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Petpet Spotlight

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- Today's Petpet Spotlight -

Petpet Name: Striga
Owner: opentaniec
Pet Name: Mrisza
Breed: Gremble

About Striga:
"...and then it is going to draw you under your bed and eat your braaains!" The Korbat boy tried to mimic a lurking zombie, but the effect did not impress his little sister. Mrisza may have only been a few years old, but living in the Haunted Woods all these years had made her indifferent to such naive ghost and monster stories. Did her brother not know that zombies "live" in graves or in the house on the end of the street... and surely not under someone's bed? Besides, she thought, I would smell a zombie from a mile away... Before she explained those obvious facts to her older brother (who, she suspected, their parents had kept in the dark for all of these years), their mom stepped in. It was three o'clock, time for good little Korbats to go to their beds. Mrisza obediently went to her room and climbed up to the bed, which had been adjusted for Korbats. It did not, in fact, differ so much from other beds, except in that one end was at higher level, and Mrisza had her head placed on the lower end, assuring she would get a healthy rest. The higher part of the bed stood next to the wall, and under the slope was a vast space filled with toys, dust, and Spyders. Mrisza did not believe a zombie would fit there. When she was on a verge of falling asleep, though, she heard an odd noise coming from beneath.

Of course she did not believe her brother's zombie story. He was too meek to even make it sound true, which shouldn't have been hard for someone who has zombies as neighbors in the Haunted Woods. She could sense a presence, however -- a real one, not a figment of her imagination, but rather still having something peculiar about it that was escaping the grasp of reason. She felt the tension that appears when you're waiting for someone to make a move -- any action that would be better than the uncertainty. Children have a remarkable trait of bursting with energy at every task that demands running away and shouting, but they grow tired of peaceful activities such as waiting rather quickly. Thus, Mrisza closed her eyes, and the next thing she remembered was her mother's voice calling her for breakfast.

The situation repeated again, and on the third night Mrisza had had enough of it. Once everyone had fallen asleep and all that you could hear was the distant howling of the Werelupes and annoying the meowing of a lost Meowclops (which, to the inhabitants of the Haunted Woods, are about as normal as chirping of crickets in Sheenku), the little Korbat jumped off of her bed and looked under it. There, in the shadows, she found a pair of eyes that were like gleaming yellow orbs staring at her.
"Why won’t you come out? Are you afraid of me?" Mrisza asked.
The creature seemed to ponder her questions, then finally decide to reveal itself to Mrisza. It had two feet like striped witch's shoes, a furry abdomen, and a stitched mask on its head. The most unsetting part about it, besides the huge loony eyes, was the fact that what one could see was not actually the real Petpet. Rather, the essence of its being was hidden inside those random parts stitched together, animated by some inner force. The only hint of what could be hidden inside this ragged shell were the tentacles made of shadows that crowned the creature’s head like Medusa's snakes.

The infamous Gremble faced the Korbat girl, and the two looked each other directly in the eyes. Saying that the eyes are the mirrors of one’s soul would seem to be accurate, because the Gremble quickly realized that that was no ordinary child standing there; rather, her gaze held the promise of making the best of the spooky nights that awaited them. Yes, from that moment, there was no "she" and "it"; they would make a duo that fearlessly ventured through the Haunted Woods and beyond together. The Gremble rubbed itself against Mrisza's legs like a Meowclops kitten (except for the soft purring). It let the Korbat lift it up and then gently touched her cheek with a shadowy tentacle.
"Striga..." Mrisza whispered in a hushed, joyful tone. The Gremble now belonged to her... the name had sealed the pact made with the Haunted Woods to take one of their creatures away from the army of nameless shadows. Mrisza thought about her brother, who had tried to scare her earlier, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on her face at the thought that she had been the first to get a Petpet. This morning, she would drift off to sleep with a sense of triumph.

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