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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Yurble Food Festival
by Jo_eccentric

A Yurble Food Festival
Is held for everyone
To celebrate Yurble Day,
To eat and have some fun.

The Breadmaster announces,
"It's Yurble Day today!
Hot Yurble treats for all --
Come along this way!"

Yurble Meringue Cookies
Sit on the Bakery shelf.
Four different flavours:
Come and help yourself!

There's also Yurble cupcakes --
Four tasty kinds as well.
Chocolate is my favourite,
If you couldn't tell.

A tiny yellow Chia
From Neopian Fresh Foods,
He offers treats as well,
Yurblecones it includes.

Raspberry Yurblecone
Dons a purple sorbet.
Refreshing and delicious,
Too good to give away!

The Chocolate Factory has
Sweets to share with us.
Neopians already queuing,
What is all the fuss?

The Rainbow Yurble Lollypop
Is why they are here.
Try one for yourself,
It's too small to share.

All these tasty treats
Made for Yurble Day.
Come join the festival
And enjoy the food today!

The Goparokko Yurble
by Dr_tomoe

A trip to the ruins
of the abandoned city
gave an ordinary Yurble
quite the sight to see.

Within Geraptiku's ruins,
he found some colored blocks
that could be twisted and turned
and some snapped with locks.

When colors were matched,
the mysterious blocks poofed.
Needless to say, this Yurble
ended up quite spooked.

He thought he had Tiki magic,
but that wasn't the case;
there was magic involved,
but not from his place.

Still, he was convinced,
so he donned a staff and mask
and continued to rotate blocks
at speeds from slow to fast.

To this day, he still lives
in the ruins of the island,
making blocks vanish and disappear,
lost in his own delusion.

The Angry Janitor
by Binky1260

Yurbles are a cheerful lot
As reputation goes,
But not the testy janitor
In the Hall of Heroes.

There is no job at which
He seems to ever be content;
Being disagreeable 
Is how his time is spent.

It’s hard to know exactly why
He seems so out of sorts;
He lacks a Yurble’s amity
That their repute purports.

Perhaps he finds it vexing
To hear sounds above a whisper,
Although his constant yelling
Often challenges the listener.

He sulks and he complains
As though he has a stomachache;
I wish that he would quiet down
And give us all a break!

An Ode To The Yurbles
by Kitstar1

Yurbles are a different ‘pet,
But you ain’t seen nothing yet --
For they have more to show,
So give ‘em a go...
You probably won’t end up in debt!

It has many different shapes,
So good that you won’t hate,
Some are quite glum,
Not many but some,
Take a look at a grey Yurble’s face!

One in Altador is quite well known,
Found in a building a bit like a 'dome,
He can be quite “unique,”
But with a few tweaks
He wont want to be alone!

Yurbles are a different ‘pet,
But you ain’t seen nothing yet --
For they have more to show,
So give ‘em a go,
You probably won’t end up in debt!

The Yurble Janitor
by Trubiekatie

If you’ve spilt a drink in this hall,
I’m sure you’ve heard this Yurble grumble.
Despite holding several differing jobs,
This janitor is anything from humble.

Despite efforts, he complains all the time,
Cleaning our messes everywhere we go.
When Petpets leave a trail of dirt,
He swishes his mop behind, to and fro.

He’s been cleaning the dark faerie statue
For what seems like an eternity by now.
This Yurble Janitor may not work fast,
But cleaning messes was his one vow.

Now, he also works at the Brightvale Library
And occasionally deceives Neopians, too.
Disguised as the "real" Negg Faerie,
With a love for Neggs that must be true.

I didn’t mean to dirty up his precious hall
But, now I’ve made him angry once again.
In fact, I think he must always be upset --
He must view all Neopians and Petpets a pain.

If I had a mop, perhaps I’d help clean up.
Without it, though, I’m useless to him.
I think I saw an Alabriss bring in more dirt;
This poor Yurble’s outlook must be grim.

The Tax Beast
by Secant

The Tax Beast silently roams between
The city alleys and trees.
Tax forms, lists, and sharp claws
Make up this big green beast.

His footsteps are quietly taken,
His targets are in tow.
His mission is clandestine,
No one could ever know.

Tax evaders from across the land
Cannot avoid this Neopet.
With sharp eyes and a sharper mind,
This Yurble does not relieve debt.

Soon the clock strikes midnight
And the stars appear above.
The shadow approaches a stranger and says,
"You have some Neopoints to get rid of."

The Tax Beast silently roams between
The city alleys and trees.
Don't ever evade your taxes or you'll
Face the wrath of this green beast.

Terrible Tax Beast
by Loki000

Deposit all of your cash,
but don't raise your voice.
Hurry and hide your wallet, 
but don't make a noise.
If you do, you'll surely regret
all those missing points
when you look in your pocket.

O, that Random Event
at the top of your screen,
one that an angry Yurble sent;
one who is completely green. 
He'll take every last bit
of the money you need --
probably for dinner or rent,
or a delicious ice cream.

The Tax Beast strikes again! 
That old Yurble foe. 
In his bag, he does contain
Neopoints to make Snargan woe. 
All these 'points he does gain, 
as you know,
from his taxing game!
He taxes us all, oh!

A Yurble to not be forgotten --
don't neglect to use the bank!
Yurble Day is 'round again,
but don't think that you are safe.
This Yurble is beyond rotten
and his heart has long sank
into the Neopoints he has gotten -- 
the Random Events to thank.

The Yurble Janitor: Before It All Begins
by Fyora_fyora__33

The sky is blue, the fields are lush
once more in Altador;
the summer ocean brims with ships...

Ugh! That Cup is once more.

Fanatics spill in with trinkets,
in shirts of colors loud --
if their noise were less "screaming"
than wigs and clothes worn proud,
I would be left to sweep soundly
wide Colosseum floors
or push out players of the Cup 
that count down by the doors...

That countdown -- ah -- a few more days
before some Yooyu frenzy;
before I hear some losing cries
on spilled cups of slushie!
Leave me to wet and filthy tiles.
To mop, then mop again!
The King should turn trash to my pay,
I would be beaming then!

Never try to water me down.
Words are weak, just like dust! 
The Cup is critical? Serious?
Then mop with me! You must!

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