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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Celebrating Kacheeks On Kacheek Day
by Painted_dreams87

On the 29th day of the month of Sleeping,
take some time to think about
how incredible Kacheeks are
and give them all a big shout!

Kacheeks are one of the oldest species
and over 17 million are owned today.
If you're looking to create a new 'pet,
get a Kacheek -- don't delay!

Although they are so small,
Kacheeks are incredibly kind.
When meeting new 'pets,
a new friend they will find.

Bring your new Kacheek
along for some fun!
Go see the Blue Kacheek Group,
they are second to none.

If concerts aren't your thing,
why not try out a game?
Kacheek Seek and Extreme Herder
are amazing, you'll claim!

When you celebrate,
make sure your Kacheek Day 
is filled with fun and friends
and enjoy it your way!

Kacheek Life Potion
by Indulgences

This potion is a lifesaver.
It's literally true.
It's gilded with the finest gold
And bright with purple hue.

A pendant 'round its lovely neck
Is made of amethyst.
This is the finest healing juice
That ever did exist.

This potion soothes your battle 'pet
And heals its hit points, too.
It's glistening with healing power.
With magic, it's imbued.

I want to buy this potion and
Morph all my battle 'pets.
I'd love to own some fierce Kacheeks
That pose a wicked threat!

This potion is a lifesaver!
I'll buy some vials, and soon.
A bunch of these most precious things
Would be a battle boon!

Battledome Kacheek
by Rielcz

He proves big things do, indeed, come
In packages so small.
No one knows quite where he is from,
Yet he is known by all. 

Fearless, fearsome, and fierce describe
This Kacheek's attitude.
All his success he must ascribe
To honesty and mood. 

Never will he get worn down by
A comment, callous, crude.
In fact, he tends to ask, "Just why
D'you harm your fellow dude?"

He fights for justice, showing pow'r
Only when it's requir'd; 
A pacifist else every hour.
Though he never gets tired

Of training, ready for debut,
To come where injustice is
(Like battling that red Grarrl who
Knocks down those villages).

The Underappreciated Potato Counter
by Encroached

There dwells, in Meri Acres Farm,
A bright Kacheek emanating charm.
A simple guy, some would declare,
In his love of potatoes, completely ensnared.

His hobbies, it seems, are quite dull,
But Alton Moughbry loves the lull
Of a farmer’s life with its easy way:
“How many potatoes do I have today?”

Humble and sweet, the farmer gives well
Another reason to visit Meridell.
Who could think poorly of someone
Who makes Meridell a little more fun?

Oft overlooked, the fun Kacheek
Works all day in the heat,
Giving out prizes to those who know
The amount of potatoes he has to show.

Few know his name, fewer his tale,
Merely his suggestions, “Try potatoes with kale.”
But what’s his story? Who can know
How Alton, from youth, came to grow?

My Groovy Blue Kacheek Group Jacket
by Sugarypixiestix2

After a Blue Kacheek Group concert
I thought about buying a BKG shirt.
That is, until I saw the fab jacket
that came with a music fan packet.

The price was more than reasonable
and the jacket was very seasonable.
When I tried one on I was ecstatic --
it was perfect for any BKG fanatic.

Once I bought it I put it right on me
as I heard a Blue Kacheek Group CD.
Such a moment could not be skipped,
so I sang to the beat and flipped.

This jacket can now show the world
BKG's music is ready to be whirled.
Inside every speaker at full blast,
their strong songs are unsurpassed.

Any time I feel a cool, airy breeze,
my funky jacket will not displease.
Since it's polished but functional,
you can tell it is multifunctional.

Alas, Poor Thade
by Delenda_est

Within a castle in the Haunted Woods
Was where a Kacheek puzzle writer once stood.
Going by the name of Eliv Thade,
He was able to solve any puzzle made!

All across Neopia 'pets came with a quiz,
But Thade was too much of a whiz,
Solving anything presented his way
At any time, on any day.

Thade was the best and had the fame,
Until a certain puzzle eventually came.
It was unlike anything he'd ever seen
And he was more stumped than he'd ever been.

Hours stretched to days to months to years,
As Thade had to disappear,
Forging through books for any clues,
He stuck to the puzzle like a glue. 

What was this puzzle? We'll never know,
But Thade had finally lost the show.
Despite mulling over it for the longest time,
He could not solve it. What a crime!

He descended to madness, slowly but surely,
And his servants were scared, not living securely.
One by one they left the castle,
Moving far away without a hassle.

And Thade himself went, as well,
As he passed away, but as a ghost, he dwelled.
His spirit stays haunting in the corridors,
To scare those who dare explore.

Revenge awaits those who arrive,
All because of a puzzle when Thade was alive.

Unfortunate Mutant Kacheeks
by Nikitafernandes

The swarming cluster of mutant Kacheeks
Walk into the Haunted Woods,
Never fearing in their crazed mind
That they might actually be someone's food.

And so, they finally reached
The graveyard by the stroke of twelve
And noticed how the gravestones rose.
I don't recollect why they chose to dwelve.

Out made their way some bony hands,
With flesh that had decayed,
And even this horrendous sight
Did not get the Kacheeks afraid.

The zombie Kaus and Blumaroos,
Gelerts, Grarrls, and Aishas, too,
And all the rest after they rose
Seemed to sense the Kacheeks, I suppose.

And suddenly the zombie crowd,
Frenzied running broke about,
Sad thing for our Kacheek group
Zombies love their brain soup!

Since their brains show outside their skull,
Though they might be very dull,
See them run and sprint and strain --
No one wants to part with their brain!

My Kacheek
by Colleen_a

'Tis as green as the summer's alfalfa,
Eyes as glistful as thine murky waters.
Though thy persuasive beauty is charming,
Thy power is in her punch.

As she walks on the battlefield
Her opposers find no threat,
But as she struts off thy field
The trophy shows her strength.

A small little thing, some would say,
But a large heart, indeed.
She is mine, will always be
My deceitful loving Kacheek.

The Villainous Mr. Chuckles
by Dragonsfriend1021

A long time ago, in Woods that were Haunted,
There lived a young clown 
Who was relentlessly taunted.
Clowns are quite rare in Neopia, you see,
And so this young Kacheek 
Was the only one like he.

He didn't quite look like Halloween 'pets
Who jested and jeered 
And called him with threats.
"You're not scary," 
They sneered with much mockery,
"You're not a villain. You're just a wannabe."

The young clown was 
Taken aback by these slights.
He never really wanted to cause any frights.
But in the Haunted Woods, it's admired
To use terror and force 
To get what you've desired.

Every day the young clown 
Endured put-downs and name-calling
As his morale and spirit slowly were falling.
Then, finally, the weight 
Was more than he could carry
And he resolved, "I'll show them. 
I'm going to be scary."

Now that the Kacheek had great motivation,
All he needed was weapons for his scary-fication.
And, in himself, the clown started to believe
As he developed some tricks up his sleeve.

His clowning equipment provided great inspiration
For making weapons of his own creation.
For starters, he modified his Giant Clown Shoes
So they became a tool he could use to bruise.

To his Hand Buzzer, he cranked up the power
So any handshakes would cause 
His enemies to cower.
And he found he could make pulses run high
When he used his 
Mind-controlling Super Custard Pie.

With these weapons 
He could produce some significant damage,
So the Kacheek Clown decided 
To issue a challenge.
What better way to introduce 
His new alarming persona
Than by intimidating 
The brave Defenders of Neopia!

The Kacheek didn't even need 
To wear any armour
As he started to wreak havoc 
Outside the Grooming Parlour,
Neopets started to flee, 
Running both low and high
As thunder and lightning criss-crossed the sky.

Sometimes clowns' antics 
Cause laughter and hoots,
But this clown's mischief 
Made them quake in their boots.
The Defenders tried to stop him, 
But to no avail --
Even Judge Hog was destined to fail.

The clown felt a satisfaction 
As delicious as his pies,
As he saw terror 
In each and every Neopet's eyes.
And as he realized it was his time to gloat,
An evil chuckle began to rise in his throat.

This was the time of his crowning achievement!
This clown had caused destruction 
With great commitment.
As he accomplished what he had once avowed,
He smiled sinisterly and yelled to the crowd:

"Now you can see I'm someone to be feared,
And no longer will anyone ever call me weird.
Stay out of the way of my weapons and muscles
And be very afraid," 
Announced the villainous Mr. Chuckles.

Five Seconds Too Late
by Flufflepuff

Since his first day upon the earth
He'd been fawned over, 's if his worth 
Was naught but for his looks.
Welldap was cuddled, pinched, and squeezed.
The level 't which he was displeased
Had not been writ in books.

His quiet vocal melody
Merely enhanced the imagery 
Of cute, timid Kacheeks.
With strength unknown he did endure 
Seeking (past twilight) a new cure 
For his poor bruiséd cheeks. 

Another day, another rude
Neopian scooped him and cooed
In hapless Welldap's face.
For too long he did tolerate
His inner foaming brew of hate,
Now spewing it in haste. 

"Enough of this!" the Kacheek cried
And burst out of the grip. His hide
Was prickly in its rage.
He shrilly barked, "There's more to me 
Than mere cuteness! I'll make you see
And lock you in a cage!"

His holder laughed -- laughed! Welldap fled
At first to his refuge, his bed,
But he stopped in his tracks.
Someone could help him with his voice
And stature -- 'twas the perfect choice!
He knew just who to ask. 

"You want my help, pathetic lump?"
The faerie sneered with a harrumph.
"I've got no time for games."
Jhudora waved him off but caught
His eye. He'd not leave e'en if fought.
"Say, small fry, what's your name?"

"It's Welldap!" he chirrupped with joy
And hope. Alas, he'd be a toy
For sly Jhudora's play.
"Welldap, suppose we make a deal.
A charm's what I need you to steal.
The loser, then, will pay."

Small Welldap's ears flicked nervously. 
He didn't plan for thievery
To be what changed him most.
But how, then, would his image change?
The faerie'd give him power and range
To make enemies toast. 

A nod confirmed all, said and not.
Jhudora cackled, "Good. You've got
The guts to take me on.
Retrieve my green charm in one day
Exactly. Go! Do not delay!"
She smirked, knowing she'd won.

Welldap scurried high and low
To find out where the charm did go 
Right to its owner's house.
He fetched the charm with night's embrace,
Which such stealth that he did disgrace
The quiet Miamouse. 

The swift return back to the bluff
Alas, for him, was not enough.
Welldap was unaware.
His chest filled with triumphant pride
As Welldap scrambled to her side.
"I've got the charm right here!"

The sun caressed his yellow fur
As Welldap brought the charm to her.
"Now then, to meet your fate."
Jhudora laughed with fearsome jaws
As smoke poured from her wicked claws.
"You're FIVE SECONDS too late."

No one has heard from Welldap since,
And those who speak about him wince 
At the rash Kacheek.
More yet do mourn the fearless child
And his one choice that drove him wild. 
"Oh, why didn't he speak?"

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