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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Krawk Island's Fishy Problem
By Ilovemycatembers

Oh, dear me! Oh, beware!
Giant tentacles here and there!

Krawk Island is under attack!
Time to leave, go run and pack!

Is this an event or is it a plot?
Is this a monster that'll have to be fought?

Could it be a hoax or a prank?
It'd be a tasteless joke, to be frank.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I admit... the whole thing seems fishy to me.

Surrounding Krawk Island
By Meowkaykay

No one, not one soul
Expected this, alas
For only the true fool
Worries about something happening so fast.

And yet, there it is...
What is it, should I say?
For now I feel quizzed,
For no one expected this day.

The Neopets on the isle
Where happy and carefree;
Suddenly a cry from an unhappy child
Turns heads toward the sea.

Surrounding the land are monstrous beasts
Coming 'round to and fro.
Now the Krawk islanders shriek,
For there are monsters in tow.

What is happening, we all ask,
Is this the beginning or the end?
Perhaps this is a brand-new task;
A plot is about to trend.

For together the pirates plan,
Wondering what they are to do
About the monsters arriving on the sand.
Neopians, this is your cue!

Krawk Island... Going, Going...
By Sordid

Something isn't really right,
I fear the coming change.
Something seems a bit amiss,
Too odd and rather strange.

Where flow the ships of pirate-kind;
Tavern, so rough and loud;
Where Weewoos haunt the coming dark;
Where onyx mist doth shroud.

This island all have come to know,
Where cove sells riches great.
Something has changed, Krawk Island-wise,
But what? We sit and wait.

Clue one, they stretch from sea below,
Something, but what? Who knows?
Tentacles, perhaps it seems?
Forth from the sea it grows!

Clue two, the island sinking fast,
It's going, tide doth surge!
Can we figure out what's wrong
Before it doth submerge?

So something lurks within the deep;
Krawk Island sinks below.
Shall it vanish to the blue,
Where tide flicks to and fro?

A mystery it seems awaits,
The cause? We do debate!
Alas we don't know all just yet;
Sit back, my friends, and wait!

Oh, Where Has Our Krawk Island Gone?
By Mamasimios

Oh, where has our Krawk Island gone?
And whither the pirates, those hale and brave,
Who now, it seems, lie 'neath the waves,
And who shall heed the call to save
Them from whence Krawk Island has gone?

Oh, where could our Krawk Island be?
Seen brief in grasp of giant squid
(At least one guesses, the face was hid)
Could the beast have submerged it? Fyora forbid!
Oh, where could Krawk Island be?

Oh, where has our Krawk Island gone?
Is it in dark depths that it will be found?
Can the residents be saved, to not have drowned?
And oh, those tentacles! The mind confounds!
Oh, where has Krawk Island gone?

Oh, where does our Krawk Island rest?
What magic this? What evil plot?
It sounds not like the work of Sloth,
But what clues have we? I dare say naught
To where our Krawk Island rests.

The Sinking of Krawk Island
By Chocolate_lover67

Dragged under the waters,
It seems as though
The end is near
For the island on which Krawks live.
Tentacled arms rose
And wrapped around it,
Pulling it under.
The population submerged,
It's no longer Krawk Island.
All that remains is
A small speck of land.
Upon closer look,
A hut.
A tiny building left above the waves.
What will come
Of the sinking
Is yet to be seen.

By Dragonstorm_75

Mighty waves are breaking 'round,
Tearing stones and loosing ground.
Ships are shattered upon the foam,
Spread asunder by the currents to roam.

Great tendrils flex and grasp with glee,
While old sea-dogs tremble and flee.
Catastrophe looms, shadowing all,
Tonight, tonight, Krawk Island will fall!

A hurricane rages above in the sky;
Lightning-storms tremble beneath its eye.
The iris of clouds with rampaging coils
Joins with the sea as it screams and roils.

Old wounds are made raw by screaming water;
Brined captains by fear start to falter.
Oars are dashed against fallen rocks,
Pried open and torn like soft-weathered chalks.

By nightfall the thunder is just a rumble
And cascading waves just cease to tumble;
There are no houses, no beaches, no caves --
Krawk Island now rests beneath the waves.

A Treasure Hunt
By Ladygaladriel213

The sun dapples the water in its brilliant rays,
You feel quite lazy in this warm haze.

Afloat atop these waters, drifting calm,
Sleepy whilst you listen to the sailor's song.

A lute as soft as the clouds in the sky
And a voice like sleighbells jingles by.

You feel tug of ocean and you look at its face,
Placid and inviting, such a cool glassy place.

The surface reflects your own eyes at first,
But as you stare you have an intense thirst.

No, not for water, but what you see lying beneath!
Gold, gems, silver -- the inclinations of a thief!

Here on Krawk Island, treasure seekers abound,
And not many an honest pirate is there to be found.

But you see, you saw it first, it should belong to you!
So you do what any normal Krawk Islander'd do.

You reel it in and haul it up onto your deck.
And through all the treasures you run a quick check.

But a storm whips up, soon you're lashed with rain.
Boat pitches about; you're left in quite some pain.

What to do? Day is black; you can't see your hands.
Can you make it ashore? But no, you can't see land!

A fog wraps around you; soon you'll be lost at sea.
It seems the only thing to do is set the treasure free!

So you do, and to do this it takes a delicate measure.
Thus you have origins of island's buried treasure.

Don't let this tale fool you; many treasures there be!
You must first go on adventure: set sail on the sea.

Remember folly of others: greed'll pull you under.
All you thought and knew will fast be torn asunder.

And lo and behold, I have a feeling that's sinking.
Is it simply me or is Krawk Island shrinking?!

Put whatever treasure you stole back before dawn!
Be quick, I beg you, else Krawk Island will be gone!

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