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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Shoyru -- A Species Like No Other
by Scouting

Cast your mind way back to Year Two,
When Neopians' wishes finally came true;
An adorable species known as the Shoyru
Arrived in popular shades of red and blue!

These mischievous creatures 
Simply love to play,
Especially when Barry's marbles 
Aren't kept away!
Now, this may seem to be a little of a bore,
But Shoyrus are actually capable 
Of so much more!

Look no further than 
The Tyrannian Concert Hall,
The Yes Boy Ice-Cream amazing us all,
Featuring a music beat and catchy dance,
Leaving all of us in a trance!

In their free time they also engage in sport,
Swimming and Yooyuball -- 
Who would have thought?
Diving and tackling without fear,
Filling the air with everyone's cheer!

Little wonder then, that the Shoyru can claim
To be the species enjoying the most fame.
Multi-talented in one domain after another,
A species certainly like no other!

Cogs Of Moltara
by Dr_tomoe

Deep under the ground
in Moltara City,
there's a shop you can go
to dress rather nifty.

It's run by a native
who goes by Cog,
a Moltaran-born Shoyru
that's good at her job.

She's tinkered for years
and can get you the clothes
full of buckles, gears, and brass
on belts and on shoes.

But not only is she capable
of fashion and design,
she's a mechanical genius
and quick with her mind.

She's the one who created
the machine to stabilize the core,
so, without Cog around,
Neopia would be no more.

So, this Shoyru Day,
pay a visit down below
and run by Cog's Togs
and give a friendly hello.

The Sad Shoyru
by Dianacat777

It was a dreary, dismal day;
Latest in a long line
Of chilly nights and listless dawns
That stretched back long in time.

An hour spent inside The Pound
Is one hour too long.
Barkha the Shoyru had lost track
Of the time since he’d belonged.

It was cold here, sometimes damp.
He dearly missed his Mummy.
He liked the Uni -- she was nice,
But Dr_Death was always grumpy.

Day in, day out, 'pets came and went
With poor Barkha left behind.
He watched the others come and leave
With new owners, eager and kind.

He hoped he would be adopted,
But he was only blue.
Owners searched for rare and painted 'pets --
Who wanted a Shoyru?

Even now, someone was touring
The Pound for a new 'pet.
A loyal Lupe, a pretty Uni?
Not a sad Shoyru, he’d bet.

Footsteps, close; the door creaked open.
Nervously, Barkha looked up.
Then, the words he never thought he’d hear...
“I think this one needs some love.”

And just like that, the sad Shoyru
Was never sad again,
Because there’s always somebody out there
Who wants to be your friend.

The Shoyru Artist's Masterpiece
by Tj_wagner

Upon a gentle, grassy knoll,
A Shoyru artist stands.
His knowing eyes look about
This beautiful stretch of land.

The field is as green as emeralds.
The wildflowers dance in the breeze.
White puffy clouds dot a sky of blue.
This sets the artist’s spirit at ease.

The Shoyru’s easel is prepared;
Ready to hold a work of art --
Not only what his eyes see,
But also what he sees with his heart.

He closes his eyes to really feel
The beauty of this place.
He smells the perfume of the flowers
As the breeze kisses his face.

He could hear the sounds of a game,
The laughter of a child,
And the melodious soft chirping
Of a Weewoo in the wild.

Opening his eyes, he begins to paint, 
And he knows this is art he mustn’t rush.
There's so much that he must capture;
All the beauty he can 
See, taste, smell, and touch.

With each stroke, the picture grew
Into a masterpiece in its totality.
Yet, he wasn’t satisfied, for he knew
It was a pale imitation of reality.

He wipes his paws upon his smock
And adjust his artist’s beret.
Although he knew it’s a job well done,
He doesn’t have much to say.

The springtime sun is sinking low
When the Shoyru artist takes his easel down.
He knows, as an artist, he can only copy
The beauty that is all around.

Nature and life is the true masterpiece --
A piece of artwork we never own,
But the Shoyru's happy 
With what he produced,
And with a smile he slowly walks home.

Maractite Shoyru
by Chavo_guerrero

A Shoyru is a pretty thing
That comes in many hue,
But there's a colour in particular
That I've loved since its debut.

With swirls of blue and silver
Upon its darkened base,
Maractite is so beautiful
And completely full of grace.

With a swirly heart upon its chest
And patterns so well matched,
It's really very simple
To get awfully attached.

A Maractite Shoyru
Is the one that I'd like most,
Although I'm still quite fond
Of the rainbow and the ghost.

But how could I resist
A colour such as this?
It really is so handsome
That I cannot just dismiss!

So, keep your speckled Shoyru
Or your Shoyru made of ice,
Your pirate or your magma,
Although jelly is quite nice...

They're just not quite the colour
That I want to give a home,
For the Maractite Shoyru
Is the only one I'll own.

A Healer's Work
by Fairyxhearts

It was the Shoyru's privilege
One late evening to see
The soft, soft spillage
Of a water faerie's tears.

Her features were fair,
The silvery strands as pale
As the snow worm's lair
Several seas away.

But it was the eyes,
Oh the eyes, that held him,
That caught him in ties
From which he couldn't break.

The gentle gaze was azure,
Its light so very, very sad
And infinitely more pure
Than any other he had seen.

Each droplet shimmered
In the moon's growing glow;
Each liquid gem glimmered
As if the moon itself mourned.

His angel pulled him tight,
Turning up his bruised face,
And this image was the sight
That was last the faerie left.

He felt not the slightest pain
When his own gaze re-opened
To see no more what fell like rain,
Save for that she was gone for good.

The magical, magical blessing,
A boon benevolently bestowed,
Was in shortage so pressing
That there was no time for thanks.

Overworked Obsidian Foreman
by Biscuitqueen

With gold-tipped wings
And gold-tipped horn,
This Shoyru springs
From the quarry to warn
The Neopians passing
To move on along; 
His tone harassing,
His scowl strong.

But can you blame
This grumpy 'pet?
To his angry shame,
Others seem to forget
That the quarry's not just
A free-for-all:
Rock mined under the crust
Is a valuable haul!

The chunks are used
In many machines --
Hammered, shaped, and fused
By many different means,
For many different ends
And many different hands.
This Shoyru defends
To fulfill his commands.

You see, he's just trying
To do his job,
Yelling and flying
So no one can rob.
Like any Shoyru,
He'll fight to the end;
He's loyal and true,
The best employee and friend.

So, do him a favor:
Please stay away.
For once, let him savor
A Shoyru Day.
Don't steal from the quarry,
Let everything be:
Let the foreman glory
In the time he has free!

Ode To Coffee
by Trubiekatie

Once, deep in the Catacombs
(Not where that famed Monster was),
There was a store known to all
That warmed even the coldest paws.

It didn’t need to be snowing or cold
To enjoy a hot tea or coffee.
I come back each and every day,
Despite the fact that they’re not free!

It’s run by a very sweet Shoyru
With a red bow upon her cap.
She can make you any kind of drink:
Teas, coffees, lattes, or a frap!

Sometimes I’ll order some Chai Tea,
Or, if I’m lucky, clover cream.
It might be far too expensive,
But it feels like I live a dream!

There’s house blend with some cookies,
Or even ice coffee with a twist.
There’s a couple I don’t speak about,
Since I have no idea what it consists.

No matter the day, she claims,
“The best coffee in Neopia!”
She might now be in Roo Island,
But her coffees are far from blah.

I think she really has the best
From all the lands combined.
Her teas and drinks are delicious,
And her recipes are truly refined.

My Christmas Shoyru
by Indulgences

My Christmas Shoyru is a hoot!
He's dressed in green and red.
Though Shoyru Day is in the spring,
It's Christmas in his head!

I have to say, I love his looks.
I love his fur-lined coat!
His hat is festive, snowball-tipped.
His costume gets my vote!

And yes, the Shoyru's day is here!
It's April 2 at last!
And yet, he's also Christmas-hued.
My Shoyru is a blast!

So, here's to Shoyrus of all hues!
I love you all so much!
I hope your holiday is grand
And has that magic touch!

The Faerie Shoyru
by Youidol

Majestically he soars, with open wings
into the milky twilight above the clouds.
The air is fresh and sharp,
whistling past him as he darts
to and fro, laughing as he goes.

He is free here; 
the wind speaks secrets of the night
as the sun says farewell, 
revealing twinkling lights
and a moon that glows full.

He dreams to touch those sparkling diamonds
that seem to smile and somehow taunt, 
as if aware of their splendid beauty 
that shines out of reach 
amid the blackness of the sky. 

"Oh, what joy to fly beneath
the stars that burn with such intensity!
What utter repose it is to be
in a presence such as thee!"

A rumbling cumulus falls away,
unveiling below
the mighty tops of ashen trees,
that swoon with every gust of wind
making music with their leaves.

He spies those windows
of cosy abodes with chimneys smoking,
the thought of warmth envelops him
and, as the cold bites down,
he resolves to go back home.

"Until tomorrow stars that blaze!"
he cries into the evening sky.
"When deplete do the sun's rays
until tomorrow, I say goodbye!"

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