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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Chocolate Ball
by Aldurswolf

Today we celebrate my favorite treat
With its creamy goodness and taste so sweet
So everyone jump to your feet
And cheer, for it's time for the Chocolate Ball

All the Neopets wait to get an invitation
For getting one shows off 
The ultimate social station
The event is such a great sensation
It's time for the Chocolate Ball

The invitees head out to the Chocolate Factory
To chow down without fear of calories
Nothing you taste will be unsatisfactory
For this is the Chocolate Ball

The chocolatey delights are all around
As are many faces without a frown
The lads in their suits and ladies in gowns
Are enjoying this Chocolate Ball

As the night comes to an end
Away the guests are all sent
Asking the Kiko patron next year to attend
The fabulous Chocolate Ball

Chaos and Chocolate
by Sordid

One merry eve some time ago,
On the Chocolate Ball's own day.
Things were planned to run so smooth,
But did not end that way.
For what began as a grand affair,
Turned to a horrid night,
As a chocolate feast promised to all,
Became a grand food fight.

A mere mistake when a Chia guest,
Did slip so fast and fall.
It sent a bowl splashing so fast,
On guests and down the wall.
Some thought it was deliberate, see,
And then chaos broke out.
"Food fight!" echoed through the hall,
Then madness came with that shout.

Chocolate milk, thick and fast,
It coated a chandelier.
Plus half the room, the staircase base,
And half the guests, I fear.
From the roof some ice cream dripped,
And formed a chocolate pool.
Each drip did drizzle slowly down,
So chocolate brown and cool.

A chocolate Chia watched in fear,
As food flew here and there.
Despite the promise of a ball,
There was no class found here.
When Lupes devoured chocolate cake,
(With manners rather rude),
The Chia turned and ran away,
Lest they too think him food!

The Chocolate Factory Exposed
by Jokerless

Assortments on assembly lines
Of chocolate treats galore
Sprinkles pouring down upon
A mound of sweets adored 
Inspiring a rumbling tummy
As you stare in delight
At a candy land of colors
Tempting candies left and right

Sour gummies, lollypops, 
Ice cream, taffies, melon chews,
Everlasting gobstoppers, and
Delicious chocolate brew 
Oh how tasty they look! 
Chocolatiers running around
Testing, tasting, sampling
Sugary substances to be found

Savory cookies and cakes
Adorn charming rows 
While tiny gumdrops
Freckle ground below
Fresh pastries lie next 
To things of a sticky nature
Such as marshmallow bars
And yummy gelatin mixtures

It's not your sweet tooth
You need worry about
Your weight is the main 
Concern of the doubt
But forget about it! 
We're here just to have fun
Feel free to come again,
Our work is never done

The Chocolate Draik
by Dr_tomoe

The days fly by
As days usually will.
And then the greatest day comes
The waiting itself is a thrill.

The Annual Chocolate Ball comes
A day filled with joy and fun.
The best day of the year
At least until Christmas time comes.

And the best way to go
At least for your sake
Is to go with the greatest chocolate Neopet,
A chocolate Draik.

That's not to say 
Other chocolate 'pets aren't good
But a Chocolate Draik is better.
If you see one you'll know
That it defines chocolate to the letter.

Its wings and ears textured like a waffle
And covered in that delicious dairy
And it's even topped off literally
With whipped cream and a cherry!

It's the best chocolate Neopet
It even won the Neopie.
But if you want one, then be patient
And ask the Fountain Faerie.

The Great Chocolate Ball
by Kaddiez

Come one, come all
To the great Chocolate Ball,
Sweets and candies galore!
The decadent treats served at your feet
Will keep you craving more!

The annual affair at a secretive location,
Only lets those in with an invitation,
Wanted by all to attend.
Acceptance is sought, sadness if not,
Rejects can always pretend.

Here, the best of the best 
Come to refresh,
And relax with chocolates sublime.
Sit in the halls, edible walls,
And the snobs who dress so refined.

So the day comes,
Cross your fingers and thumbs,
Hope for an invite to arrive at your door.
If it does, rejoice - think of the joys!
If not, don't be too sore!

That Chocolate Chia Gnome
by Sarika_ambrielle

There are several thing I'd like to see
While battling in the 'dome
One of which would have to be
That Chocolate Chia Gnome

He hangs out in my garden
Just sits there as he taunts
Hiding, joking, squealing
Not saying what he wants

So full of lovely flowers
My garden is too grand
Perhaps when spring arrives
He'll explore some other lands

I don't know when he came
Or what made him just appear
But he's causing major havoc
And I don't want him here

He's getting on my nerves
And doesn't seem to care
The 'dome is the answer
I just need to get him there

His time is very limited
Tonight will be the night
I've laid the baited trail
And the moon is shining bright

Following the path of crumbs
He seems to be so tame
He turns with a toothy grin
To say Adam is his name

Now I have a problem
I've made a brand new friend
The gnome now gets to stay 
And our friendship's on the mend

Chocolate, Chocolate, and More Chocolate
by Moulinrouge21

Dripping chocolate, melting, sweet,
Smells delicious, each individual treat.
Cookies, muffins, brownies, and cake,
Tastes devine, better than you could make.

Fruit dipped in chocolate, marshmallows, too.
Take what you can, lots for me and you.
White, milk, and dark, all different kinds,
Dig into the sweet bowl and see what you find.

Covered in sugar, so sweet on your lips,
Caramel curls and vanilla whips.
Prepare to dance for the annual ball,
Celebrating together in this wondrous hall.

Sprinkles, cherries, and sugar nice,
Layered with flavours, for added spice.
Cream and icing, what are you waiting for?
Eating and eating, always wanting more.

The Chocolate Fountain
by Chelsey22189

Sitting in the middle of the Chocolate Ball,
Is a magical chocolate fountain that is fun for all.
Dip in an onion and what a suprise -
A chocolate-covered onion 
Appears before your eyes!

Neopets of all kind loved the ball for many things,
But most of all to satisfy chocolatey cravings.
That wonderful fountain would turn a gross food
Into something wonderful and not as crude.

A legend is told that a few years ago...
A young little Chia who loved everything choco,
Got too close to the fountain & in it he fell.
But when he came out 
He was chocolate-covered as well!

So now every year 
The Chocolate Ball draws a crowd,
Of Neopets who are 
Chocolate-covered and proud.
But Neopets of different colors also appear,
To see if to the magical fountain, 
They can get near.

So Neopians of all kinds, 
Hold on to your beloved 'pet,
Because if they fall into the fountain, 
They won't just get wet.
But, alas! They will come back to you,
Not faerie, pirate, or blue... 
But in a chocolatey hue!

The Tooth Faerie and The Chocolate Ball
by Chavo_guerrero

Down in valleys deep and dark,
Up in mountains tall,
Everyone's getting things ready,
For the Annual Chocolate Ball.

All the young ones are excited,
Their faces full of smiles,
Thinking how much fun they'll have,
Sorting candy into piles.

The elder 'pets are happy, too,
How could they be not?
Nobody gives the slightest thought,
To teeth that could soon rot.

The Tooth Faerie gives a sigh,
Although the Chocolate Ball is fun,
She knows that any damage here,
Can never be undone.

Every year she does the same,
And gives the warnings out,
Most Neopets will listen to her,
She doesn't often shout.

But there's always some who can't resist;
The Chocolate Ball's too nice,
They chomp and chew on sugar,
Forgetting to brush twice.

And after every year's events,
She shakes her blunette head,
And exchanges teeth for Neopoints,
While Neopets lie in their bed.

So, although it's quite a party,
And the chocolate tastes so sweet,
Remember to be careful,
And brush after you eat!

The Annual Chocolate Ball
by Jjquil

Ladies, with perfectly coiffed hair 
Slip on those heels, elegant and tall 
Don those gloves, and polish those jewels
It's time to prepare for the Chocolate Ball. 

Gentlemen, clad in velvet suits 
Spats and walking staff, with flair, 
The Annual Chocolate Ball is formal 
So all must dress so debonair. 

Kyrii with her tiara, Kacheek with her gown, 
The Chocolate ladies waltz and whirl; 
Draik with her jewelry, Peophin with her skirt, 
As the music crescendos, so do they twirl. 

Kougra with his tuxedo, Shoyru with his tie, 
Chocolate gentleman always bow and smile
Uni with his shiny shoes, Zafara with his staff, 
What royal Neopet could hope 
To compete with their style?

Bori and Xweetok tap out the tango, 
Whilst Korbat and Pteri promenade;
The waltzing Wocky and Aisha partners
Pass the Yurble and Skeith all clad in suede. 

The Chocolate Ball, a night like no other, 
Where decadence and luxury are celebrated
Neopets gather by invitation 
For an evening of dancing unabated.

The Chocolate Ball
by Tomori_san

A great ball you must attend,
The time you'll have you can't comprehend!
The gowns, dancing, and masquerade flair,
To go casual, you wouldn't dare!

The Chocolate Ball is most certainly a feast,
But please don't try to eat the guests!
If you did, it would be a disaster,
So please try to cooperate at best!

The Chocolate Ball is a prestigious party,
Just make sure to not arrive tardy.
If you do, the attendees will say,
"They're lucky the ball was today!"

A lot of chocolate will be there,
And the best part is, you don't have to share!
You'll get to dress up formally, as well,
All your friends you must tell!

A great ball you must attend,
The time you'll have you can't comprehend!
At the end of the party I know you will say,
"Let's have this party every day!"

A Delicious Chocolate Ball!
by Tiketot4

It's been such a long, long year,
But the Chocolate Ball is finally here!
Chocolate as far as the eye can see
Drinks and samples, all for free!

A truffle adorned with a red cherry
Will bring you a smile and make you merry.
Brownies, fudge, and cookies, too
Delicious candies you can chew.

Hot chocolate and chocolate milk
Smooth and dark, they feel like silk.
Chocolate-covered cherries, 
Strawberries, and more
So good, you’ll eat at least four!

Chocolate cupcakes with yummy frosting
Eating all these treats can be exausting.
This Chocolate Ball has been a blast, 
But it's gone by so, so fast.

Soon it'll be time to leave,
But wait! There’s one more thing to receive!
Take a sample of this new creation,
I promise it'll be a sensation.

Treasure Your Chocos
by Adventurehasnolimits

An event like no other
The Annual Chocolate Ball
A tribute of appreciation
To the tastiest color of all

Its popularity is unquestionable
A color that many desire
Unfortunately, to obtain it
A lab map you'll require.

Do not take a bite
aAthough tempting it seems.
Disguised as chocolate,
Your Neopet will scream.

Icing and sprinkles
Licorice and cherries
The accessories of a Chocolate 'pet
Endlessly vary.

I'll leave you with advice.
That's it until next year.
If they melt,
Make sure they don't smear.

The Chocolate Ball
by Secant

Welcome, welcome to the Chocolate Ball!
We have delicious morsels fit for all!
Gumdrops and candies in the entrance hall
And chocolate portraits along the wall.

We have frozen mint and candy canes.
Beware of the dark chocolate chains;
Those hearty desserts leave atrocious stains,
And believe me, we want no complaints!

We have chocolate cakes and cupcakes, too,
Chocolate Neggs and fruity chew.
I do not recommend vanilla goo;
Those tend to give Neopets the Neo Flu.

Acara pops and lollyswirl,
Fit for every boy and girl.
They make your tongue fur and unfurl
As you taste the sweet magic pearl.

Good night, good day, goodbye all!
Thanks for joining me in this hall!
Be sure to give me a call
Should you want another invite 
To the Chocolate Ball!

Celebrate, It's The Chocolate Ball!
by Indulgences

The Chocolate Neopets are all dressed up
In all their finest clothes.
The Annual Chocolate Ball's today --
A gala, I suppose!

With whipped cream piled atop their heads
And sprinkles on their feet,
From head to toe they're edible --
A special, scrumptious treat!

Their paws are laced with frosted swirls,
And swirls adorn their backs.
But do not think to eat these 'pets --
These lovelies are no snack!

They're lively, happy, oh-so-sweet
In every single way.
They're sugary and chocolatey.
Let's celebrate their day!

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