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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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If You Could Be A Gnorbu
by Binky1260

If you could be a Gnorbu,
Which color would you choose
With so many lovely paint brushes
Of pinks and greys and blues?

For easy customisation
You might like a neutral hue,
Such as white or snow or brown,
Or intense electric blue.

For those who aren't timid
And like to stand out in a crowd,
There are rainbow and disco
And the ethereal fluffy cloud.

And if you’re the type who’s avant-garde
And follows current trends,
Opt for the newfangled pastel;
You’ll dazzle all your friends!

But allow me to reveal my choice;
Indulge me, if I may.
I’d pick delicious chocolate
And shun Gnorbu Shearing Day!

My Homey Gnorbu Wool Poncho
by Sugarypixiestix2

The warmest apparel that I own
is a poncho that was hand-sewn
by a Gnorbu that lives near me
who knew I was going out to ski.

He didn't want me to get a cold,
so I now own a poncho to behold.
When I pull it on over my head,
there's no place I cannot tread.

Its colours make me stand out
like a luxurious brussel sprout.
I love its woolly originality
and its imaginable immortality.

Flawlessness is in every stitch;
as I look at it I feel so rich.
This Gnorbu-made poncho is keen,
since it turns me into a queen.

In the summertime I become grey
once I must put my poncho away,
but winter comes again quickly,
which keeps me from being sickly.

The Wise Gnorbu And The Lunar Charts
by Dr_tomoe

At the Lunar Temple high
in the misty mountains of Shenkuu
Lives the most revered of figures,
the Wise Gnorbu.

He maintains the charts and
graphs the route and path
Of Kreludor as it rotates
using science and math.

And to those who wish to learn
he can offer up a test
based on how the location of
the celestial body is found best.

A random position is given
of the three bodies at a point,
and from that, Kreludor's phase
can be determined at the joint.

If you study well, a wonderful prize awaits
like books and moon related fun.
If not, an endless supply of soggy old boxes
and -- for some reason -- Rainbow Dung.

So, unless you want to be 
surrounded by boxes and dung,
it's best to know your charts
and all the knowledge that can be sprung.

Full Gnorbu Armour
by Indulgences

This suit is a wonder of silver and steel.
A spiral of gemstones encircles the chest.
The mane is a wonder of chain links of teal.
This Full Gnorbu Armour is simply the best.

The tail and the legs 
are both graced with gold's glint.
They sparkle so brightly 
through darkness and storm.
This armour is stalwart, as rugged as flint.
This stout suit of armour's a tough uniform.

The Full Gnorbu Armour is something to buy.
It's crafted so finely, it shines through the night.
Against all vile foes, this suit will fortify.
It's built to withstand every Battledome fight.

With four feet of silver and neck laced with gold,
This Full Gnorbu Armour deserves to be hailed.
No other 'pet armour is nearly as bold,
So lovely and brilliant, and yet far from frail!

The Mystery Of Bart's Old Hat
by Celestialguineapig

Deep within Neovia, a lighted stall doth sit
Inside a barrel -- wooden, old, and worn.
Home to the apples, you can win if you commit
To a game of Apple Bobbing -- 
Come on, it won’t take wit.

You’ll just need to listen to the Gnorbu,
His name is Vandebart Biggsby.
He’ll explain to dunk your head in -- yes, you --
Try and sink your teeth into a prize,
It’s as easy as can be.

Smiling as he speaks, he’ll urge you to go on
But if you take a moment, 
You’ll realize what is wrong
Apple Bobbing Bart... 
Well, he’ll never give up his hat.
He’ll pressure you to dunk, but just ponder that.

Step aside, tell him you’re catching your breath.
Let the other patrons go ahead and get wet.
The sly Gnorbu will tip his hat to some,
But he’ll never set it down or hand it to anyone.

You’ll ask about it, he’ll smile, 
Shaking from the fear.
“No need to ask about it, my dear!
Go ahead, drop in, grab an apple,
But do not ask about my hat!” he’ll babble.

You’ll step back, think about the implications --
First the hat, could the tank be next? 
Or the apples?
Who knows what really lurks inside the barrel?
Can we trust someone as shady as he?

You’ll excuse yourself politely 
And run far, far, away.
The mystery of the hat has made you lose trust 
In Apple Bobbing today.

The Old Wise Gnorbu
by Honeybee54321

He lives in the clouds of Shenkuu, 
There his calendar is kept, 
To track the movement of Kreludor
While those around him slept.

Challenging each Neopian
To track Kreludor's next move
By guessing correctly,
Your prize will surely prove.

There is no name to give
This old and wise Gnorbu.
One thing is apparent, though,
Is that he's wiser than me or you.

The first to discover
Something was going array
When the Moltaran mechanism
Began functioning in dismay,

Sending Roxton and Clara
To set things right,
An elderly Gnorbu helped
Neopia's future shine bright!

The Old And Wise Gnorbu
by Clkhohenheim

In your quest for knowledge
You must travel to Shenkuu;
In the Lunar Temple you will find
An old and wise Gnorbu.

Though he will not speak his name,
There is much for you to learn.
He will teach you all he knows
If that is what you yearn.

He will teach you how to read
The pale moon's quiet face
When it hides and, when it shines,
How to see its grace.

The Gnorbu, he will tell you
All of the legends of the moon --
The silver light so pure and bright
Like a midnight noon.

The Gnorbu, he will test you
On your skill and intelligence,
And, if you pass, he will reward you
For your work and diligence.

With a long white beard 
And dressed in cobalt blue,
Filled with lunar knowledge,
He is the old and wise Gnorbu.

Professor Lambert The Wise
by Dortho

There was a young Gnorbu, 
Who was a bit strange.
Quiet, yet thoughtful 
While grazing on the range.

Always thinking and always wandering, 
Observing everything while he was pondering. 
What is this? What is that?
Is that really green or is it black?

He didn't quite fit with the rest of the flock, 
Who imitated Babaas and wore weird socks. 
His thirsty mind knew there had to be more, 
So off he went with a Neopia to explore! 

The Neopian school was closed, so he was sad.
But, oh well, it couldn't be THAT bad. 
Then he found the Training Academy and thought, 
"Maybe THAT'S the place for me!"

Diligently studying the battling arts
And learning how to defend 
Against a case of warts, 
His knowledge grew and he became stronger 
While, of this battle art, he became fonder! 

With this new strength, he sought out others 
Who also enjoyed learning
And also became stronger.
With wisdom and strength and strategy, 
A note arrived about an obelisk 
That needed to be freed! 

The wisdom it may hold needed to be Encompassed, and others would be arriving.
Not for the feeble-minded, must be held thriving; 
Off they all went with their wisdom intact
To get the knowledge within the obelisk back. 

Knowledge and words 
Can be weapons in and of themselves. 
So, don't close your minds, 
Open them up to learn more
Instead of collecting dust inside your skull shelf.

Good for you, Professor Lambert, 
For being that way
And I wish you a very Happy Gnorbu Day!

My Neopet Gnorbu
by Asheepfulofship

I love my Neopet.
It has four legs like a cat.
It has two ears and a hat.
Oh, how I love my Neopet.

My Neopet is a Gnorbu.
You may ask, "Who?"
Fluffandnuffs, it's true!

My Neopet was yellow,
But it dropped into lava so shallow.
So, now it's black and mellow.
Oh no!

I love my fluffandnuffs.
It can never eat enough.
Even though I feed it omelettes and stuff.
Oh, why is it so tough?

But I still love her.
I like to touch her fur,
especially during winter.
My Neopet Gnorbu, so dear. :)

The Cry Of The Gnorbu
by Kaylynn33333

Why does Gnorbu Shearing Day
Happen in January?
We'd rather wait 'til a less-cold month
To all become less hairy!

Actually, here in Neopia
It's called "The Month of Sleeping" --
What's in a name? Our nice warm coats
We'd still rather be keeping.

In half a year, a shearing would
Feel ever so much better.
In the hottest months of summer,
So much wool is like a sweater!

Sweaters, though, are what they make
From the trimmings of our hairstyles.
Also knitted gloves and felted hats,
And scarves that go for miles.

Uni's Clothing does quite a brisk
Trade in all these items.
Neopets without such luxurious fur
Pay pricy sums to buy them.

Supply and demand is, thus, at fault
For the timing of our day.
Now's when winter wearables sell,
So we shiver the month away!

Oh well! I suppose it could be worse --
We'll try to count each blessing.
My Gobbler says at least we accessorize
Dresses, and not dressing!

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