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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Lutari Loyalty
by katehoughtonbeckett

The Lutari has a tender soul,
A heart that’s prone to break.
Every action takes it’s toll
And makes its poor heart ache.

Treat your Lutari with kindness and care,
Love it with all your heart.
Treasure the special bond you share,
and never let them part.

Your Lutari will be your closest friend,
So never let them down.
They’ll be with you until the end,
as long as you don’t leave them with a frown.

A Lutari is a pet for life,
They are loyal right until the end.
Abandon them and you’ll be in strife,
So protect and look after your Lutari friend.

Where Are You Lutari?
by steve_km

Where are you Lutari,
Are you spending time with Kentari?
Every day I look around and try to find you,
I even asked Hoban and all of his crew.

I have searched high and low,
I even went through the whole Tale of Woe.
I have gone through Neopian pound,
Yet there still seems nothing to be found.

Alas, I heard somebody did say,
There is one time of the year on a very specific day.
A day in which you might be created,
Quite frankly it’s made me quite elated!

I have heard that on the nineteenth of April,
You can be made which would make me ever so grateful.
The Create-A-Pet is the best way to find you it seems,
But only on the nineteenth of April will you fulfill all of our dreams.

Lutari's Skills
by liezelotte8

Lutari, Lutari, Lutari,
The wondrous celebration of your day,
If you'd just peer up briefly and see, 
Because soon the month will morph into May

I'm aware you adore the world down below,
Swimming through bubbles of happiness,
With claws easily travelling in the flow,
That must hold a certain prettiness

Lutari, Lutari, Lutari,
Consider joining us on this dazzling day,
All of our souls are filled with glee,
And the atmosphere makes you want to stay

If it's not swimming, it's climbing,
Ascending the ominous-looking hills,
So today, along with my rhyming,
We try to acknowledge your amazing skills!

The Legendary Lutari
by butteredwings

Tis' the story of a time long passed, 
When horror freely roamed.
When the shadows lurked and scared the young, 
When no one was safe at home. 

There was one who led the pack,
Its soul as dark as night.
None did dare stand in his way,
But a Lutari braved this fight. 

In his hands a mighty sword,
Forged from fire, ice, and stone. 
A last line of defense he was,
The last battle to save his home. 

Amidst the raging night and day, 
Swords do clash and fires burn.
War cries and screams did fill the air-
No one knew how the tide would turn. 

On and on the Lutari fought, 
Till the cries and screams were gone. 
Hearts were filled with fear and hope:
Who was the one who won? 

When the smoke did finally fade,
They saw him stand his ground.
A lone Lutari in the light, 
Victorious, safe and sound. 

His name is passed generations down,
His statue all yearn to see.
His sword remembered in fire and stone,
A legend indeed was he.

Roxton A. Colchester
by kelly_d60

Roxton A. Colchester, the third.
Is a very dashing lutari.
Of him, you've probably heard.
Known for his great safari.

Into the lost isle,
of the giant petpetpets.
All done with a dazzling smile,
he's as handsome as a lutari gets.

Roxton, a great adventurer,
Found Moltara as well.
He has many an admirer,
at least that is what he does tell.

To every corner he has been,
near and far.
Nothing he hasn't done,
he loves to be the star.

He's witty, he's brave,
the greatest explorer ever.
From forest to cave,
He's amazing, he's clever.

The Mystery of Lutari Island
by pepper_imp

In Neopian folklore there lies a tale
of a mysterious island which leaves no trail
not a single clue
no subtle shade of blue
hints at where one should set sail.

It is said it drifts from place to place
the sea alone knows its ruby aftertaste
the summer sheen
the dewy gleam
before it is gone without a trace.

Many seek what is considered a treasured prize
to see this wonder with their own eyes
to gaze upon its lush trees
would make them weak at the knees
and let out an audible sigh.

So the seas are shot through with ships
who have but one glorious remit,
to seek out this place
with no time to waste
though it may take them many trips.

And what these sailors hope to find,
amongst the island's riptides and rhymes,
talismans and beads,
a tropical breeze,
a tale that will be told for the rest of time.

Lutari Island Trip
by dr_tomoe

It would be an adventure
on a sturdy ship
to get through the storms
for a Lutari Island trip

To see the home
of those aquatic types
to see where they lived
and if it lived up to the hype.

You'd need to get a raincoat
and lots of waterproof bags
and hope that the stormy winds
don't reduce your clothes to rags.

Of course, there'd be another way
to find your way to this hub
and that's if you managed to join
that very exclusive club

But if your net worth wasn't enough
it's a trip that will have to wait
but getting to Lutari Island will come soon
so just wait for that date.

Lament of the Lutari
by alyndasgallery

Sitting lonesome by the rocks,
A single Lutari waits.
It searches high and searches low,
For its old familiar mates.

Peering across the water,
It knows it will not fall.
Ears straining for the sound,
Of an oh-so-distant call.

This Lutari is prepared to wait,
As long as long can be.
It is prepared to pause for hours,
Just as weary as can be.

Just when it has given up,
And had thought that all was done.
Heads pop up out of the water,
Pairs of eyes gleaming in the sun.

The Lutari calls with joy,
And sheds a little tear.
For its lament is over now,
As its family is near!

An Apology to My Lutari
by binky1260

My Lutari was a handsome ‘pet
In stunning shades of green,
With silky fur, a fluffy tail
And eyes alert and keen.

He swam through water with such ease
No others were on a par;
In any competition,
He exceeded them by far.

And though he had impressive claws,
I need not be alarmed;
He used those most to climb and swim,
And never to cause harm.

He was always in my company
So at the Pound one fateful day,
I accidentally chose him
And in a huff, he ran away.

Now on this day so bittersweet
I think of my Lutari,
And wish that I could tell him
I am most sincerely sorry.

Ode to Lutari Island
by xxsicklullabiesxx

Oh, veil'd island of mystery
Shrouded in an everlasting fog
You have so much hidden history
That anyone would want to discover.

Oh, island hidden in the sea
With your huts made of leafy greens
You are home of the playful Lutari
Yet nobody steps foot on you.

Rumor has it that long ago
Neopians could enter your sandy shores
And behold the wonders so
But now you've closed your foggy gates.

Someday, perhaps, we may see
What is hidden in your trees.
We will bask amongst the Lutari
On the island, so it's told.

Oh, veil'd island of mystery
Shrouded in an everlasting fog
You have so much hidden history
Yet we will never disturb you.

Total Poetry Pages : 2759

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