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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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A Treat For Koi Day
by Jo_eccentric

Today is Koi Day!
It's finally here!
We'll need a big cake
For all to share.

Purple Koi Cake 
Definitely won't do!
It's purple and green,
Which Jhudora is, too...

Chocolate Koi Cupcake
Looks good to eat.
However, it's only made
For one as a treat.

Koi Seaweed Sundae
May not please everyone.
Five types of seaweed!
Not just the one.

Head to The Bakery and
The perfect cake is seen.
It's sweet, moist, tasty.
Not the slightest bit green!

Deluxe Koi Gateau will
Feed a group of twenty.
The Koi decoration 
Is there and plenty!

This cake is perfect for
Celebrating Koi Day.
Come and have slice --
It'll take your breath away!

Ode To The Koi Warrior
by Secant

Ode to the Koi Warrior, on whom we depend 
To protect Maraqua from the start to the end;
A knight in Maractite armor, a fish's best friend,
Giving every neighbor a helping hand.

His Trident of Poseidon -- 
Whose powers transcend
Those of Queen Fyora's up in Faerieland --
Stays beside the warrior, ready to defend.
To fight against them, I don't recommend.

And when dusk comes, as the sun descends
We see the valiant Koi, ready to expend
A full night guarding, protecting the land
Under the waters, never to offend.

Ode to the Koi Warrior, in the deep blue,
You are a true guardian, through and through.

Hail King Kelpbeard!
by Trubiekatie

It must hard to be a ruler
Of a land that once was washed away,
When a vicious and cruel whirlpool
Put the whole city into disarray.

In the newly-built city of Maraqua,
This Koi now sits upon the plush throne.
King Kelpbeard fought off the pirates,
But this task was not done alone.

He had some help from Garin, as well,
And King Kelpbeard soon learned to trust,
For if this alliance had not occurred
Maraqua could still be nothing but dust.

Poor Kelpbeard suffered on his own
When the radiation caused him to change.
Shifting from an orange and small fish
To a sizeable fish, blue and strange.

With the Curse and the pirates gone,
Long in the past for a fresh start,
King Kelpbeard needs to maintain order
And focus development in the city’s heart.

He came from the depths changed
And led this underwater city to success.
With his watchful eye and knowledge,
He can manage to keep the city from distress.

The Gypsy Koi
by Sugarypixiestix2

Walking down a road in Brightvale,
I came across a mysterious trail
That I decided to follow along,
after a short while I heard a song.

Amid a clearing was a Gypsy Camp,
with a Koi singing by an oil lamp.
The other gypsies danced around her,
looking almost unreal like a blur.

About ready to leave she heard me,
then the gypsy Koi offered me tea.
I accepted as if I was compelled,
in this place where magic dwelled.

She asked if I wanted my fortune told,
nervous about what she might unfold. 
My head shook no with a shy tilt,
smiling, the wise Koi gave me no guilt.

Understanding my choice with grace,
this gypsy Koi gave me some space.
As she was heading back to her cart,
she began singing again with heart.

Knowing it was about time to go home,
the sun was setting under this dome.
Silently I hoped I'd see her once more,
maybe then I'd listen her future lore.

William Koi
by Xiaolin10413

Who was William Koi? 
He lived a long time ago, 
And the Brain Tree wants to know
When and where he passed --
Peaceful or swimming or in a great blast.

Who was William Koi? 
However, I want to know, 
How he lived, how he bode, 
How he worked and how he played, 
And what fine beach had made him stay.

Who was William Koi? 
Was he a warrior, merchant, 
Explorer, or secret agent? 
Did he swim the great seas
And enjoy the ocean breeze?

Who was William Koi? 
Did he have a family, or friends, or
Was he caught up in the great Maraquan war? 
Was he in company with kings or faeries,
Or pirates whose treasure they bury? 

Who was William Koi? 
Was he even a Koi at all, 
And, instead, after a Koi we call? 
Does he even have fins, or a tail, 
Or was he a Wocky, old a frail? 

Who was William Koi? 
Why is this not known? 
Historians should hear the people moan -- 
Why do we not know about William Koi, 
When we celebrate Koi Day with great joy?

Raiders Of Maraqua
by Heroed

There was was a fearless young Koi,
But to prove he was more than a boy,
He must impress his boss
With some Dubloons to toss,
And so he came up with a ploy.

There once was a Maraquan ruin,
The citizens had left too soon,
They left behind loot,
If this young Koi could scoot,
Its treasure could prove a great boon.

There once was a number of locals,
Who, as it turned out, weren't yokels,
To protect their treasures,
They took extreme measures
And didn't rely on their vocals.

The Koi found himself in great trouble,
He found himself cornered in rubble,
To avoid their cruel hits,
He turned to his wits
And trapped each one in its own bubble.

But for Karpoh, loot was the aim --
If he snatched it, he could earn great fame.
To fight for his pride,
Find an RoM guide
And see if you can beat the game.

The Coy Koi
by Abbytate12

Deep in the seas of Maraqua,
There once lived a very sly Koi.
Shy tactics of manipulation
Had earned him the nickname of "coy."

He'd swindled the fish of Maraqua
Ever since he was a boy,
And hearing the gossip of others
Was, by far, his most favorite life joy.

He plotted and planned in pure silence,
He used others like he would a toy,
He was sly and deceptive and... "fishy,"
So he found himself hard to employ.

Friends, he had not, in Maraqua,
For he used all his "friends" as a ploy:
They thought him demure in a nice way,
But his "niceness" was just a decoy.

"Oi, coy Koi! Come play! 
It's time for Koi Day!"
Poor Coy Koi knows not
What to say.

Believe In Yourself
by Clarab3lle

Soft island breezes
Warm powdery sand skims ground
White Weewoos fly above.

Deep under water,
Where no one else has gone,
lives a Koi named Tai.

Tai does not have many pals,
Outcasted by other Kois,
All because of school.

School is popular;
Education is needed
For survival here.

Competition now
Decides who lives and who dies --
only the best win.

Only the "rich" win.
Tai does not have many codestones
To help pay for school.

Other Koi make fun
Of Tai and his poverty,
Because they are rich.

Tai is left behind,
Not able to attend school
Leaves the island.

Moves to the next place
Where pirates seem to roam free,
Where there is no school.

Krawk Island is home.
Krawk Island contains friends,
No codestones needed.

Tai lands a job
As captain of the whole ship,
Since he knew the sea.

One day he docks ship,
And the mean Koi from back home
Also got a job

As poop-deck cleaners,
Because of the job shortage
Back at their small home.

There are many ways
To be successful,
And you can be, too.

Koi Ahoy
by Dannos

Down in waters deep
In Maraqua, Koi are found
Swimming silently.

Always majestic,
In a land of huge sea shells
Live these playful friends.

Koi are fun-loving,
With fins and tails of beauty,
Like pearls their scales glow.

Blowing bubbles high,
They race among the coral,
Forever smiling.

Tranquil, amazing,
Inventive and tinkerers,
A true friend to all.

The Ballad Of The Koi Warrior
by Dragonsfriend1021

Once upon a time, in a land with no law,
A young Koi swam in the waters of Maraqua.
He climbed and he dove as he swam all around
All the way from the surface 
Down to the ground.

The Koi had grown up 
In these waters, it's true.
But it seemed like he always 
Could find something new.
Whether it was near the top 
Or on the ocean floor,
He loved all the new places 
And things to explore.

Then, one day, 
He happened upon quite a sight.
Just outside Maraqua 
Was a pit of glowing green light!
The nearby whirlpool seemed 
To be calling his name.
This new find had sparked his curiosity flame.

When the Koi set his course 
To swim near and inspect,
He suddenly noticed 
The whole place seemed wrecked.
As he paddled faster 
And closed in on the ruins,
A voice came from the dark, 
"What do you think you're doin'?"

The curious Koi froze in his tracks
As a Jetsam appeared 
From between some cracks.
"This is my place," the Jetsam said menacingly,
"And no one is allowed 
To pass by here but me."

"I'm sorry, sir," replied the Koi in a small voice.
"I felt drawn here,
As though it wasn't by choice.
The light and the ruins, they beckoned to me,
And I aim to see all that I can see."

"I'm an explorer," the Koi added, 
As if that explained.
The Jetsam, however, 
Had habits deeply ingrained.
An intruder in the ruins he could not permit,
So he said, "Well, to enter, 
You'll have to fight me for it."

The young Koi was anxious 
And wasn't sure what to do.
How to fight such a warrior, 
He didn't have a clue.
But he wanted to see 
What was beyond that green light,
So he puffed out his chest and decided to fight.

The two of them entered 
The Dome of the Deep,
To find out who could be trusted to keep
The ruins pristine and free from intruders,
For, without a guard, 
The ruins would be overrun with looters.

Inside the Dome 
The Koi picked weapons to help
Win against the large Jetsam, 
Amid all the kelp.
He pulled on a helmet to protect his head
And found a hatchet and water gun 
He hoped would instill dread.

But it was the Battle Fork 
That felt like part of his limb.
It was almost as if it was made just for him.
Suddenly, the Koi felt incredibly confident
He could overcome the ruins' current occupant.

When the battle began 
It was something to witness.
Both fighters were in excellent physical fitness.
Despite how they tried, 
Attacking over and under,
Neither could gain advantage over the other.

But then the Koi caught a lucky break
When, suddenly, the Jetsam made a mistake.
The great soldier feinted 
When he should have parried,
And the small Koi lunged -- 
Without getting harried.

Defeated, the Jetsam cried out in despair
As the Koi told him, 
"Begone! Get away from here!"
As the Jetsam quietly left, 
The Koi surveyed the scene,
Investigating that whirlpool 
And the light that was green.

As he approached, the Koi realized with awe,
He was seeing the fabled ruins 
Of the city of Maraqua.
And the Koi, now lord of his domain,
Vowed then and there 
To do all he could to keep it the same.

To this day that Koi stands firm and defends
The ruins of Maraqua 
From foes and from friends.
And that's how a young Koi 
Started out an explorer
And became the champion of the ruins: 
The Koi Warrior.

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