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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Yum! Kougraclaws!
by Jo_eccentric

The Kougraclaw is definitely
A nice and tasty treat.
It fills my empty belly;
They're really quite neat!

Chocolate ones for sweet tooth 'pets,
They're my favourite kind.
I eat them up, lick my paws...
No crumbs left behind.

If you prefer a richer taste,
The almond one will do.
It's got a nice nutty taste
Filled with almond goo.

Some prefer juicy pastries,
A tangy delight.
Thornberry inside this one,
Here... take a bite!

If you feel like something fresh,
Tigersquash is best.
Tropical taste can't be beat,
Take the taste bud test!

They're wrapped in flaky pastry,
Baked 'til golden brown.
Perfect blend of fillings,
It won't let you down.

Head over to the Bakery
On this Kougra Day.
Try a baked Kougraclaw --
They'll blow you away!

Fearless Finnigan
by Dr_tomoe

Many places in Neopia
will give you a fright,
full of ghosts and zombies
and things that go bump in the night.

Old, scary, and abandoned,
and in dark neighborhoods,
they can be anywhere and
not just in the Haunted Woods.

For those who are brave
and like to explore,
there are guides made
for those who want to know more.

All of them are written
by one brave Kougra,
by the name of Fearless Finnigan,
Who deserves all of the hoopla.

From haunted hotels
and theaters with phantoms,
this Kougra will tell you
what to expect within them.

Expect new guides soon
of new places to go,
from mummies in Qasala
to skeletons in the ice and snow.

Unconverted Kougra Lament
by Indulgences

I love the plushie Kougra, and
I want to own one soon.
There's just one tiny problem, though.
The OLD ones make me swoon!

The unconverted plushie Koug
Is really what I want.
I want an unconverted 'pet
That I can hug and flaunt!

So, this I ask: this Kougra Day,
I'll find one to adopt.
I'll make some applications and
I'll hope and wish nonstop!

For those of you who own this 'pet,
Enjoy your plushie Koug!
The unconverted 'pet is so
Majestic, proud and true!

My Faerie Kougra Mask
by Tj_wagner

I like to look at the world
Through my Faerie Kougra Mask.
Suddenly, smiling and laughing aloud
Doesn’t seem like a task.
Worries are less and the days are bright.
For what more could you ask?
I can face just about anything
While wearing my Faerie Kougra Mask.

The painted smile now matches my own.
The colours are soft and warm.
I can imagine I even have purple wings
That fly me above the storm.
Although it’s only a mask on my face,
I feel like I’ve been transformed!
I’m someone special and grand
In those colours so soft and warm.

My eyes sparkle with excitement
As I look through the eyeholes, wide.
I dance through Neopia.
My joy you cannot hide.
My Kougra mask makes all I meet smile.
The happiness can’t be denied.
Everything looks just a shade brighter
As I look through the eyeholes, wide.

If you want to feel like I do now,
With an outlook so merry,
Try on your Faerie Kougra Mask.
Trust me, it isn’t scary.
They stock down at the Toy Shop.
Get one now! Don’t you tarry!
And see how everything looks so beautiful
Through the eyes of a Kougra painted faerie!

Playing With A Camouflage Kougra
by Silver_azalea

Softly, with giant
Paws he pads his way through the
Island’s undergrowth.

His tail swishes back
And forth in an excited

The young Kougra crawls
Up a tree near the base of
The Techo Mountain.

“...Fourty-nine, fifty!
Ready or not, here I come,”
He hears his friend say.

They are a little
Bit farther away, near the
Trading Post’s entrance.

The Kougra listens
To the stumbling and crunching
Noises his friend makes,

And does his best to
Hold back a snicker that would
Have revealed his spot.

For the camouflage
Colored cat, stealthiness is
Near second-nature.

The odds are greatly
In his favor this round, since
He blends in quite well.

Now, he just has to
Decide whether he wants the
Game to be lengthy,

Or to "drop-in" on
His playmate when they pass by
Beneath on the path...

Snowy, A White Kougra Story
by Dianacat777

Listen well, and I will tell
A tale you’ve yet to know.
A story of a Kougra fell,
Whose fur was white as snow.

The tale begins in blizzard winds,
In sheets of raging white.
As the storm at last rescinds,
So begins young Snowy’s plight.

Stranded alone, without a home,
Born on Terror Mountain’s peak.
The newborn Kougra is left to roam,
To struggle through lands bleak.

Unsteady paws and tiny claws
Staggered through the rising snow,
In search of shelter, which might give pause
To frostbite’s creeping throes.

But do not fear; the story’s clear,
Snowy was a tenacious soul.
She made it through, against odds sheer,
And grew to thrive amongst the cold.

So different from her island kin
Who prance through jungles warm,
Snowy prowls the cliffs, silent,
Protecting travelers from harm.

So, if you go to the world of snow,
Keep your eyes wide and head up.
You may see the wild hero --
Snowy, the white Kougra!

Rorru's Haikus
by Rielcz

On Myst'ry Island
Not far from the Training School
Sits, thinks, a Kougra

Her name is Rorru
And she quite loves the Haiku,
Fine poetic form

Ev'ry day she does
Come up with a new great piece
Well... maybe not great

"Wiry ornament,
Acara intimates Buzz
Acara, Nimmo."

At least she tries to
Create five lines, then seven,
Then another five

So, visit her now
Learn to write Haikus as well
This fine Kougra Day

(What else would you do?
Play Top Chop or Brynnso gloat?
Try the poem first!)

Kougra Haiku Day
by Rainerbug

Brynneth, known as Brynn
King Hagan’s go-to soldier
Hanso gives her fits

Captain Alric Beign
Moltara Yooyuball Team
Hopes to win the Cup

Commander Gormos
Kreludor Grundos’ hero
He says he is not

Forward Bertie Shurtz
Retired from Yooyuball
Set up many shots

Jake the Explorer
Swinging through the forest green
Fedora in place

Jordie the intern
Loves to tumble in tunnels
Travels with Roxton

Katsuo Top Chop
Wants to guard Shenkuu Palace
Trains and trains and trains

Linae plays Kou-Jong
Seen in the Eye of the Storm
Shenkuu is her home

The Masked Intruder
Neopian Defender
No more mind control

Milton Clodbottle
Professor of Petpetpets
He is astounding

Rorru and Haiku
Breaks to be in Berry Bash
Random avatar

Ode To Rorru
by Trubiekatie

I imagine it can’t be easy each day,
To create each Neopian their own haiku.
In her home of Mystery Island,
She must think each line right through.

To start, the first line has five syllables,
Followed by seven, then five again.
It need not rhyme or tell a tale;
It could very well be plain!

Who has time to make these all up,
If there are thousands to make each day?
Why, that lovely Kougra Rorru does,
For her, this work is all play.

If you’re lucky and you go to see her,
She might tell a special haiku to you.
This one, its message confusing and unclear,
Is a reward where most would simply “ooh.”

If I tried to write even one haiku,
I think it would surely miss the mark.
How can Rorru do this each day?
She must find inspiration and a spark.

I know I can’t do it like Rorru does,
So here’s to the wisest Kougra ever!
I’ll see you again -- tomorrow, yes?
Can’t wait to hear something clever!

The Legend Of Zeirn
by Tj_wagner

When lightning flashes
And the winds howl,
When the rains blow
And the thunder growls,
Don’t be afraid.
Don’t let your stomach churn.
There’s a strong chance
It’s only Zeirn.

Zeirn was a plain blue Kougra,
Until that fateful day
He found the secret lab
And decided to try the ray.
The ray spit and spurted
Until a beam was shot out.
It hit young Zeirn;
Changing him without a doubt.

There were lightning streaks in his fur,
But what was even better,
This young Kougra
Could now control the weather.
He could fly on the wind,
He could make the rain fall,
Even the clouds listened to him --
He could control it all.

At first he thought he could be
A champion in the Battledome.
He could be a better fighter
Than Neopia had ever known.
He could have all the glory
And all of the fame.
Everyone in every town
Would know of his name.

Yet, on his way to the Battledome
A cry reached his ear.
It was the most pitiful cry
One could ever hear.
Zeirn turned around
And immediately changed his course.
He knew right away
He had to find the source.
He found a young Kacheek
Crying in a field of soil.
He was a farmer
Who had worked and toiled.
Yet, his crops had not grown,
It was too dry and strained.
So, Zeirn took to the air
And made it rain.

He thought it was a quick job
And that he would soon leave,
But the Kacheek was happier
Then he could have believed.
“You are a hero,”
The Kacheek said with a smile.
“Please tell me you can stay,
At least for a little while.”

Zeirn didn’t want to,
At least not at first,
But he soon learned that here
Was where he was needed the worst.
He stayed at the farms
To help the farmers each day.
He never became world famous,
But he was a hero all the way.

So, remember this story
Each time a storm blows in.
It might be more than weather.
It could be a friend.
It might be Zeirn,
Soaring across the sky blue.
So, don’t be afraid...
Just say, “Thank you.”

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