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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Stuffed Silly
by Eacritter

Oh me, oh my, my belly swells!
What did I eat that made me feel unwell?
Was it all those Altador Cup Chili Chips,
Or was it all that Salmon Cream Cheese Dip?
Was it because I ate 
All the Triple Tier Space Faerie Cake,
Or was it from that Striped Xweetok Milkshake?
It couldn't be the 100 Pickled Keno Eggs
Or the 50 Jhudora Rotten Neggs.
It might have been the 
12 pounds of Gooseberry Mousse,
Or that I drank 10 gallons of Krakuberry Juice.
That chocolate fish did smell a little funny,
But then again, 
That Snotty Spaghetti looked a bit runny.
Never again will I eat so much, 
but wait... is that Starry Crunch?

Altador Cup Prize Shop
by Itechsniper

The Altador Cup is now over,
Which means more things to buy.
The jersey of my favorite team?
What really catches my eye?

Do I want to buy a paint brush,
Or is this background what I need?
I'm tempted to buy that Yooyu Pizza,
The one with the strange green seeds.

I love to have my souvenirs every year.
Perhaps I'll pick up the wig and beanie?
It covers up my ears and keeps me cozy,
And disguises me from friends too nosy.

Special Edition? An Achifyi can?
It's empty, so I would rather not.
Action figures aren't my thing
And I don't want the Krawkade to rot.

The shields look stunning, but don't work well,
The Altador Cup vase looks fragile and swell,
But I don't want to drop my prize of the year,
So I'm contemplating deeply 
About my choice here.

That fence right there looks a little square,
The Yooyu mirror 
Will only remind me of this hair,
The smile of the goalie is a bit too contagious,
And that unsettling 
Fan-made artwork is outrageous!

Then, something sharp jabs my leg
and I turn to see an adorable creature.
A Tyrannian Yooyu rolled up in my arms --
This was the prize that I would feature.

Hasee Bounce
by Twankydillo

As Jimmi and Woogy bounce in the sky,
They're far too hungry to wonder why
Delicious Doughnutfruit is flying past,
As they try to grab it and gobble it fast.

Where does it come from? 
And another thing, too...
Exactly who is flinging poo?
Then there's the snot 
And all the other horrible things
That are confoundedly mixed 
With those tasty rings.

An angry Skeith wouldn't resist the temptation;
I simply can't believe the explanation
That he'd provide the food 
And dung both together
(Skeiths aren't always very clever).

Perhaps the fruit that's flying past
Was predicted in the day's weather forecast?
"Umbrellas are advisable," they might say,
"As a Doughnutfruit storm is coming today."

The Hasees are happy 
And that's all that matters
Bouncing the seesaw 
With thumps and with patters
It doesn't matter who it comes from or where,
They're just a gloriously greedy and giggly pair!

The Third Of The Month (Again)
by Bluestone67

Alarms go off, sounds of excitement are heard
As eyes see calendars displaying the third.
'Pets get ready with their eyes ablaze
To battle the crowds on Half-Price Day.

Shopkeepers tremble behind the counters
As the oncoming crowd begins to gather.
No one is getting any rest today,
Battling the crowds on Half-Price Day.

A quick eye and hand in the end will win,
Bargains snatched out right under your fin,
Shop 'prentices know this is no time to play,
Battling the crowds on Half-Price Day.

Three-second haggling is a skill soon learned,
Rare items feel like trophies 
Through hard work earned.
"I saw this first, so go away!"
Such is battling the crowds on Half-Price Day.

Push will indeed come to shove,
But courtesy is something 
We must never forego.
Be quick but considerate in what you say
While battling the crowds on Half-Price Day.

The dust now clears as the clock strikes twelve
Shopkeepers' relieved sighs, heard and felt,
Lights go out and 'pets put to bed
For Half-Price Day has come to end.

by Johnthezombie605

Hundreds of centuries before Year One,
The cities and villages 
Of Neopia had just begun.
They all came together to form a great empire,
Where every Neopet could be great and aspire.

To be a hero or simply help 
In ways that are small,
Thanks to the Circle of Twelve 
Who oversaw it all,
But one of the twelve sought to rule this land,
To crush those against him, 
Have the rest to command.

Jahbal the wicked, 
Few knew what he was planning.
The cruel warlock waged war on Kal Panning!
Ten saw he was mad, 
Xantan could not be saved,
The monstrous muck 
Was exiled to a dark, dank cave.

While dealing with Xantan, 
The ten showed their hand.
Vile Jahbal was evil, not stupid, and ran
Back to his fortress inside the two rings,
Where he kept all his artefacts 
And magical things.

The Circle of Ten would not risk their lives
Just to bring down the madman 
Within his own hive,
So they sealed the monster inside of his rings,
They hoped that time would finally 
Rid them of their king.

But the shield they had crafted didn’t long hold,
For the madman inside was growing quite bold.
He couldn’t go out, but they couldn’t come in.
He had eternity to plan how he’d win.

A thousand years he rotted in the Two Rings,
But now he sends out giants and lizard-things!
The cities of the world are starting to crack
Beneath the strain of this monster attack!

Years have passed, only small towns remain
Out of the power of that cursed villain.
But soon they, too, will fall into his sight...
Oh, isn’t there anyone who can end this plight?

There’s tales from the north, a hero to be sure.
They say it’s a Lupe 
From a land called The Futorre.
We wait with breath held 
For the battle to ensue
Between monster and hero: will it be you?

Total Poetry Pages : 2759

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