossom Wings and Candelabra Wings and—" “Beautiful," Tres said, blinking at a pair of wooden wings somehow perpetually on fire. “Which are the best for flight?" The shopkeeper trilled a worried tone. “Flight? As in flying? Oh goodness, well, a young lad recently traded in these Ingenious Flying Contraption Wings, and by the name, it does sound like they would be ideal to take to the skies!" Tres examined the proffered invention, testing the tautness of the canvas and the integrity of the wooden beams. With a beaming smile, she handed over the requisite payment, and out she went with only a little difficult in getting her new wings through the door. - - - - - Tuesday was the day. Her best friends, Motley and Nintuck, peeped out from behind a nearby rock on the long, grassy plain. “I question the wisdom of your endeavor," the bookish Nintuck protested, adjusting her Ogrin suspenders and patting at her gray hair. “I propose that we take to mathematics and digest the possibilities of both success and failure." Motley, a Magma Nimmo, was of a different mind. “Shh," Tres could hear the half-attempt at a whisper. “This is going to go so wonderfully terrible!" Tres clinched another buckle and leaned from side to side, adjusting to the weight of the wings. She'd spent the last several days trying the wings on, sanding down rough edges, and reining in unruly spokes. She squinted down the path at the edge of the knoll, below which the hill dipped down about five or six feet, and took a deep breath. “I'm doing it!" she informed the pair behind the rock, and with the same gumption she'd assembled at the beginning of this endeavor, she sprang forward.

"Just a Bookish Aisha" by millyandsugar
Luna ran her finger along the rows of neatly-sorted books in the Brightvale Royal Library. There were books on making baskets, books on making stained-glass windows, books on bookbinding... Aha! She pulled down a heavy tome entitled Book Repair 101. Exactly what she needed in order to prepare for the celebration of the anniversary of the Discovery of Brightvale—many old books would be on display at the library this weekend, and Luna, as Royal Assistant Bookkeeper, was in charge of fixing them up before the big day, which was taking place in two days’ time. The young Blue Aisha sat down at a table stacked high with tattered-looking books. She opened Book Repair 101 to the first page, but no sooner had she done so when the door to the library burst open and King Hagan strode in. “Luna, thank goodness you’re here,” Hagan said, his forehead creased in a frown. Luna perked up. “Hello, Your Highness! Have you brought me a book to fix up?” Luna had only been Royal Assistant Bookkeeper for three months now, and she was eager to be useful. Hagan sighed and sat down at the table. “No, Luna. It’s the Scroll of Devastation. It’s gone.” Luna’s heart skipped a beat when he completed his sentence. She had heard that Hagan kept several scrolls locked away in his personal chambers. If read aloud, they would unleash extremely powerful spells. “Gone?” Luna repeated. “Your Highness, I must have misunderstood—” Hagan shook his head. “This morning, when I opened the chest where I keep the scroll, it was empty. Only very powerful magic could have broken the spell on that chest. All that was left was a note.” Hagan slid a piece of paper across the table towards her. Luna picked it up and read it silently. Darigan Citadel will rise as an Empire. Surrender by nightfall tomorrow, or there will be consequences. A shiver ran through her spine. “But the Scroll of Devastation contains a spell to—to—” She knew what this scroll could do, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

Partake in the Fun of the Festival!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Faerie Festival
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